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Posts posted by Teriethien

  1. "This will only serve to accelerate the nuclear arms race that is even now, leading the world down the abyss of nuclear holocaust."

    A government spokesperson explained France's position to the crowd of reporters gathered in the small press release room. Hardly anyone bothered to take his words down. They weren't here for that - barely anyone knows anything about the remote American nation, but their demonstration of military prowess serves as a convenient pretext for continuing a heated domestic debate. As soon as the spokesperson asked for questions, a hundred arms shot up. Gritting his teeth, he selected an old acquaintance.

    "Will this cause the government to reconsider plans for strategic security?" The tanned reporter called out.

    "We do not support weapons of mass destruction..."


    Meanwhile, deep inside the presidential palace at Paris, a small team crowded around a table decked with charts and plans. Watching the press conference on TV, they looked at each other uneasily. "If this leaks..."

  2. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been notified of Mr Duane's impending arrival, and Noëlle Lellouche, the Secrétaire d'Etat chargé des Affaires européennes, will be meeting the Catahan envoy. An honour guard provided by the a unit of the fusiliers marins has been assembled at Paris, where they will welcome the guest into the country at the Charles de Gaulle Airport.

  3. The New Pink Order.

    She was warned for joking around, they said that they will give her another chance, they did, and THEN they kicked her out, over basically hot-air.

    I still don't know why the NPO (of all alliances) accepted her in the first place >_>

  4. Impero, my friend.

    you are overly defending your position on this matter. You and I both were mediators on this issue, but in the long run, it is a GUN and OV issue. The positions of each side have been laid out and the resolution has been agreed to. Let the public have their say and let us watch this issue move into the past.

    /and that's all I have to say about that....

    Why would you say that, when it is so fun to watch ;)

  5. If what Zenergy said is true, OV and VE really should have been quietly covering things up instead of drawing public attention to SethB's coup.

    Does anyone know for sure when Zenergy was elected?

    EDIT: ok so sounds like '5 months without an election' is a fabrication too.

  6. "We support Finland and Germany in this matter. It will be irresponsible and destabilising for Molakia to attack Italy; while we disagree with the policies of the Italian government, the quick resort to armed - and possibly thermonuclear - conflict at our borders is not acceptable. Molakia should address its concerns via diplomatic means."

    This will be a warning to Molakia. If a single Molakian troop or a Molakian orgin bomb touches African soil we will not hesitate to act against you. That is all.

    "Likewise, the presence of African military on European soil will be considered a matter of grave concern to the French government. We see no reason for the Kingdom of Serca to insert itself into a potential conflict half a content away.

    "We further consider threatening the use of nuclear weapons a highly belligerent act, and appeal to all sides to exercise restraint."

  7. TO: The French Government
    FROM: Lord Baldwin, Minister of Economics, The Holy Kingdom of Arsenia
    I have come bearing a proposal authorized by the Lord King of Arsenia, Lord Galen. He believes it would be most wise for our nations to open trade betwixt our great nations. I am authorized to offer Steel at the rate of $250 USD/ tonn. We also can export Sapphires at the price of $120 USD per carat.

    His Majesty's words are wise and far-sighted indeed. France will be honoured to long term steel and jewellery trade with the Holy Kingdom under the nominated terms. We are confident that these trade deals will bring mutual prosperity and lay the foundation for bonds of friendship befitting of European brothers.

    Jean-Baptiste Cheysson, Ministère des Affaires étrangères.

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