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Everything posted by Moufassa

  1. And we will put you into the best trade circle for your resources. You don't even have to change colors because we're a blue team alliance.
  2. If you want an alliance to give you the most fun out of this game, I would choose IAA. I joined myself just over a week ago. I've always known the guys there and since even before I joined I could say that they are one of the best alliances in this game. Definitely one of the most classy, and fun. We care about [u]you[/u] in IAA. Most other alliance [i]say[/i] that, but in IAA that is what we live by. We will give you much aid, and your nation will flourish. When you join, you will not want to leave, trust me. If you use IRC we are on #IAA on irc.coldfront.net To apply go to http://forums.theimperialassault.com/ Trust me, you wouldn't regret it. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
  3. Phoebus deserved the Panthera at the least in my opinion. I agree with the words of the trium here. o/ Phoebus o/ LoSS
  4. I don't need to say much about this because LoSS will be around until the CN server crashes...
  5. [quote name='Ejayrazz' date='04 March 2010 - 04:43 PM' timestamp='1267739236' post='2214025'] VE and Loss disbanded at one point, their treaties don't count. [/quote] LoSS has never disbanded. You may be thinking of the Pink era, but we have never disbanded.
  6. [quote name='President S O' date='14 February 2010 - 03:21 AM' timestamp='1266135705' post='2180608'] Moufassa is awesome. Also, this can be applied across the board to many alliances. Who cares if they come in 'late'. They are here, doing their bit. People need to learn that having everyone jumping in at once is a horrible idea. That said, have fun LOUD. o/ TOOL [/quote] Thans PSO, and long time no see. You should come by #loss sometime.
  7. I shared it with him and it was quite well. And DW: It did take a lot to talk us into respecting this...
  8. Okay. LOUD sat back and was waiting to be called upon by her allies in need of help. That never came and since it didn't LOUD wanted to make sure that they still helped by declaring on TOOL through *two* treaties. If you have a problem with that then you need to get yourself straight before you start bashing on LOUD. If you think something was unnecessary then take it to query to be shown where you are wrong on something instead of humiliating yourself in this tread. That is all.
  9. o/ To one of the most honorable alliances on Planet Bob. Have some fun LOUD.
  10. Interesting... I see your logic here on the alliance you didn't declare on .
  11. Not intending to add gas to a dead fire or anything but I just wanted to draw attention to how no one wanted to quote one of the many most influential pieces on this side of the argument. And I just want to clear up confusion on LoSS's part on this war and this is indisputable facts (however many of you incompetent, disgruntled people would and will attempt to dispute). 1. The main reason we came into the war: BC is protected by LoSS. If BC is attacked, so is LoSS so we have no options there even if we did think BC was on the wrong side of the fence. 2. The 57th Overlanders knew the above fact (if they did not it's their own **** fault) so they should have been expecting this to come even sooner than it did. 3. Espionage was used by The 57th Overlanders any way you put it. They even went to a former BC member for information so why would they stop there? The result: The information you see in their DoW. 4. If you want to call their attack "preemptive strike" then why did they attack the alliance that still wasn't sure was going to go to war with them (it did look like they were, I'm not saying it didn't but the vote still was not finished) but instead DoW the two alliances that was positive and known publicly was going to attack them through treaties, Nemesis and CoJ. 5. So can I now become the Vice Leader of an alliance and not have my actions taken account of? (Cool!) 6. LoSS will *always* honor her treaties for you surprised. When we do not I will give any of you who flame us permission to ZI me. Thank you.
  12. Old friends they may be but things happened along the road. Anyways I'm also fighting alongside many old and new friends here, maybe even more old friends than I'm fighting.
  13. An announcement from the League of Small Superpowers Personal Note: Long time, no see Kodiak. The wheel has came around and this will be fun. o/ Browncoats An amazing bunch of guys...
  14. Congrats RnR. You've made an accomplishment that not many have made and for that you deserve congratulations. 3 more?
  15. It can be a long-term or short-term deal, it doesn't matter. The rate is 3 million for 50 tech. Here is my nation (clicky). Just send me 3 million in aid and as soon as the 10 days are up then I'll send you the 50 tech and we'll decide to continue or discontinue the deal. I have one slot open and the first to send will be the one to get the slot. If more than one person wants this deal I have a friend who has 2 slots that open on 12/5. You can do the same thing with him when they open. His nation is here (clicky). Don't worry, we are trustworthy to our deals and if I'm not you can raid me and get the tech that you need .
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