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Thomas Jackson

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Everything posted by Thomas Jackson

  1. ITT: NSO tries to make itself look relevant and important.
  2. [quote name='Corinan' date='05 February 2010 - 01:52 AM' timestamp='1265352757' post='2161021'] Hey I didn't force ya'll to use my avatar in your DoW. Nor was I the one to bring NSO up in this thread. Your terrible alliance is obsessed with the Sith, and more specifically, me. It's flattering though, really. I always enjoy seeing new members join my fan club. [/quote] What kind of asinine logic is that? Only from the Sith could such a pathetic display be expected.
  3. Those were excellent surrender terms, good sir. Very nice.

  4. [quote name='Rebel Virginia' date='04 February 2010 - 06:38 AM' timestamp='1265283502' post='2158679'] [color="#0000FF"]You will get sympathy from me.[/color] [/quote] Just making sure that no one misses what a classy act this was here.
  5. [quote name='Locke' date='03 February 2010 - 05:15 PM' timestamp='1265235311' post='2157233'] That is the... I can't even... What the... I'm at a loss for words here. Someone, please put this poor chap out of his misery. [/quote] You shall be hereby known as Locke, Enemy of Fun.
  6. [quote name='Buds The Man' date='03 February 2010 - 10:31 PM' timestamp='1265254307' post='2157838'] I find this rich comming from you Starfox. If i remember correctly you were welcomed in to Valhalla certain people hung there @#$% out for you. Now this, sad sad state of affairs. I guess i could understand if you were mistreated or isolated while YOU wore this AA but I dont recall it going that way even when you left it was under decent terms iirc. [/quote] I can't speak for Starfox, but I'm hoping PC asks for some help because I wasn't finished playing general when we got peace.
  7. You're done for, Valhalla. Have fun nuking them to kingdom come, PC! o7
  8. Congrats to MHA on acquiring some nice punching bags to fill in their time between wars.
  9. [quote name='Mr Damsky' date='02 February 2010 - 11:47 PM' timestamp='1265172429' post='2154627'] I hope you get destroyed, Corp. Good luck! [/quote] Hope is such a meaningless word without action behind it. I'd tell you guys to have fun, but you seem to be doing a good job of it. I do want one of those spoons though.
  10. Godspeed, RoK. May your hammer be mighty and bring a swift death to your enemies!
  11. Although it was a difficult decision, it was the correct one. We here at \m/ still have your back Hoo, and should you need our assistance, we will be ready.
  12. Either you're a coward for not hitting them, or you're a bandwagoner for hitting them. Pick your poison.
  13. You can't be serious... wait, you are serious, you're in ADI. If I remember correctly, the original poster of those logs even admitted they were falsified.
  14. Mort Kunstler is quite the artist if I may say so. Earth produces quality artists! I will be contacting the Corporation's legal department immediately, good sir. The outrage!
  15. Stop that, you're almost making me not want you to get destroyed!
  16. Wise words from a wise man, but I'm afraid they don't translate over to Bob. You're not fighting the 11th Corps here, your enemies won't run at the mere sight of you.
  17. I will take great pleasure in your destruction, Sith.
  18. Sorry, but we are here to stay, and there's not a thing you can do about it. Hopefully we can plunder some of your tech and women soon.
  19. Probably shouldn't have been posted since some haven't agreed, but considering the extreme likelihood of it, no harm, no foul.
  20. Carthage, I thank you for the unprecedented move of officially documenting your tears into your charter. May this revolutionizing act be repeated many times by many alliances in the future.
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