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Enrique Barrentos

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Everything posted by Enrique Barrentos

  1. ^^ That. Although I think I understand what Admin is attempting to do, I'm of the opinion (thanks, adhambek) that the original mistake is the 300 technology limit on military capability. That's what needs to be changed. Tech should increase the effectiveness of your army with NO cap. Technologically advanced nations should have the ability to completely roll over nations not so technologically advanced if they're within the range of attack. So if I understand the system correctly, I have 5,860 tech and 9,250 infra for a NS of 79K and if I'm attacked by a nation at the bottom of my range with 1,040 tech and 6,200 infra, his military will perform as well as mine because we're both over 300 tech. My only advantage is in spy operations...
  2. Creating multiple threads that are essentially the same is probably not a good idea either.
  3. I like that idea. Tech improvements are the most appealing to me as I have tons of tech.
  4. All of mine are in the green sphere, one of the easiest spheres to get your trading partners though. When I was in the yellow sphere, it was more difficult with people always canceling, so I created a Trade Guild that was stable and secure. It worked so well in fact, that I created a very similar one in the green sphere when I moved over.
  5. Tech beyond 300 also considerably helps your spies chances of success...
  6. I bid the USA good fortune and good luck. The yellow sphere will always be close to my heart and I will always keep a close eye on the goings on there. Again, good luck and I look forward to watching your growth!
  7. Exactly right. Hey, all the tech I've purchased over time was expensive. I have it calculated to around $107 million I've spent on technology alone prior to my joining The Grämlins. If I had spend that on infrastructure, I'd be way up there in infra but be lacking the tech! I'm a tech addict!
  8. Both the previous replies are good advice. I actually wound up saving for a week or two and the savings combined with a well-timed donation meant I hardly even felt the change-- I skipped right over it and barely noticed. Good luck and congratulations on getting to 5K too!
  9. Not entirely true. While I don't technology raid and never have, I do keep a short list of potential targets just in case world order collapses and tech raiding becomes mandatory for survival. Not only am I above 9K NS, but I'm over 159K NS where you'd think targets would be even harder to find, yet there they are!
  10. Nice job wrapping it up the right way, IDD. Oh, and Syz-- you're da man!
  11. For a nation as large as mine (8,900 infrastructure), I had avoided the border walls for quite awhile as I too did not want the population reduction, however, I was mistaken. I built all five border walls and guess what? I'm netting about $500,000 more per day than I was making without them. Summation: for larger nations, the added happiness more than makes up for the reduction in population.
  12. Some time ago, I had the eight bonus resources. I actually reworked my trades and now I only have three bonus resources, however, my economy is considerably better. Generally, when you attempt to achieve the most bonus resources, you must sacrifice the population bonus multipliers (cattle, pigs, fish and wheat). Sorry, but I'll take the added population any day.
  13. This is true. Also, a new player is in town: Alpha Omega looks promising.
  14. Gather Intelligence seems to be the runaway favorite. I wonder if this will hold true as people quit "testing" the spies abilities?
  15. This seems to sum it up nicely. Stiffen your resolve, young man, and finish the job.
  16. Nuevo Cabezon resigned from GOLD on September 16, 2007at 11:30:16 PM and Enrique Barrentos enters POW status with NPO/CIS.
  17. Nation strength: 137,829.579 Nation age: 533 days old.
  18. Well, I used to play !@#$%* quite a bit and my nation name, Nuevo Cabezon, was the one I used on !@#$%* that was my "role play" nation. I had many other nations in that game, but I stuck with this nation name.
  19. My Nation: Agricultural + Fish and Gems... this combination actually gives the maximum population boost. 8,399.99 infrastructure. Yes. I donated EVERY month until I became large enough to purchase donation deals and I still do that every month.
  20. After Bills Income: $4.5 million Efficiency: 258.59 (533 days old) Infra per Day: 20.
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