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Everything posted by Ezequiel

  1. I am proud to have this signed and ready for action. Here's to further relations with you, GI. o/ GI o/ OO Ezequiel.
  2. Good Day, We have been in contact with the Rakatan Imperium, after awhile of discussion, we have came to an agreement. The New Taiwanese Empire would like to announce that it will be ceding land to Rakatan Imperium. We will be helping the people of Rakatan Imperium move to the new land and have troops guard their old land until all Rakatan Imperium people make it out safely. Rakatan Imperium's old land will then become a Protectorate of Taiwan until a local power shall up rise. Rakatan Imperium has agreed that shall the nation's leader ever leave the nation that the former Rakatan Imperium land shall once again become Taiwanese Soil. The New Taiwanese Empire is also protecting Rakatan Imperium for as long as they request it, an attack on them is an attack on Taiwan. Rakatan Imperium also agrees to have open borders with Taiwan. Here is a map to represent the region, the land in Red is now apart of Rakatan Imperium. Nebu II.
  3. This land too please, sorry.
  4. *Private* 600 hours 'This is Captain Hudi on board the Province, do you read?' as the radio transmission goes out, the tower receives the transmission. 'This is the Taiwanese land base in Karumba, we read you.' Said the Tower. 'We have set anchor 2km off shore of the projected site for Port Nebu, we are deploying the small boats to land and set camp. We are in need of a supply plane to bring fresh water and food. We also need the Engineers and supplies to build Port Nebu. Over'. 'I am deploying the supply planes and will have the Engineers board the Helicopter's. Expect landing in 1 hour. Over' 700 hours Karumba Tower 'Province, do you read? Over.' Province 'Loud and clear, this is Captain Hudi, go ahead. Over.' Karumba Tower 'Supplies and Engineers to arrive in T -60. Over.' Province 'Copy. Over.' The Helicopter's land and supplies dropped, work on Port Nebu had begun. *End Private* Good Day, I am Nebu II, Emperor of Taiwan. I am here to announce that Taiwan hereby lays claim to the following area for research and experimental reasons. We have no plans to deploy any military in the area and all nation's have the right to pass the territory. With out further ado, I present to you 'New Taiwan Provence, Taiwan'. Thank you, Nebu II. OOC: I am claiming this land for research and experiments in Antarctic weather.
  5. Here is an update of my land that is needed to be updated please.
  6. Thank you for the kind words Randalla, We have such a great time when we talk and this only proves how much we can work together to better our alliance. o/ AzN o/ OO Ezequiel.
  7. Hola Senoras and Senores Octava Orden has been friends with the Green Protection Agency for quite awhile now. We believe it is the right of the Green Protection Agency to be a neutral alliance and we will protect their choice by signing the Declaration of Neutrality for the Green Protection Agency. Let peace rein and let us prosper in this great planet so we may enjoy Bob to the fullest. o/ GPA o/ OO o/ Neutrality Ezequiel.
  8. I have been updating the map recently but it is way too distorted to work with no matter the skills you have. (Unless your skill is siting at your computer, staring at the map and using paint to fix it.) How to: Take the map, right click on it and save it in your pictures. Then go to MS paint and open the map up, draw your current claims as best you can. Copy your claims and get rid of everything else, save your claims under .png NOT .jpeg. Open up your browser and go to www.imagehost.org and upload the image. Then paste the link here. (Click to enlarge) The faster you make your claims, the quicker the map is updated. Make sure to leave the claims unnamed and post the name of your country in the post above the link to your claims. This is also the activity check, all nations have been purged from the map for the redraw of the map(not restarting, just redoing the map) and will be added as you post them. If you know of people who have their nation locked, please state so in your post. If you have any problem or need help, contact me directly by PM on these forums.
  9. All of you need to give me a map, not a map that is a rough area. I need a map I can paste into the map, if you can't provide a better map, all I can do is try my best at the claims and they will not be accurate. Sure, you need to claim it by making a topic about it and then give me a map of your claim.
