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Posts posted by Teriethien

  1. France recognises the independence of our new neighbours. We with the Dutch people the very best luck in reconstruction and recovery from the rampant destruction the recent war had brought about. The French Red Cross have gathered donations amounting to over $200 million, and these will be delivered to the new Dutch government along with 1500 tonnes worth of aid supplies and food.

    *Classified Transmission*

    We would like to ask if your government is willing to consider holding talks with France. Since the restoration of the legal French governments, we have not been able to exert control over parts of what we considered French territories, specifically around Artois. At the same time, tax payments have been wired to the central government from parts of Belgium. Although we are happy to issue French passports to the French speaking Belgians, we find the muddled borders a source of concern, and would prefer to deal with it via diplomacy.

  2. "Where was this order given?"

    OOC: If you posted in the war thread, I never saw it. So much clutter.

    "If you mean the presence of French troops on our borders assissing refugees, the order was given at the onset of the conflict by the French High Command. An announcement was made to that effect."

    France will remain neutral in this conflict. Our borders are opened, with checkpoints manned by several military units. They will assist any refugees fleeing the sites of combat. Food, water and shelter are prepared in plentiful numbers."
  3. Treaty of Monaco

    Agreement between the Nation of France and the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia for the lease of lands in France to the Federal Republic for naval bases, and other affairs.

    Article 1

    France hereby leases to Grøenlandia an area in the vicinity of the town of Cape Martin, as specified here. France will be responsible for the relocation of all civilians currently residing within the relevant zone.

    Article 2

    The grant specified in Article 1 shall include the right to use and occupy the waters adjacent to the areas of land in question, as well as all reasonable uses fitting the premise of naval stations, but for no other purpose.

    Article 3

    The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia recognises that France continues to exercise ultimate sovereignty over the aforementioned areas of land and water, while France consents that, during the period of Grøenlandian lease, the Federal Republic shall exercise complete jurisdiction and control in the said areas subject to the terms of this treaty.

    Article 4

    France will make availalble the use of the Monaco Harbour for Grøenlandian commercial shipping for the duration that this treaty is in effect.

    Article 5

    The government of both Grøenlandia and France will work towards the elimination of all barriers to trade between the two nations.

    Article 6

    The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia and France pledge to not engage in hostile activities against each other, including but not limited to military actions.

    Article 7

    The terms of this treaty shall last for 99 years, or until both parties consent to termination, whichever comes first. This agreement will lapse automatically if the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia falls, regardless of whether a successor state emerges.

    Signed for France,

    Lorelei Shimazu, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of France

    Signed for Grøenlandia,

    Steingrímur Vilhjálmsson, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia

    With that Lorelei shook hands with the minister and took her leave, wishing Grøenlandia a bright and prosperous future with France as a friend. She left carrying a copy of the treaty back to Paris for safekeeping.

  4. The Commonwealth hereby claims the former Netherlands & Belgium territory as a protectorate.

    France reminds the Commonwealth to steer clear of our territories in Belgium. A brigade of French troops which had previously been on the border to escort refugees have been ordered to take up defensive perimeters in the Wallonia region.

  5. As an enlightened nation France believes that morality and ethics are completely independent of religion, and that whilst religious beliefs are personal human rights, so is a lack thereof. Consequentely we applaud the efforts of Camp Quest in providing an alternative to religious summer camps.

  6. Announcement of Disgust

    Commander John recently made a joke announcement which seriously offended me. Just because I am the emperor of an alliance doesn't mean I am a suit. I enjoy spending my time governing my people, but ultimately the time I enjoy most is going out to the Mondex mudding and doing other things some might consider "redneckish".

    It is with this that I announce my position on the matter: Joke announcements, especially ones making fun of my heritage and making fun of how I live, disgust me. I hereby request that Commander John, and the rest of Bob, never make an announcement in such a manner again.

    Interesting tidbit: Planet Bob does not revolve around you.

