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Posts posted by Teriethien

  1. It is not the lexicon's fault that "aggressor" has negative connotations.Those anti-hegemony alliances did not take defensive postures they went into offensive mode from the beginning.This is aggression whether you like it are not.My argument is not about justification, wars are won by aggressive offense and by corollary aggressors.

    Aggression is unprovoked attacks. Karma going on a counter-offensive is by definition not unprovoked. I can understand what you are saying, that wars are won by going on the offensive and/or pursuing a conflict aggressively, but that doesn't make Karma the aggressor except through word plays. The aggressor is the one that started a war of aggression, not the one that won.

  2. The motivation you attribute to the action may be a perspective thing in the absence of mind-reading powers, but the action itself (as I described) is not.

    I have no idea what this means. What I meant was that they turned down an unfairly harsh demand from you, while you think that you were being reasonable.

  3. And here are the logs of VE looking at OV's agreement and then ignoring them in order to get a war with us. Clearly not okay with the one week fo war against Sethb.

    Really it reads to me like they just decided to stand up to you guys' bullying. I guess its a perspectives thing.

  4. Spying is not agression?

    Dozens of MDP's would disagree with that assertion, and indeed for those who consider SethB to have spied, calling Karma the agressors seems logical.

    And aside from that, if SethB spied, NPO did not start the war, just as people who refuse to accept white peace after being techraided do not start their war.

    You seemed to forget the part where the NPO & friends discovered SethB was 'spying' through spying. Besides, spying may be a casus beli but to equate it to a declaration of war is being disingenuous.

    Even the counter-espionage from TPF would not be agression, IF they started spying only after SethB did.

    So if they spied on the OV and discovered that SethB spied on them, that's magically called counter-spying and therefore morally correct now is it?

  5. You cannot fight a defensive war and win without going on the offensive(aggression).

    Ugh, no. Going on the offensive is not the same as aggression. Yes, Karma went on the offensive, we all know what happened. But you then went on to assert that doing so is aggression, without a single thread of logic or reasoning to back up such a statement. It is completely unfounded and an obvious but also very bad attempt at painting the former Hegemony as victims of aggression.

  6. "Perhaps we did not make ourselves clear. We need that money to fund a project of ours. Or would you prefer the new infrastructure you built with it to be brought down again?"

    "France will not tolerate unveiled threats levied at our allies, we suggest that Netherlands ignore the unreasonable and heartless demands made by the Kingdom of Caucasia."

  7. Hearing Bor Omir's warning, the Rangers of the battleship North looked at each other, whistled, and took what they had assumed were alcohol back out from their backpacks.

    "And you wanted to drink this stuff," the fastest guy mocked his comrades.

    "What are you talking about, clearly we were trying to stop other people from accidenttally drinking any," Captain Elladane admonished him, emptying his bulging pack as fast as possible.

    Then there was a loud explosion outside, and the Rangers of the North rushed out just in time to see Bor Ormir shooting the cannon.

  8. "TO GONDOR!"

    The Rangers scowled angrily at Aragorn and his sudden shout. "Dude, too loud," one of them called out, while the rest simply rushed to where Gimli was and began chucking bottle after bottle of alcohols into the backpacks, while the two captains discussed how they could turn the Sack of the Pub into an epic tale of military prowess.

  9. Elladane and Elrohire and their company of Rangers, elitie light infantry soldiers, have arrived at Minas Tirith.

    "Where's everyone? Weren't we rallying here?" Elladane looked around them, seeing nothing but white barren waste lands. As touch as Rangers are, these lost teenagers looked at each other with teary eyes.

    Sensing impeding doom, Elrohire took out binoculars and peered into the horizon, frantically looking for a way out. "Hey look! Those are penguin ranchers!"

    "The !@#$%^&* left without us!"

    "Onwards to Mordor, my brothers! Ranger," Elrohire called at Elladane. "Lead the way!"

    They began trotting after Aragorn.

  10. OOC: hell i'm done rerolling. why should i reroll? just so these !@#$%^&* can do it over again?

    OOC: Just chill. The only thing people have done is pointing out the lack of realism in your DoE. As people keep saying over and over, if you want Orcs at least RP up a proper explanaiton. That rather weak explanation you gave in OOC tags doesn't count because, curiously enough, it's not IC. Your replies are full of accusations of people persecuting you when this is just a case your RP not exactly following rules.

  11. The boats of the Dead Men of Dunharrow ran into an ealier patrol consisting of Rangers from another ship to the north, lead by captains Elladane and Elrohire. They too had received the earlier transmission to rally at Minas Tirith, but mysteriously collided with pirates en route and now have to fight for their lives. Guessing at the situation, the Dead Men quietly got next to the Rangers' ships, where they suddenly sprang from their gun boats, and displayed their blood stained banner of undeads shooting fireballs.