  10. 'Thank you, Madame Unicorn. For such a great time and for giving the Taiwanese Empire some of your family's land, we would like to aid your nation. We are happy that you thought of us.' Nebu whispers to Madame Unicorn. 'I will give it to you when we leave, it contains 90,000 one hundred dollar bills.' As Nebu finishes his meal, the waiter hands them the bill. 'Oh, let me cover it, Madame Unicorn.' Nebu pays the Waiter and leaves than a tip.
  11. I know this looks really bad, but for now, I updated it for reference for us all to use until we get a real map maker. If I am missing anything, let me know and I will edit it in. Update
  12. 'The Travel was rather good. I would like the Chef's Special please.' Nebu says to the waiter.
  13. 'Sounds great, I will see you tomorrow.' Replied Nebu. As Nebu gets ready to leave in his private jet, he asks for some fine wine to drink along the way. As Nebu arrives in Ilam, he walks into The Okonomiyakiya. He see's Madame Unicorn waiting for him, he goes over to her and takes a seat. 'Hello Madame Unicorn, it's a great pleasure to finally meet you. I have brought the item, let us talk about your offer, shall we?'
  14. As Nebu sat down at his desk he noticed a letter, it was from Madame Unicorn of Annihilation. He looks at the letter and then opens it to find a proposal from Madame Unicorn. 'Hm... I wonder...' Nebu said to himself, he looks over the letter and then folds it back up, he then has his Secretary send Madame Unicorn a phone call. As she gets Madame Unicorn on the line, she transfers it to Nebu. 'Hello Madame Unicorn, I have received your letter and I would like to meet with you in person in Ilam, would you be available for a talk?'
  15. Hola Senoras and Senores, Two weeks ago, Octava Orden and New Era signed The Octava Era Accords. During the past two weeks, Octava Orden and New Era have been aiding, informing and trading with one another. We have been sharing many laughs, talks and all around fun in such a short time. After all we have talked about and have done for each other, we have now agreed that we will add an Optional Defense clause into our pact. I am pleased to announce The Octava Era Accords 2.0....
  16. 'They have not decided my people's fate. They only advised their option on the matter and we took it into consideration and we came to this decision.' Said Nebu.
  17. "Good Day, After we have been talking around with ourselves, it seems we have made this decision rather rashly. We have had many talks with our neighboring nations, they have shown us their concern and we have shown them the benefits. We have truly made this rashly, we are not even an Asian nation which is where The Dragon Empire is mainly located. With that said, The New Taiwanese Empire would like to withdraw its petition to join The Dragon Empire at this time, and will remain a member of The Dragon Bloc. We wish the Dragon Empire nothing but luck in its future and we will be watching and waiting for The Empire to need our help. Nebu II.'
  18. Nice Bumping Chris Do a Billy Mays one!
  19. OOC: Maybe he just wanted some fun
  20. The Taiwanese Empire is petitioning to join the Dragon Empire!
  21. 'Come have a seat Maelstrome, we can catch up. But it sounds like a great plan to me.' said Nebu. 'We are willing to join the Empire, but lets catch up on some old stuff my friend.' said Nebu.
  22. Nebu starts his day off as he normally does, goes to get his coffee, grabs the latest news paper and relaxes. After about 10 minutes of reading the news paper, Ja'Hina walks up behind Nebu, 'Ja'Hina, you gave me quite a scare. What are you doing here?' Nebu asks. 'Well, that's not a very good welcome.' she says with a slight giggle. 'I got a call from Maelstrom, you remember him, don't you?' 'Of course I do, he is from Dragonisia.' said Nebu. 'He requested a meeting this afternoon with us.' said Ja'hina. 'Oh goodie! I wonder what he wants. I could use some excitement these days, not much anymore.' Said Nebu. Ja'Hina and Nebu both get ready to go to the meeting room, when Maelstrom walks into Nebu's room. 'Great. Is it invade Nebu day?' Said Nebu jokingly. 'Welcome Maelstrom, how are you today?' said Ja'hina to Maelstrom.
  23. As part of the Dragon Bloc, The New Taiwanese Empire will vote 'Yes' to this newcomer.
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