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Posts posted by Teriethien

  1. I'm going to claim the Kerguelen Islands, the Heard Island and McDonald Islands. They are north of Taiwan's lands in Antarctica, and from what I can seem on the map currently unoccupied and without a protectorate. The RP will be up later, just want to make sure it really is unoccupied.

  2. OOC: not millions, and again, it's not that huge a difference. hell if you just imagine they're that way because of a nuclear accident or biohazard...

    OOC: you should be the one doing RPing why they are orcs though. Personally I think you should just say that your nation is populated by humans called orcs.

  3. The Mouth of Sauron has replied thusly.

    "Be assured that being in the presence of an Orc does not make you look like one. Also, please attempt to keep anything possibly insulting to a minimum, as referring to the appearance of an Orc as a 'disease' is rather insulting. if you are uncomfortable with their appearance, understandable but do not blatantly declare it. With that said, have you any more inquiries?"

    OOC: again, orcs have been cleared.

    "Please do not mistake our caution with specism, we are merely wary of the possibility that orcs might have been the result of transformation due to diseases. However if this is not the case then there is nothing for us to be uncomfortable about.

    "That said, we would still appreciate an explanation on how orckind emerged in this planet."

    OOC: cleared by whom? :huh:

  4. A letter is sent to Mordor via electronic means

    "We wish to inquire about how the orcs of this country came about. Specifically we would like to know if this is caused by some sort of disease and whether it is contagious..."

  5. Covering up her signature so that Alexander wouldn't see that she lied about her name, Lorelei made a copy of the treaty and handed it to the Dutch representative. "Thank you, Mr Murphy. I won't take up any more of your time, I'm sure you have many other work to do." She escorted him out and prepared to board a flight back to Paris herself.

  6. CalaisTreatyBorder.png

    France's northern border should be what is coloured blue above, corresponding to RL France + Wallonia of Belgium and Luxembourg. Thank you :)

    The Republic of Netherlands control Flanders and Brussels.

    EDIT: my bad, apparently minus Alsace (?) and Lorraine (?)

  7. "The Netherlands just found herself on the short end of a destructive war," Lorelei replied. "Should France comes under attack now, we would have asked you to stay uninvolved. That's not to say that we seek to become protectors of the Dutch like Dalmatia, rather we believe in establishing solid friendly relationships with all of our neighbours. This treaty's purpose is to put into practice a key principle of our foreign policy. Which is that neighbours should help each other our in times of need.

    "And so I believe that means we are agreed," Lorelei concluded happily, printing out the treaty through a wireless connection. An aide to the Mayor of Calais rushed the document to the conference table, and quietly bowed out. Taking out a fountain pen, she ceremoniously signed for France.

    Treaty of Calais

    The Third Republic of the Netherlands and and the Republic of France,

    Reaffirming their desire to prevent territorial disputes from undermining peaceful relations,

    Desiring to establish lasting foundations for the peaceful coexistence of French and Dutch speaking peoples,

    Have agreed as follows:

    Article 1

    The Parties recognise the full sovereignty and title of the Netherlands over the Flemish region and the Brussels-Capital Region of Belgium, and the full sovereignty and title of France over the Walloon Region of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg.

    Article 2

    The Parties declare the resulting border between them inviolable, and mutually pledge to respect their sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    Article 3

    The Parties declare that they have no territorial claims against each other and they shall not put forward such claims in future.

    Article 4

    The Parties will consider any attacks upon any party to be an attack upon them both, and will respond with all means at their disposal, including but not limited to military actions.

    Article 5

    Either Party may revoke the provisions of Article 4 after 72 hours of notification to the other Party.

    Signed for France,

    Lorelei Shimazu, Envoyé extraordinaire et ministre plénipotentiaire.

    Signed for the Netherlands,

    Alexandr Murphy, Hoog Adviseur van de Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken

  8. OOC: how would you even know a satellite passed by? Note below I hadn't taken any photos of the island itself.


    Lieutenant Maurin yawned and poured himself another cup of coffee. Recently assigned to an underground monitoring facility of the Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure, France's intelligence agency, Maurin have been promptly thrown in charge of graveyard shifts due to his lack of seniority. He stared at flashing computer screens with dull eyes; one of his satellites was closing in on the Spanish/North African coasts from the the Atlantic.

