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Everything posted by RobertFitzy

  1. Vox seems to truly be the star of the game, mentioned in pretty much every topic, alliances setting up Wile E. Coyote style traps to get them...
  2. got to take things with a grain of salt around april 1st
  3. If your getting accused of treason for just saying things that sound like their ideas, then maybe your on the wrong side of CN.
  4. 2006 - everyone attacked the NPO 2007 2008 - the NPO attacked everyone back and won the game
  5. You do good MA distancing yourself from this future supernova called the hegemony
  6. If things go the way it is, in a few years FAN will be sanction again with Vox populi probably being a stable medium sized alliance on Yellow/Red negotiating treaties with new red alliances. That and GATO will still be there like kerschbs said, but probably under another name, like QATO or something, and black team will be rolling in #1 stats.
  7. Genmay, they where alright All the red alliances that would have existed.
  8. Besides RL stuff that made me leave CN for a month, I still could never buy that the destruction of the BDC was really over a spy and not an attempt to get myworld out of the picture in the NpO. I wanted for once to see the other side and that's why I joined. I loved the NPO, it was a perfect system in my eyes but that BDC thing still bugged me (and after the experiences I felt it was confirmed). I started to feel we lied to our selves, there was constant fear of almost everything, fear of mods, fear of allies being out to get us, fear of spies, fear of member thinking differently. There was joking about destroying allies that was heavier then just joking I saw at times. We feared ideas, strong brave forces don't fear criticism and counter theories to what they believe.
  9. No that's not whats always seen, when you go into overkill over some things sometimes small, it makes you guys look afraid not strong, I will say 3 examples. 1. Radio silence even when you feel certain people may be out to get you makes you look afraid, 2. Waring a small small allaince and making a large deal about it with allies after allies joining makes you look afraid, not strong. 3. Restricting your members to speak their mind (you guys are lenient at times on outside people but not your people,) shows fear not strength Respect is a kind of fear+trust gained by having the power to protect and take away from people, you have to balance that, and combine reputation with it, or that respect people have in your turns into hate and an opportunity to successfully rebel while maybe even keeping you as close friend while in wait. Exerting your power with overkill, even through your allies military power is viewed as weak. If you people don't fear you or you don't fear them you only like each other or hate each other. It is essential to change like I said earlier too, political bodies that don't change and evolve die; what do you think causes alliances that where once large to break apart for almost no reason even when they had a perfect system. Even with a system that was working out it did not change. its a human instinct to seek change. Alliances have to do that internal and externally to a reasonable degree at times. No internal change will put off members, no external change will put off other alliances and be used to paint you as an old dog that can't learn new tricks by your enemies that will convince people they are the force of change.
  10. for one its alienating you, things people do in the past rarely gets praise in future times, its now the future and if people keep seeing barbaric actions coming from you they will (and are) sneak up on you and USE it to take you out weather they really care about it or not. You guys seem to be the only ones not noticing your own avoidable demise, continuing to whistle past the graveyard yard with your same old way's. Your ironclads no longer compete with battleships, it may be time for an upgrade. You NPO where the pioneers of new though in the past, a good number of things unique to you that gave you the edge everyone now uses and is advancing past, you would probably be able to find a viable alternative if you have kept that mindset.
  11. Current affairs I guess would be things like The pre war sides forming Vox and NPO, plenty of stuff to work with on that Jarheads MCXA, TSO NOIRs new ingame flag
  12. good to see you guy's allies again, a treaty like this will make a difference in the next war. Though I'm sure you guy's would probably stick together military even with out paper.
  13. They where big and great, its just a name like world war. nobody can claim it what defines it other then that meaning. Great(big) war, world(involving the entire world) war. I have a hunch in this war their is going to be 3 sides each fighting each other (like Red alert 3)
  14. He is fighting a guy with nukes, does take out a lot of infra and cause anarchy immediately.
  15. I would give boomer a break, getting an allaince to 3mil and managing all the new structuring in less the a month is a lot of hard work, forum design usually comes later.
  16. I honestly agreed in the past that rumors are rumors and most subjects like this were wishful thinking on anti NPO think-tanks... I don't know what it is, but there is something different with the treaties being signed in the past two day's versus what I have seen for the past month; the anti pacifica rhetoric seems to be so high to it almost seems like NPO is the only alliance looking out for her self now at heart, and while there are still quite a few NPO supporters outside the NPO, that fan base seems to be getting quieter and quieter.
  17. grats TriCom, Legion is a pretty cool allaince to hang with. There is a future there of great friendship between you two.
  18. Probably both, the next generation will be the leaders and the current rulers will be ruled by them and still around, like what happens to people when they are old and their kids take care of them.
  19. with everyone effectively allies there will really be no choice but for it to happen that way; someone will have to back stab one ally for another. There is just no side big enough outside of the loop to be attacked and the war considered a large war.
  20. Grudges are natural anywhere but definitely have a personal statute of limitations on how long you choose to pursue them. Everyone in DT would be killing each other if we did not get over some things we did to each other.
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