  7. How is that e-lawyering? That's fact. Just because it doesn't fit your 'evil Pacifica' mindset, where everything we do is unjustified and a crime against humanity, means it's a trivial detail.

    And yes, it gives me great pleasure to show all you people wearing those anti-Pacifican blinkers that are so very popular that we are justified, we are right, and just because you screwed up and got destroyed you can't accept that.

    Don't get me wrong, I like playing the monster. But I also like to prove you moralists wrong.

    Except you have shown us nothing that would make us think in Pacifica justified or right in the slightest. This post just demonstrated again what I've said. The difference between deleting something completely and deleting something into into the recycle bin is trivial. Yeah you pointed out a fact, but just because it is a fact doesn't improve your position one bit. Your collective image is only worse off because of it.

    I'm truly sorry if you can't see this.

  8. But they weren't deleted, he said so himself. They were moved. ONOS still had them in their possession.
    he quickly put it in the recycling bin where only 4 people had access to

    Does elawyering around trivial details so that in your mind, Pacifica was right to do what it did, offer you some sense of moral superiority or pleasure in thinking you are right? Because you may have a point, and in some cases you may even be right. But what this and your other posts seem to be saying is that Pacifica is a bloodthirsty alliance that would jump at the most flimsy of causes to declare war, when all reasonable alliance or person would have taken a step back and resolved things through diplomacy. It doesn't really matter if it is legal in Utah for a person in to kill a trespasser in their home; doing so make them look like trigger happy gunslingers with homicidal tendencies.

    This thread is best summed by up this post:

    WorldConqueror, it is the keen arguing skills of you and your alliance mates like you that have gotten NPO to where it is today.
  9. "This looks perfect."

    "I am glad to hear that. Let us sign the text," with that Lorelei took out a fountain pen and in neat, elegant characters signed,

    Lorelei Shimazu, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of France

    "Do you desire a separate announcement, and do you want your government to make the statement? Or alternatively I think we can publicise it right here."

  10. Lorelei opened another document and copied pasted a few articles in.

    Treaty of Monaco

    Agreement between the Nation of France and the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia for the lease of lands in France to the Federal Republic for naval bases, and other affairs.

    Article 1

    France hereby leases to Grøenlandia an area in the vicinity of the town of Cape Martin, as specified here. France will be responsible for the relocation of all civilians currently residing within the relevant zone.

    Article 2

    The grant specified in Article 1 shall include the right to use and occupy the waters adjacent to the areas of land in question, as well as all reasonable uses fitting the premise of naval stations, but for no other purpose.

    Article 3

    The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia recognises that France continues to exercise ultimate sovereignty over the aforementioned areas of land and water, while France consents that, during the period of Grøenlandian lease, the Federal Republic shall exercise complete jurisdiction and control in the said areas subject to the terms of this treaty.

    Article 4

    France will make availalble the use of the Monaco Harbour for Grøenlandian commercial shipping for the duration that this treaty is in effect.

    Article 5

    The government of both Grøenlandia and France will work towards the elimination of all barriers to trade between the two nations.

    Article 6

    The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia and France pledge to not engage in hostile activities against each other, including but not limited to military actions.

    Article 7

    The terms of this treaty shall last for 99 years, or until both parties consent to termination, whichever comes first. This agreement will lapse automatically if the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia falls, regardless of whether a successor state emerges.

  11. Wait, now Im confused again, You never launched them, ok, And yes you dont have to RP them NOT launching if theyre idle.. but what do you mean only they do launch? you mean prove RP wise that they CAN be launched?

    It just means that he doesn't need a RP for not launching, and that he only needs an RP for launching it.

  12. To: French Government

    From: Walter Oates

    "The French government has the full support of the Corpocratic Federation of North America. If you'd like to, we could discuss an economic treaty between our two countries."

    "We thank the Corporcratic Federation for their support, and we will welcome any invitations to forge closer economic ties between our nations."

  13. "Hmm the Iberian pact... it is MDoAP I assume? If so, this ODP was a waste of time and merely a false security for our nation."

