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Posts posted by Teriethien

  1. It’s you’re attitude, not what you did that’s bugging people Sargun.

    After defeating your opponent, even after driving him from CNRP, you’re still snubbing the guy – it’s bullying and it rubs people the wrong way.

    Tahsir Re did the something similar in game recently, yet still managed to retain a certain level of class.

    Basically this. Tahsir Re's thread was pretty similar to Sargun's, but he went about with far more class. Sure it's only a game but you don't have to be a total jerk at it.

  2. Treating each other with decency is just as important as not derailing threads with OOC comments. It's the blatant lack of courtesy and decency that triggers flamefests, and it ruins RP as much as OOC commentary. In fact I would say that the two goes hand in hand and are just symptomatic of each other. I'm not going to argue about it since what's done is done, but I find focusing on the OCC comments without looking at what caused them one-sided.

    I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't know exactly how it happened, so could someone post a quick recap on the exact events please?

    Heh, may as well let these events fly for now, as they most likely won't happen much often after. ;)

    Sargun claimed some land that overlapped AmpaSand's claim, AmpaSand said no, Sargun said AmpaSand wasn't on the map so too bad. It was pointed out that the map wasn't definitive so it turned into an IC conflict, Sargun told AmpaSand to go RP rebellions but Mudd pointed out that it's the opposite since Ampa already had claims. So Sargun started an invasion that's ambiguously/misleadingly titled, and AmpaSand wanted to ignore it as Sargun RPing a rebellion in his lands. Sargun continued the RP since it's an invasion, and AmpaSand started propaganda campaigns of massacres, then ragequitted.

    Did I miss anything?

  3. "Yes, I agree with you on principle, this approach is the best solution both for the local inhabitants and for our governments.

    "At the same time I must note that the vast majoirty of Brussels' inhabitants are actually French speakers, and have been such since over a century ago. However, given that Brussels is surrounded on all sides by majority Dutch speaking lands, I agree that French control is not exactly feasible. Therefore under the condition that the rights of the people of Brussels to maintain a French speaking culture is respected, we have no problems with complete Dutch sovereignty over the region.

    "Now, I see from your map that you have what we consider a part of France coloured pink. While I'm aware that there are some Flemish speakers in those areas, they form an extreme minority of less than 20,000, and most of them are elderly citizens who have nevertheless held French passports for most of their lives. For this reason I would request that those areas be returned to French rule.

    "The final map would look like this," she took out a clean map and coloured in all relevant parts.


  4. OOC: Or he could have checked the map thread for Sargun's claim and SAID "Hey you can't claim that, TheStig hasn't put me on the map yet" instead of whining like this and losing his country.

    OOC: He did.

    I am sorry, but that is the current position of my nation in RL morocco. I do not think that you can take it.

    Seriously this hostility towards someone new and probably very inexperienced to RP is sickening to watch. Of course he'd whine when he's smacked by something this confusing.

  5. Oh ok, a Rockband nerd... Lorelei thought to herself, wondering if the Dutch recognised the ex-model's name that she gave for what it is.

    "Yes, we are honoured to have the Netherlands agree to a meeting on such short notice and during what must be very difficult times." Lorelei spread a map out over the conference table. "As you wish, I'll try to be as brief and straight to the point as I can. It is a stated intent of Paris to bring territories populated by French peoples into France, and my mission here in particular concerns some territories that have been French since there was a France.

    "Currently, my government does not have control over here," Lorelei produced a pen out of nowhere and circled Arras, south of where they are. "These are integral French lands that had been under French rule for centuries. The charter for Arras was issued by the King of France, nearly a millennia ago."

    She moved her hand left a little, and circled Wallonia. "And other point of concern for us is that the Wallonia region of Belgium have turned to us for guidance.

    "What might the wishes of the new government of Netherlands be with regards to the non-Dutch parts of Belgium?"

  6. "We regret to see that a legitimate government has fallen to forces with obvious foreign connections. We consider whatever political entity that results from this rebellion to be illegitimate and will withhold recognition indefinitely."

    OOC: Total bull... for once, i agree with a rage quitter's last post,

    With some obvious modifications, of course.

    OOC: Same. There are better ways to treat someone new to the RP scene.

  7. Sakura's version of events leading up to and during the war that (I believe) HeinousOne dubbed the "Popcorn War".


    "12 member AA, no protector, no treaties, lets raid 'em".


