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Thomas Jackson

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Everything posted by Thomas Jackson

  1. That wasn't a half-bad ad hominem... for an ape. See, I can do that too!
  2. Ooooooookay. Whatever it takes to keep your delusional fantasies of being just fine alive.
  3. Better to have friends who can't shoot straight than friends who don't shoot at all.
  4. How on earth did you know I just said banana?
  5. Best of luck to you esteemed gentlemen, I wish nothing but the best for you.
  6. Never thought I'd see the day not backing your allies was a ballsy, honorable move. EDIT: Clarity
  7. Unfortunately for you, that's how marriage works. The same is not true of a war. If Hitler had gone, "OK, we give up now," during WW2 in hopes that the Allies would stop and leave him alone, do you think it would have happened? Of course not, they'd have kept going until he was removed as a threat. War does not end when one party decides it is over, both must agree that it is over.
  8. Not true. It's not over until both sides agree it's over. If one side wants it to end, that doesn't mean the other has to stop as well.
  9. Funny, you seem to be describing your alliance's performance and behavior to the dot.
  10. Don't worry, we are busy devising a scheme to ruin you from the inside-out. You won't mind, right?
  11. Thank you for wholly endorsing our product. We hope to retain your business in the future!
  12. After serving in several \m/ 2.0s, I am honored to finally serve under the real deal. o7 Please continue to baw, the tears are delicious.
  13. House is appalled that you have not joined Bel Air yet. You can still remedy this by joining up! DON'T EVEN HESITATE! DO IT NOW!
  14. Clearly not. You're still butthurt over it, while I'm preparing for our latest ventures. Your leader stopped fighting, you'd be wise to do the same.
  15. Everyone has had the wrong idea about what we at Bel Air stand for. We've really been fighting for the forces of God, mom and apple pie all this time! Loving all the delicious bananas that Puerto Rico has to offer.
  16. Failure? Yeah, I guess putting all 3 targets into anarchy was a total failure. You even took the peace terms and backed off. If anything, you failed to pick up on the spoiler alert posted earlier in the thread by going back to Defcon 5 and Low Alert anyway just minutes before the attack. Spin it all you want, but when all three of your nations hit were anarchied in minutes, you cannot honestly say you are winning.
  17. Join now and you too can be a part of a cohesive military unit. We promise fresh produce and a complete dance routine in one week or less!
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