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Posts posted by Teriethien

  1. To support our civilian population of about 4.7 million, we focused on a major use of import export trade. There are a large number of coal and gem mines all throughout Arsenia, which we export for about 1.2 Billion. We also have a thriving steel industry, which we are hoping will be implemented into our military buildup. We currently only have two major trading partners, but we hope to expand our influence further into Eastern Europe as time progresses. --Lord Galen, King of Arsenia[/font] [/i]

    The French Government welcomes the return of the Royal House of Hapsburg's return to the world stage, and hope for peaceful relations between Arsenia and France. The Minister of Trade has sent the government of Arsenia an official inquiry regarding whether the Kingdom have plans to export to Western Europe.

  2. In the privacy of their offices French intelligence officers noted the territorial expansion of an already - in their view - oversized empire. No official announcement were made by the government regarding the distant nation's fall beyond a courtesy lament that was blatantly copied from a template. On a related note the author of Press Release for Dummies issued a statement declaring his intent to sue the government over copyright infringement, seeking unspecified compensation for damages.

    Sources close to the President claims that a special intelligence estimate is udnerway regarding Africa's place in French national security.

    OOC: they always come back!

  3. An official spokesperson from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs emerged to address the horde of reporters camping outside the government building. The rowdy group, who had gathered after Singacorp responses were captured on video due to a spectacular slow news day, quieted down and watched her with anticipation. Clearing her throat, the spokesperson defied them to find a single reference to Singaporean sovereignty that the government had made.

    She then quickly escaped back through the lobby and up a secured elevator before the crowd could respond.

    OOC: :P

  4. France notes the apparent assumption of state-like powers in Singapore with great interest. The Foreign Ministry issued a low-keyed statement declaring that while France can do business with Singacorp, Paris will not consider recognising Singacorp as anything more than a private company.

    "Here in France, the state control companies," a senior ministry official is quoted anonymously, "Not the other way around like those pesky Asians."

    The Ministry for the Economy, Industry and Employment is reportedly approaching Singacorp officials to work on details of possibility allowing French governments to invest as a shareholder.

  5. How so? The senate race for purple is serperate from the alliances, if we wish to run campaign to the nations of purple as sovereign members of the purple sphere we may do so, also this has been doen in the Red sphere by NPO.

    If senate races are separate from alliances then this wouldn't be an electoral campaign by alliances versus existing PEACE alliances now would it.

  6. Perhaps it was them saying we are neutral leave us out of it followed by them actually going and telling their members to vote for the PEACE candidates?

    How does that obligate Stickmen to respond wth "LOLOL or else what?" :huh:

    It just balances the fact that Stickmen is asking Avalon member's for their votes. This is still a request asking Stickmen not to spam their nations in the future, and you sound like you're just upset that Avalon is now supporting PEACE candidates for this round.

    EDIT: btw did their support came after or before this thread?

  7. From an underground bunker in Paris, officials of the French the intelligence agency and military monitor reports of widespread destruction carefully. The willingness by some parts of the world to resort to exchanges of weapons of mass destruction was duly noted - and the clear disregard for lives shocked them. In nervous murmurs the the special committee debated the implications through the night.

    Next morning, the President woke up to a long and strenuous national secutiy briefing.

  8. I don't really understand some of the responses. Avalon made a polite request to be left out of election spam. At the very least Stickmen could just politely reply with "sorry, but it's too much trouble to sort through search results" and get on with their election. There's no need to bash Avalon's political sensibilities even if you disagree with them.

  9. I for one appreciate the fact that my comrade may voice his own opinions on this. Just as I am allowed to voice mine. But I forgot, all this free speech none sense was only meant for those that are not Pacificans.
    Everyone is allowed to voice their opinions, but there is a difference between can and should. And while I will defend WorldConqueror or anyone else's right to speak their mind, I reserve the capacity to cringe at the contents of his posts.
    He was spying FOR himself. He might have passed info on to Pacificans
    Sethb of Ordo Verde admitted accepting a screenshot from the NPO private forum.

    War is declared on Ordo Verde on this 20th day of April 2009.

  10. Huh. I thought the Renaissance and other such epochs followed the Middle Ages, not the Modern Era.

    Sure, the Age of Science began then, slowly but steadily...But modern?

    Yeah, the Renaissance is considered the beginning of the Modern Era. I was surprised too to learn that the modern era started so long ago, the name kinda threw me off. It does make sense though, the changes set off by the events of that time directly led to a significant technological gap between Europe and the rest of the world by the 19th century, and Japan had to specifically undergo modernisation to catch up.

  11. I think this is a good proposal, but personally I feel pretty attached to the real earth. I agree continuity is a big problem, it's not easy for a new player to find out about the history of the land they occupy. It's one of those things that I think you just have to be flexible about, though.

    It was also the post-industrialization age, though before the 'modern' era, which begins after the cold war.

    Dark Ages were between 700 and 1400, very roughly. Before Columbus, Kopernikus, Luther and these other greats.

    The modern era started around 1500 actually, its right after the Middle Ages.

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