    Francesca decides to extort money from IS

    So basically, you picked someone who looked weak to bully, got the tables turned on you, and decides to show up here and complain about it?

  8. OOC: He did post a map claim, and did RP out an IC DoE. Just because the stig didn't have time to update the map/missed the claim when he was editing it (human error), it doesn't mean you should ignore someone completely. This is pointless.

    IC: Annihilation has nothing to say on this 'war' except on how utterly pointless it is. We will pledge support to Tyran, as we know it is a Sovereign nation-state. However we are too far away to send soldiers, and it would not be in our best interests to do so.

    France also pledges support of the legitimate government of Tyran over its internationally recognised territories. We hope that the two sides can peacefully reach an agreement.

    OOC: What MU says

  9. "Yes... Um... My name is Cécilia Attias," Lorelei made up on the spot. "Google that name for my contact details, yes."

    She motioned for the very eccentric Dutch man to follow her into the conference room, a tidy, clean room that looks typically dull.

    "Well I'm afraid that you have me at a disadvantage then," she added without blushing. "Whose presence is it that I have the pleasure of being in?"

  10. Lorelei arrived at the renaissance styled town hall of Calais during the early hours of the summer day. The distinctive building had been visible from well out into the sea, a beautiful figure that dominated its surroundings. Unfortunately the sight failed to make any impression on the sleep-deprived mind of Lorelei, who was never an admirer of art and was in any case dozing off while cursing her employers. Maybe its time to ask for a pay rise, the Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Plénipotentiaire mused.

    The actual preparations were completed within an hour, with minimal effort on her end. Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she simply stood there ordering the local government underlings around. A large, comfortable room was tidied up, honour guards consisted of press-ganged local policeman were sent to wait on the Dutch ambassador, and the major's secretary was fired after she was discovered to have sold the town hall's colour printer to pay for certain questionable medicines.

    With her work down, Lorelei ninjaed a plate of confectioneries and settled down outdoors, quietly enjoying the sunlight with the famed Les Bourgeois de Calais before her.


    The town of Calais were founded male strippers, she decided. That's the only explanation to have a bunch of such people honoured directly in front of the town hall. Stuffing more Swiss chocolate down her throat, Lorelei's mind wandered to the inevitable question of just who this Dutch representative is.

  11. *Classified Response*

    That is acceptable. If you don't mind, we would rather meet in your territory as ours is not proper for meetings.

    "This is most excellent news. A representative of the French Foreign Ministry will be dispatched to the city of Calais. She will prepare the site for a proper meeting and await the arrival of your esteemed delegates at a time convenient for you."

  12. It's my understanding that he got banned from the game that NPO was formed in, and then never played CN.

    What did he get banned for? I thought hus nation was deleted due to inactivity; or did that game no delete nations upon banning?

    I remember reading on the forums that he actually did play CN, though that sounds unlikely.

  13. And I will remind you that my Tech level is based in 1970s-1990s and Im pretty sure (seeing as how 80s-90s was the period I grew up in) they were able to have missiles, research bases, etc.

    Not sure what you are trying to argue about, I said 'I agree'.

  14. Population rules are IG x 100, so I have rougly 5 million people. - my Military which is 40,000 at most. Tha tleaves 4.6million, and I could easyily send a hundred or so to antarctica.

    Actually if we were to follow the population rule, 4024*100 = 402,400, which is not anywhere near 5 million. You would also have an army of 8500 soldiers, not 40k. That said I do think a nation of your tech level and population (some realistic number given your area) should be able to maintain a base in Antarctica. But at the same time a third world nation trying to establish a base in Antarctica shouldn't be a piece of cake, not to mention developing high tech weaponry in such a hostile environment. (as to the logic of conducting extensive test and development all the way there instead of in your backyard...)

  15. ****PUBLIC****

    The Aether Empire has no idea what Euzkadi is talking about. Has their leader taken their medication today? IF we WERE involved however, I do believe that our interference within the private matter of Krieg would be up to Krieg themselves and not you. Perhaps you've forgotten where your national border ends.

    "We echo the concerns of our friends in Euzkadi. Whatever views the Aether Empire may have, both Euzkadi and France have legitimate causes to view outside interference with a neighbour's domestic affairs with alarm. France will monitor the situation closely to determine the extent of Aether involvement."

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