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Everything posted by TheyCallMeJeezy

  1. Wise words my friend. At Polaris our fat has been trimmed and we've been left with pure quality members.
  2. the nation may have been deleted since then
  3. even i'm tempted to join GK...MR...whatever it is you guys are calling yourselves these days!
  4. It's just a matter of time my friend. Not unexpected though.
  5. Could you guys give me some help as to which wonder to get next? My stats: 152,915 Working Citizens Avg. Individual Income Taxes Paid Per Day: $128.79 (more like $136 w/o labor camps) I import uranium Daily Infrastructure Cost (Per 1 Unit): $758.46 Thanks!
  6. I've got lead and pigs drop water...add pigs profit?
  7. alright so, I have pigs and lead...and if you're wild card is gold you only get +$3 income...but with lead you'd get that (Scholars = +$3 income) plus all the bill reductions that come with lead. so, if you think thats better then sign me up.
  8. also, just fyi, $1 = $2.075 and 1 hap = $4.15 with all the mods
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