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Everything posted by Ezequiel

  1. Ja'Hina gets up from her seatg and walks over to Anthoy and pulls him away from the table for a minute. She wispers to him. 'We do not like the nations of Yamato and Palintine, We do not like Palintine in this bloc and we would not like to have any relations to them in any way. We ask that we could have a vote to expell them from the bloc.'
  2. Ja'Hina will be attending this conference and will fly via helicopter to the roof of the conference building. She walks out of the Helicopter and goes to the exit and into the building, She is escorted into the conference room and takes her seat in the 4th chair. 'Good day fellow allies'
  3. The Palace Security quickly surrounded Lyn-z and Bandit and escorted them into the Palace. As Lyn-z and Bandit reached Nebu's office they open the door and quickly rush in to Nebu. 'I heard what has happened, I am truly sorry that Chris was lost, he was one of my greatest friends. Please have a seat, we need to talk.' said Nebu as he sat down on the other side of the table from Lyn-z and Bandit. 'Who would have done this to Chris. Do you have any leads as to who may have the reason for this?'.
  4. As Nebu was walking out into his garden, a man walks in from the Taiwanese Loyal Airforce. 'Sir, We have a unknown aircraft heading for the shore in the North East' The man said. 'What? Is this a joke.. How do you not know where the plain is coming from?' said Nebu. 'Radio-in and findout where it is from and what it is doing here' said Nebu. The man leaves and Nebu goes back to gardening. The man comes back into the room after finding out that Lyn-z and Bandit from Cainette were aboard the plain. 'Sir, the aircraft has Lyn-z and Bandit from Cainette abored it.' Nebu wonders why they are here... There is no meeting or diplomatic work for them, he says in his head. 'Grant them to land in the Royal Airport in Karumba' said Nebu. 'Make sure they are well protected and keep any and all persons away from them including their own body guards and flight attendents. We only want Lyn-z and Bandit inside the palace.' said Nebu. The man leaves and get ready for the landing by getting the reserve unit of palace security to the Royal Airport.
  5. Yes, I have Justinian. Sadly, none of them listen.
  6. I would, Mr. Chairman, as long as it is ok with the bloc members. I think I would be able to hold down the fort while you are away.
  7. The reason we have member states of GNR on our treaty listed under their nations is so that everyone knows that it was not all of GNR who have signed the treaty, only the member states listed. *Private to the members of the bloc* Taiwan approves of The Kingdom of Cochin and Annihilation, We would like to ask the other members of the bloc if we shall accept Yamato and The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia into the bloc. You have 48 hours to reply, if you do not vote, you will be counted as absent To re-cap, please cast your votes for: Annihilation The Kingdom of Cochin Yamato The Federal Republic of Grøenlandia Thank you.
  8. I agree with Mael 100%. Most of you all have no idea what the word 'Respect' means, you disobey the rules on IRC. Most of you are total pricks. I have only seen a handful of people who really play CNRP to play it and get a good thrill of leading a nation, but most of you really could careless. I am sick of all you who do not care and still raiding other nations for 'fun'. You make me want to puke to say the least. Here are some logs form the other day, I'm not going to post IPs, but let this inform you all of what has been going on. Mael was being VERY tolerate as you can see, I hope none of you abuse his kindness or you know what will happen.
  9. OOC: Send me your signature, Taiwan will approve you to join the bloc. B)
  10. As Nebu received word that the Chairman was resigning, he quickly got up and on the phone. Maelstrom, you can not possible be serious. Can you? You are our great leader for many years now. I have followed you all this way for one reason, that is the Trust I have in you. You are the true great hero of The Dragon Bloc and if it shall survive, you will need to lead it to the top. I know that this must break you inside to resign, but this is not your end, you have much more to accomplish then only this. I STRONGLY advise that you reconsider your actions and stay our Chairman, there is no other fit out there to lead us then your self. I have high faith in you and I know you will make my dreams come true. Please Maelstrom, reconsider your actions.
  11. After many talks, these nations have agreed to this treaty that we present to you...
  12. *To The Kingdom of Cochin* We will produce the cars and we will send them to you when they are done. Where would you like them sent when they are done? The total amount would be $286,400 which you may pay once the cars have been delivered. CEO of Taipax.