    "Both the discussion leading up to, and the actual text of the Pact of Perpignan specifies that this is a non-aggression pact. While we are not certain why the Empire of Krieg would choose to misrepresent the treaty, France will always honour her word and commitments."

  14. Vilhjálmsson seemed at ease "Indeed. These are very generous terms and we are more than happy to agree to them. If you would like to draft a treaty I would be more than happy to review it."

    Pleased to see a satisfactory agreement reached so quickly, Lorelei beamed at the minister. "Thank you for your wise judgement. Please give me a moment," with that she pulled out her laptop and called up a prepared template. Filling in blanks here and there, a draft was ready within mere seconds. "Please see if this is all acceptable to Grøenlandia?"

    Treaty of Monaco

    Agreement between the Nation of France and the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia for the lease of lands in France to the Federal Republic for naval bases.

    Article 1

    France hereby leases to Grøenlandia an area in the vicinity of the town of Cape Martin, as specified here. France will be responsible for the relocation of all civilians currently residing within the relevant zone.

    Article 2

    The grant specified in Article 1 shall include the right to use and occupy the waters adjacent to the areas of land in question, as well as all reasonable uses fitting the premise of a naval stations, but for no other purpose.

    Article 3

    The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia recognises that France continues to exercise ultimate sovereignty over the aforementioned areas of land and water, while France consents that, during the period of Grøenlandian lease, the Federal Republic shall exercise complete jurisdiction and control in the said areas subject to the terms of this treaty.

    Article 4

    France will make availalble the use of the Monaco Harbour for Grøenlandian commercial shipping for the duration that this treaty is in effect.

    Article 5

    The terms of this treaty shall last for 99 years, or until both parties consent to termination, whichever comes first. This agreement will lapse automatically if the Federal Republic of Grøenlandia falls, regardless of whether a successor state emerges.

  15. "Well, since I don't see Grøenlandia's territories will stop being in two ends of this planet any time soon, I believe I will be right in assuming that Grøenlandia will retain a need this port for the foreseeable future. So, our proposal for the length of time would be a lease of 99-years, or an earlier termination by mutual consent. As for cost, we propose a token yearly rent of $3,000,000. Water and other utilities will be supplied to your leased zone at the prevailing local rates.

    "If you agree, we can formalise this agreement straight away in a treaty."

    OOC: :P

  16. "Are you really SO Ignorant that the Ideology of men bares you from coming to your Aid? This level of Ignorance is unfathomable. But what can I expect from a bunch of War mongers like your self and Scotland. All you seek is to stir up the situation and make sit worse. thats ALL your statements try to do. Do us all a favor and stay the hell out of our way and community. You refuse peace with our nation. You refuse to accept that we are people who are attempting to reform to modern standards. You Refuse this because you are IGNORANT. Euzkadi and Scotland, let it be known that no matter what the world or us in particular do, we cannot appease their anti-Peaceful, anti-Unified Egos. We actually endorse you to build a stronger wall, your arrogant kind have no place in Krieg or the Modern world. Shut your views out from the rest of us."

    French diplomats watched the outburst from the Emperor of the Krieg on tv with astonishment. "What the heck is this guy on?"

    "How would I know the dude's plain nuts," his colleague chirped in. "In any case we need to appeal to cooler heads."

    "To make us look like the good guys?"

    "What? Oh yeah that's a good point. I just thought we should act like we're being paid for something."

    We appeal to the Empire of Krieg to remain calm and civil in her dealings with the international community. Though you may not agree with them, Euzkadi merely voiced their disapproval of this commonwealth doctrine, and the reasoning they gave were generalised principles. It was not an aggressive statement, merely an observation, and nowhere in their statement did Euzkadi name Krieg. There is therefore no reason for the Empire of Krieg to interpret their message after such a hostile manner, and even less cause for a response that is far more aggressive and antagonist. We caution the Empire to approach diplomacy with both more patience and levelheadedness.
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