    Scared out of their minds the pirates all received heart attacks. Embarrassed, the Dead Men offered to take them back to the carrier, and bid the Rangers farewell. Elladane and Elrohire promised to do whatever it is that they are supposed to do at Minas Tirith doubly well for the marine's sake, and sailed onwards. Unfortunately it seems that they would be late now.

    OOC: i moved the troops in secret. i mean, do i have to post every single thing that happens?

    OOC: Fairely certain that's the way things work, actually.

  12. Back at the carrier Lothrólien, a company of marines were being assembled when the message came through. Hardy folk hailing from the highest mountains of France, the soldiers that comprised the unit known as the Dead Men of Dunharrow were fearsome soldiers on the field of battle, feared by even their own comrades.

    An admiral took took the message down to the hangar where the men were preparing their weapons, and politely informed them of its contents. Without waiting for futher instructions they brushed the old sailor aside and jumped into small White Mountain class gunboats, heading straight for rally point Minias Tirith.

  13. Following the vote of no-confidence in our statement of recognition of Mordor by France, and then by Mordor itself, the Imperium of Poliz hereby revokes it.

    "This is a most wise decision by the Imperium, we applaud it wholeheartedly."

    OOC: what is believable? i honestly think that you guys will attack absolutely any IC thing happening that i give.

    OOC: You didn't even try though. Honestly something of this maginitude would need extensive RP to fly.

  14. A transport lift off from the nearby aircraft carrier Lothrólien, with bearings that would bring it to intersect with the trio's path. The pilot Galadriela flew slowly but steadily, keeping a careful eye on th whie the Antarctic lands below for signs of the travellers. Sure enough soon the fiugre of three man on what looked almost like horses appeared, and she steered her plane to just in front of them. Pulling on a lever, she could hear the back of her mighty machine groan and creak open. Pulling up slightly, the unstoppable forces of gravity dragged the three crates in the aircraft's bay out, tumbling and crashing towards the ground.

    Galadriela watched with satisfication as the crates smashed into ice meters dead in the trio's trail, spewing forth sacks of french toast and several dozen old fashion swords, as well as a heat resistant cloak. She did not see that a vial of crystal clear liquid had been broken into pieces and its contents seeping into the snow, but likely did not care. Without another glance she returned to ship.

  15. The Imperium of Poliz recognises Mordor as a soverign nation, and welcomes its people onto the world stage and into Statehood.


    OOC: looks like i'm the only one, huh?

    France respectfully request the Imperium to join in an international effort to quarantine the new state, until such time as the hypothesised genetic mutation that apparently caused the creation of orcs is clearly understood.

    OOC: no, it wasn't. not at all.

    @ Drake: my god. i've said this. they are not mythical. they were created by a genetic mutation.

    OOC: You're ignoring the rest of the ruling which said, "no orcs"...

  16. OOC: look. thing is. you are all ignoring that i have offered a perfectly legit explanation and some of you, like pencuk, are just being downright stupid.

    OOC: you gave an somewhat unrealistic (IMHO) explanation OOCly and didn't RP it from what I can see. But more importantly, are people ignoring this?

    GM Post

    It's been long known and mod have ruled that fictional/mythical creatures/races/whatever are a no go. So, no orcs.

  17. The Scottish government declares the leader of this rogue state to be completely insane. We recommend caution to the dignified nations of the world when dealing with someone who believes their population to be mutations known as 'orcs'. Clearly such lack of sanity is not something one would wish to deal with, and as such we greatly pity those under such a miserable excuse for a leader.

    Heeding the call of Scotland, France have issued a general warning to all her citizens adivising against travels to the newly-declared state of Mordor. The government further notes that it has not recognised the existence of the new state; on government maps the area is simply denoted as AUP Protectorate. Rumours of mutagens slowly and painfully killing off humans inside the area is circulating wildly in French internat chat rooms.

    OOC: i dunno how many times to say this...they are basically humans. 2 differences.

    1) they look different.

    2) they call themselves orcs

    not huge differences. i've not changed size, strength, skill, or anything beyond what they look like and what they call themselves. is it so hugely different? and i've even offered a good explanation as was demanded of me.

    @Penchuk: first of all, i don't care if you consider it nonsense, it's not yours to tell me where to take it. and it is called EXACTLY Fantasy RP. i've given a good explanation. that's all

    OOC: The biggest problem is that ICly they appeared out of nowhere. You didn't even give a little RP to explain something that has not ever walked this plane earth suddenly coming into existence. Now if you can provide a convincing backstory IC I'd support you, but you haven't and honestly I don't see how you can. Your OOC explantions are rather unrealistic. It's a bigger deal than you seem to realise.

    If they are a nation of homo sapiens who call themselves orcs, I'd say go knock yourself out. But you insist on making them look different, then you must have some explanations for why they look different.

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