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Retired Moderator
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Everything posted by Vetinari

  1. I have no record of any staff action taken against your account. If a nation does not collect taxes for twenty days, it will be flagged for inactivity and deleted. If you did not collect taxes before you left, there is a fairly good chance your nation would be no more.
  2. This is the Question Center, not the Spam Can.
  3. No, they cannot. They will be deleted after twenty days of inactivity. If you don't want the happiness penalties that war brings, simply do not declare war.
  4. Indeed. If you feel someone is trying to guess your password, pre-empt them and change it. I would suggest doing the same with your email account that you used to register.
  5. 404 was removed not because he was banned, but because of his actions as he left. He made enough of a stir that it was decided that his name would be filtered to banned member, as happens with other 'illustrious' ex-users.
  6. You would have to completely delete the account, not just the nation. We cannot change ruler names.
  7. Indeed. Remember, if a SDI offers a 60% chance to stop an incoming attack, that does not mean it is going to stop 6 of 10 missiles. The RNG is going to call it a stop if it hits within that 60. It's easily possible to roll outside of that number, as you can see.
  8. If you speak of author's rights in the OWF RP forums, no they cannot be shared. We may (stress on may) consider a transferrence of author's rights on a case-by-case basis, but by and large we are not going to recognize any attempts by non-moderators/admin/OP to close a thread.
  9. Contrary to popular belief, the Cyber Nations Game Staff does not hover over their various implements of destruction waiting for somebody to slip up. Since you have communicated this problem to the Game Staff, we will watch and see if anything crops up and confer with the Senior Staff in regards to your nation and others. I would suggest your own internet connection rather than a building network to avoid these worries in the future.
  10. No, I'm not.. Don't ask me what atlas was thinking. That he was reading SoE's blog again.
  11. Indeed. AOL and Cyber Nations are not on the best terms due to such machintations.
  12. It isn't your account that flagged it - it is your tech dealer. I would suggest going through someone else.
  13. There is not. Tech deals, as with much of the free market, is a case of caveat emptor.
  14. There is already a thread that does this in this forum - The stickied thread at the top. If you would like the posting rules of this forum to change, please file it in the Suggestion Box and we'll open it to discussion.
  15. Only trade circle setups may have their own thread. Individual requests belong in the stickied thread at the top of this forum.
  16. If I didn't have an excellent banking man I'm considering moving to tax collections, I might have taken you up on the offer. Moving thread.
  17. Heh. I apologize, but I don't think so.
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