  13. Once the water is added, be it River, Sea or Fresh water. The motor takes the hydrogen from the water and releases electrons that power the car, nothing more will be released to the public for copying issues. We found it better to not use the DC shunt-series, we wanted to make our own and it works very efficiently. The car can run 80-Cilo (or 50 MPH) for around an hour on 1-litter of water. We unveiled a fuel cell stack with a rated output of 120W and a fuel cell system with a rated output of 300W. In the demonstration, the 120W fuel cell stack was first supplied with water by using a dry-cell battery operated pump. After power was generated, it was operated as a passive system with the pump turned off. The voltage of the fuel cell stack was 25-30V. Because the stack is composed of 40 cells connected in series, it is expected that the output per cell is 3W or higher, the voltage is about 0.5-0.7V, and the current is about 6-7A. The power density is likely to be not less than 30mW/cm2 because the reaction area of the cell is 10 x 10 cm. The current cost of production of a single car ran by our system is $18,522 Taiwanese Dollars(TD), we plan on bringing it down to $4,630 TD per car for max production.
  14. Here you go the next map maker, I added the Great Lakes and devided the land as it would have been if the lakers were there. Just copy and paste this into your map.
  15. I made the map with the Great Lakes, but I can't upload it, as soon as Sumer gets on I will upload it somehow.
  16. Taiwanese company Taipax presents its Eco-friendly car that runs on nothing but water. The car has an generator that extracts hydrogen from water that is poured into the car’s tank. The generator then releases electrons that produce electric power to run the car. Taipax, the company that invented the technology, aims to collaborate with Taiwanese manufacturers to mass produce the car. As per the claims it runs only on a 300W “Water Energy System” where water is the only fuel. The basic power generation mechanism of the new system is similar to that of a normal fuel cell, which uses hydrogen as a fuel. According to Taipax, the main feature of the new system is that it uses the company’s membrane electrode assembly (MEA), which contains a material capable of breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen through a chemical reaction. A Taiwanese venture company, Taipax, has unveiled a car on that runs on water. All it requires is a litre of water. In fact, any kind of water to be exact, whether its river, rain, sea water, or even Taiwanese tea. Its an electric powered car that runs solely on hydrogen dioxide. “The main characteristic of this car is that no external input is needed. The car will continue to run as long as you have a bottle of water inside for you to add from time to time,” said the Chief Executive Officer of Taipax, after he proudly announced the company’s invention. Once water is poured into the water tank at the back of the car, the newly invented energy generator takes out the hydrogen from the water, releases electrons and finally generates electrical power. “We highly recommend our system since it does not require you to build up an infrastructure to recharge your batteries, which is usually the case for most electric cars,” said the CEO, who is hoping to advertise the car. According to the company, 1 liter of water keeps the car running for about an hour with a speed of 80 kilometers or 50 miles an hour. The company has applied for a patent and is hoping to collaborate with Taiwanese automobile manufacturers to mass manufacture their invention in the very near future. As fuel prices continue rising and people look for greener alternatives, companies globally are trying to come up with alternatives For channel 4, I'm Gienah Jehu signing off. OOC: Taiwan is going green. If you would like to work with me to get this car to your nation, contact the CEO.
  17. Eww.... Why did I get a new ugly color
  18. Taiwan votes to maintain sanctions. We do not want to see anymore men killed, not ours, not theirs, not anyones.
  19. As Nebu II gets back inside from the live press conference with Dragonisia, He meets Fyr Storm in his meeting room (Go figure ) and shakes his hand. "Good day Fyr Storm, It is great to meet you. I see you have been working on the feat. I am needing your help with. But it looks like you have our former land, our new land is located on this map." (Map which I can not find here) "Could you please find out the locations of which we can build this feat. and what we will need and get back to me, I will be leaving until you can figure it out, if you get tired of hungry you can ask the maid for a room or some food." Nebu leaves the room to attend other business.
  20. All of Dragonisia in Aussie (the grey spot beside me) is now the New Taiwanese Empire but a 5X5 mile area on the shore. P.S. Its Taiwanese Empire, not Taiwan.
  21. "I'd like to thank The Chairman, Maelstrom, for giving the people what they wish and ceding the land to Taiwan." The Emperor steps off the stage with his body guards are waiting.
  22. Good day! On November 4Th, 2008, The Empire of Cainian and The Kingdom of Taiwan signed a MDAP. When The Empire of Cainian first formed, this treaty was to help them grow, and it has done a great job of protecting both Taiwan and The Empire of Cainian, but since then we have both had merger ending with a new name, The new name for The Empire of Cainian is now Cainette and The Kingdom of Taiwan re-located to a new location and now has a new name, The New Taiwanese Empire along with a new ruler, Nebu II. Since then, we have had all that change and we have grown together and are now each a superpower both with Nuclear weapons. We have decided to upgrade out treaty and re-sign it. I present....
  23. "I am sorry Maelstrom..." He says with a embarrassed face.
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