    "Sir?" one of his subordinates called out. She had been monitoring the printouts of the the photos that the satellite took. "The satellite is almost over that island El Hierro now. "

    "What about it?" Maurin didn't bother to look. It's a goddamn island in the middle of nowhere, how important could it be. "The island sunk or something?"

    "It made the news the other day," the subordinate called insistently. "The government there expelled all civilians. Shouldn't we pay attention to the area to find out why?"

    Mauin felt pissed off. "Why do you care?"

    The young agent shrugged, muttered something impolite under her breath, and went on to look at the next batch of images. She could make out some transports sailing through waves; it made her wonder.

  9. After a night of intense debate, the Great Council of Fascism declares its readiness to cooperate and to open the doors of Italica to any international observers, but not to foreign armed troops. the Fascist Government has nothing to hide and the Great Council still remembers to the international community:

    France sees this as a sign of progress on the part of Italica, and hope that the government of this new nation will continue to adopt a pragmatic stance that respects the human rights of all its subjects. We will keep a watchful eye on the reports of any observers sent into the country. If necessary we are also prepared to sent a team to participate in the inspection process.

  10. France recognise the Republic of Spain, and extends our warmest welcomes to the new Iberian nation. We note that the reformation of Spain from the lands of the Scottish Protectorate had been in the works for some time, and that during the process the Empire of Krieg had fallen. Will the new Republic seek to reclaim the historical lands of Aragon from the remnants of Krieg?

  11. Britannia.png

    To commemorate this occasion, France presents Scotland with this statue of Brittania, sculpted by arts students of the University of Paris using materials collected by volunteers from the English Channel. It was delivered to the Scottish government along with an official statement from the Parliament of France commending King Douglas on his exemplary leadership that have ensured the freedom and prosperity of Scotland. Noting the long history of friendship that had existed between the two nations since the Auld Alliance was first concluded 700 years ago, French commitments to continuing good relations was also expressed.

  12. Protectorates feel like a necessary evil to stop one or two landhogs from taking up all the space on the map, but I agree it feels just like another form of imperialism, for stronger nations to basically claim a piece of land without consequence. New nations should be claim a part of any protectorate without the protector's permission, IMHO.

  13. An aide rushed to the side of Luc Viviani, Minister of Research of the French Republic.

    "Minister, those presumptuous imperialists in Dranagg have calimed the entire continent of Antarctica!"

    "WHAT!?" Luc sat up in righteous indignation. "Those !@#$%^&*! Even an invasion of the Netherlands wasn't enough for their appetite. How are we supposed to establish our Antarctic base now? They did this on purpose to snub us didn't they. Well? Does the military think they can force a way on to that waste land? Or are those overpaid brass thinking too slowly again?"

    "...ugh, we don't have anything like that planned, Minister."

    "Really? Ok then, guess this doesn't concern us."

  14. "Most certainly," Lorelei smiled sweetly at her guest, happy to have reached a resolution so speedily. Switftly she took out her pink Sony laptop and opened an empty document. "Let me just type up our agreements," She explained, typing.

    Treaty of Calais

    The Third Republic of the Netherlands and and the Republic of France,

    Reaffirming their desire to prevent territorial disputes from undermining peaceful relations,

    Desiring to establish lasting foundations for the peaceful coexistence of French and Dutch speaking peoples,

    Have agreed as follows:

    Article 1

    The Parties recognise the full sovereignty and title of the Netherlands over the Flemish region and the Brussels-Capital Region of Belgium, and the full sovereignty and title of France over the Walloon Region of Belgium and the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg.

    Article 2

    The Parties declare the resulting border between them inviolable, and mutually pledge to respect their sovereignty and territorial integrity.

    Article 3

    The Parties declare that they have no territorial claims against each other and they shall not put forward such claims in future.

    She paused, and turned to look at Alexander. "The Netherlands have been extremely just and fair in this negotiation, and France will be honoured to be able to count the Dutch amongst our friends. Will your government to be favourable to the inclusion of collective security and mutual defense clauses?"

    Article 4

    The Parties will consider any attacks upon any party to be an attack upon them both, and will respond with all means at their disposal, including but not limited to military actions.

    Article 5

    Either Party may revoke the provisions of Article 4 after 72 hours of notification to the other Party.

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