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Emperor Brutus

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Everything posted by Emperor Brutus

  1. Heh, I guess they don't really like PC or want to give them anything.
  2. Hopefully they will use these four weeks
  3. You can't argue with him! He's right you're wrong deal with it! We all know that Echelon was never in a war fighting multiple alliances, and we all know they didn't fight at all... instead they destroyed their own infra and sent off their tech.... Now the mystery is solved. Thanks Viking for informing me
  4. Lol nice attempt at getting Red Senate "Vote for me in the Red Team Senate elections. Because now that the NPO is screwed every techraider in planet Bob is targetting the Red Sphere and you need someone that can stop it. Free cookies for everyone if I win. Monos Archein ID: 97 " -------- Karma seemed split before the war began, It was put together for some to punish those who committed crimes against the alliances and people of CN, but for others it was a method to seek revenge. Those who came in with the wrong reasons will leave disappointed.... or at least I wish. At this time we need to put the past behind us looking forward into the future, and doing that is seen in this thread but re-instating the past and bringing it to the present field should not be done. These terms do not suit what was fought for on the right front but rather the hot hotheadedness of a few officials wishing to seek a source of revenge and cripple and alliance for eternity.
  5. And I couldn't agree more with that statement, i'm just saying not all the forces "switched sides", mostly generalizing on Athens and RnR, because he referred to those two
  6. Actually your version of Karma is based on revenge, while mine is based on punishment. Your version of Karma is based on crippling the forces of "The Hegemony" while mine is giving them an opportunity to change for the better.
  7. What points are they A) Karma Failed? B. Citadel is a group of hippies? C) RnR and Athens dont deserve to be respected? D) Most of the Karma forces are bad too, for their past and how they stood with NPO (even though he failed to present proof, who these alliances are and when they actually ganged up on a smaller groups of alliances presenting them with really harsh terms).... Yeah >_> Great valid points EDIT: Forgot one, Karma & Co pretty much gave a slap on the wrist and didn't have many casualties
  8. Well in that case I believe you are referring to Citadel, as they are not known for giving harsh terms and believe in the possibility that alliances will change. Hippie bs is also out of the question because perhaps you are not informed by the amount of damage token by both sides during the war, seems to me you don't respect the efforts put into this war. Hippies don't fight, and the alliances i believe you are thinking of put in a lot of !@#$@#$ effort to help the forces of Karma even though they may have not been directly related to Karma. As a side note, I will not accept personal attacks on my account, let it be here or on IRC, please refrain from using them in our argument. Thanks ----------- Also Karma was put together for the sole purpose of this war, they have won this war on all fronts... please inform me of their failure.
  9. By punishing do you mean forcing alliance into despair and perhaps having many of their members leave, the alliance left to disband and left in utter wreck? Great logic ... From the Echelon terms and the terms offered to NPO one can see that punishment isn't the first priority, the first priority is indeed revenge, something that I can see you really want as stated. Now tell me how did Athens specifically and other alliances brutally beat down by the NPO profit? Please take into account the ones that disband also ... You stated there was "hippie nonesense" please elaborate, as I didn't see hippie nonsense but instead people who wished to change CN for the better once again i'll qoute myself "in order to create a new era". Name the alliances which tried to cash on PR, and pressure Karma forces into giving light terms. You stated; "You can change the world AND punish people for their crimes at the same time. It's not as though, just because these terms are harsh, they're going to continue once this war is done. " Don't you feel lengthening the war for months is punishment enough? If you havent been keeping track of stats you would notice the heavy losses which fought on the opposing side of Karma. Looking at NPO, IRON, Echelon and TPF you can see what a beating they took, so when you reflect on the harsh terms you realize they are given for another purpose a purpose which is meant to cripple the alliance for a long time if not permanently and force them to be removed from the game.
  10. The reason for this war was out with the old an in with the new, but some alliances cared to bring the old with them. By stepping up their game RnR and Athens did indeed claim the "moral high ground" and if you don't remember in the past it was Athens who was attacked during the "War of the Coalition" (please correct me if I am wrong), and them not demanding crazy reps only shows what a respectable alliance they truly are. As well as RnR who was also on the receiving end of some of NPOs harsher terms >_>
  11. Lol You don't cease to amuse me. RnR and Athens forgot nothing, they beleived in the new era which was supposed to happen, not seeking revenge but wanting to create a new era. They are set above the rest as they have more class and respect.
  12. These analogies keep getting worse and worse
  13. I think you quoted the wrong person Try the recruitment message But thanks for the laugh...
  14. Funny how you flipped the current situation, this isn't about Citadel this is about NSO and their recruitment from the ranks of a neutral alliance and how'd you guess Citadels next move
  15. I didn't know if there is another way you can call it...
  16. [sarcasm]I must have -.- Thank you for informing me... [/sarcasm]
  17. I guess you do not put in enough thought when signing a treaty, proves your worthiness and cowardice. I have been around long enough and learned that bonds exist, but they get brooken easily when people like you sign them. I never said I am superior to anyone or acted so. Personal attacks are not needed here. Or I could just ask you. But tbh, I don't feel like wasting my time on that.
  18. I am sorry for not comprehending how your alliance works. Its just were i come from we value our allies, will be glad to stand for them at any cost and do indeed carry a close bond and friendship with all of our treaty partners and judging by Valhallas current acts in the war they do the same. Could you please clarify what alliance? MA? or your previous one? I don't usually tend to follow the history of people like you. And as for your GPA statement... Not Funny.
  19. Mutually beneficial would mean it was better for the both of you and perhaps helped the both of you, and you stated the only reason you signed it was "because it got us out of TPF's !@#$%^&*"... later saying "we weren't stupid enough to actually let them, since we saw from day 1 what valhalla was doing", so in a way there was never a friendship or close bond between the two of you to begin with like there usually is between treaty partners. Now you are only claiming that they are the bad ones even though this treaty was for the "mutual benefit" you said that in the before post "but it was mutually beneficial at the time to sign the treaty", and that makes you a hypocrite because you are not focusing on why you agreed to sign the treaty but rather stating that they were trying to use you and they cannot change without a change in their government. And as for not understanding that they have the capability of changing you must be very ignorant or not know them very well... I wish it was your alliance fought them
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