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Everything posted by Cynic

  1. A list of ongoing Guardian trade circles can be found HERE If you're interested in joining one of these trade circles please there is a form there to be filled out. Thanks!
  2. Too late. We already have it in writing.
  3. 'Awww shucks Timmmeh you're making me blush! :wub:
  4. I had a different direction in mind upon joining MI6. One that she was not going to be taking. Although this thread is about the Guardian DoE and MDoAP with NSO. Lets keep that in mind please.
  5. MI6 is a great alliance and I wish them the best, though they were just not my cup of tea. :)
  6. Thank you for your support old friend.
  7. Why join Guardian? We're a new alliance, with new ideas. We're a smaller alliance, so you wont be lost in the shuffle We're a meritocracy, were if you put in the work you will be rewarded. We have great allies, one of the best, in the New Sith Order. We are a close knit community, full of experienced players who will help you as much as you need. We're an alliance that is not afraid of war or losing its pixels. We're an alliance that believes you do not need a piece of paper to tell you who your friends are. We have guides and mentors for our new members We believe strength comes through unity of the members, not in a statistic. How do you join? It is very simple. Head on over to http://w11.zetaboards.com/GuardianCN/index/ Register an account. Post your application Where can you find more information? Our forums: http://w11.zetaboards.com/GuardianCN/index/ Our IRC Channel: #CNGuardian on Coldfront Our Wiki: http://cybernations.wikia.com/wiki/Guardian
  8. I was. I am now a member of Guardian.
  9. Greetings rulers, We come before you today to announce the existence of a new alliance to this planet. An alliance that has a very long and rich history across multiple planets that are, in many aspects, very similar similar to this one. An alliance that understands the political climate and stagnation of this world and refuses to succumb to it. An alliance that will stand its ground in the face of fear and adversity. An alliance that will not squander away an opportunity for political gain. An alliance that believes in defending itself and its friends at all costs, whether there is a signed piece of stationary in place or not. An alliance that believes strength is not calculated by a number, but better yet through the unity of its membership. We come before you today to announce the existence of.... Guardian! Here lies our founding document, the Guardian Constitution.
  10. #RADISRAD #JOINRAD also good luck to my friends in Kashmir. Ilu YOLO
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