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Everything posted by Viridia

  1. I have no problem with the destroying parts. And what could be more unrealistic than trying to walk out of a nation with a bridge?
  2. For those who keep saying, 'steal nukes and cruise missiles and infrastructure. its a game, its not supposed to be realistic.' Well, I hate to break it to you, but its a realistic simulation game. Sorry. And you cant exactly go into a nation, pick up a nuke or cruise missile or bridge and walk off with it.
  3. Through the history of the game, resources have been added or modified whenever new features have been implemented. Well that time has come again, so I feel you should perhaps modify some of the existing resources (my suggestoin furs and lead, and whatever else you see fit) to better equip the new feature. Along with this, perhaps a new improvement, or improvement modifications, such as intellgience agencies and satellites providing better spy chances etc. Additions like these I feel are imperative, and I am sure others feel this way as well, especially those 'tortured souls' who were cursed with fur ( ) At the very least it would stop some complaining and add a little more strategy to the game.
  4. Admin said there was a reason for the drop down menus on the old forums.
  5. yes move it mods? Sprry itss late for me.
  6. Yeah and post count means nothing o.O
  7. none of them do o.O only shows who was and when.
  8. EDIT: nvm. Joke requests wont be tolerated.
  9. 2/12/2007 6:11:02 AM (205 days old) ~7,800
  10. I think its more an honour than anything to get your alliance masked. I feel it should stay, otherwise whats the point of sanctioned alliances anyways?
  11. Harry Potter alliance probably gonna get alot of attention Good luck !
  12. Lucrum is the latin verb 'to gain.' Tech raiding ftw
  13. What Service/Host did you use for the main website? And where'd you get this nifty forum?
  14. Shouldn't d.praved be removed from the list?
  15. Okay... Enjoy your Cola! Enjoy your Beer?
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