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King Kevz

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Everything posted by King Kevz

  1. Valerie smiled and laughed at Westly's comments before turning around so she could kiss Westly. A short few seconds later she broke away from him as Resse cried out and she leaned in and picked up the small child, craddling the girl in her arms whilst she talked to Westly. "No nothing truly special happened today, apart from looking after out two adorable miracles here I have been watching the news and yes dear its still as depressing as always. Looks like war in Europe again, disputes over some islands in America and some sort of civil war in the FRG. Oh and have you heard anything about getting me a place with the police force yet?"
  2. "How are my two little angels today?" asked Valerie Davies with a smile as she leaned over the two cots that contained her's and Westly's beautiful children. He had given her twins one was a boy who they had called Jonas and the other was a girl who they had named Resse and they were two adorable and beautiful bundles of joy and laugh and she couldn't help but smile as they giggled and reached out with their tiny little arms for and she in response put her arms inside the cots and allowed them to grasp her fingers with their small hand and she gggled happily with them. She had given up the power of control when she had stepped from the horrendous position of Queen Valkyrie in Helzan and at the time she had felt the loss of such power like a bitter and rough blow but seeing her children laughing and smiling made her realise again that it had been worth the loss. They had been lucky to escape Helzan before the nuclear exchange had occured as she doubted that the children would have survived the experience and they were lucky that they were accepted into Promised Land considering her and Westly's past actions. As she looked down into their happy faces she heard the front door of their home swing open and close. She knew it was Westly without having to turn around and she giggled as she felt a pair of strong arms encircle her waist and felt warm kisses being traced across her neck. The two little angels laughed in the way only a small child could as they watched their parents with innocent eyes. "Welcome home my darling. I take it your day at work went well" said Valerie as she turned to rest her head on Westly's chest as she turned her eyes, full of love and adoration, on to his handsome face.
  3. OOC: Nope I'l PM you the details.
  4. OOC: Im leaving the nation to dust. I had intended to rebuild the nation but I don't have the drive to do so anymore, whether I start again, do character RP's or pack it in I am not sure. I'm actually thinking of writing a space RP using CNRP nations but I need people's permission before I do that.
  5. Financial reports show that the costs of rebuilding the nation of Ghost In A Shell are so high that it would take many nations and many years to aquire the funds and materials and geographical surveys taken by teams using what equipment remains shows that the land is still too radioactive and will be for years to come. It is unfortunate but there is no hope of rebuilding the nation. All citizens are advised to seek comfort and a home with the Northanic people for they will find none here.
  6. "It was our belief that Tahoe and its supporters didn't want foreign nations influencing america and its nations. As we are confused could you tell us which one it is. Are you oppossed to just colonies or to full influence?"
  7. "Yes but considering you are one of those nations that supports Tahoe in keeping out foreign nations and their influence from America, at least I believe you are, then you should keep out of any non-american affairs yourself".
  8. "Arn't you an American nation shouldn't you be keeping out of European affairs?"
  9. "And yet they are not an American nation. It is good that they are not a destbalizing factor but they are still not American. If you wish to follow this doctrine then shouldn't Rebel Army come to an agreement where an American nation takes over the observation so that it is an American nation observing American territory?" "We are not whining other wise I would be hurlign abuse and crying. Instead this is a discussion over why there seems to be a loophole in this doctrine".
  10. "And why is observed by a Non-American nation? If you want to keep America under American influence then an American nation should be doing the observing".
  11. "In response to The Federation of Pravus Ingruo's comment we see that your answer is at best a loophole and a worst an attempt to protect those you see as allies. Even if Rebel Army is observing the territory they are still having some influence on it. Therefore either get them to drop ALL influence on the area or your doctrine is useless".
  12. "Tahoe should learn to keep its mouth shut more often. You see yourself as the ruler and master of America when your not. Your just one of many nations who inhabit the land. Its a shame that the more sensible nations such as New England have thrown themselves in with you".
  13. OOC: Hmm how should I react to this? Motoko my current character has always had feelings for Justinian but never did much with them. Hmm not sure what to do.
  14. "Clearly the Nordic culture is one of power and strength if it continues to rise again and again against the wishes and liking of many nations across the globe. Whilst a few references have been found in Ghost In A Shell I am interested in gaining other examples to learn more about the culture". -Motoko Kusanagi
  15. Outside of Medina The Hashkeh pulled on the reins of his camel and brought the animal to a halt in a cloud of kicked up sand, the gates of Medina rose before him like a sheer cliff daring him to dash himself upon its face. Of course he was no fool and wouldn't dare think of trying such a dangerous and foolish feat. Instead he gently kicked the side of the camel and brought the camel alongside the caravans that were making their way into the city. The assassin made no attempt to hide the short sword hanging from his belt as many travellers would carry them for means of self defense, the throwing daggers and the hidden blade in his gauntlet were well hidden from view though. Passing through the gates the Hashkeh gave the guards a short quick nod of his hodded head before continuing on in his journey. Weaving his way along the main streets he quickly came to a rest stop and lowered himself off the camel before tying its reins to a nearby stand so it couldn't wander off. It didn't mean it couldn't be stolen but considering his mission it didn't matter if it was. Looking around the Hashkeh saw the spires of what must be the Caliph's palace and whilst that was where his objective waited, he needed to know more about the city. A quick but careful search of the city's skyline showed a tall tower nearby from which he could easily see the whole of the city. Moving quickly the assassin made his way into the side streets staying out of sight whilst he climbed up the walls of the building using supports and natural hand holds to ease his way up. Once on the roof of the buildings the Hashkeh ran from one building to the next and after a few short minutes and one or two leaps he was at the base of the tower. The climb took some effort and he almost fell after one handhold crumbled beneath his grasp but eventually he made it to the top and perched himself in a crouch a top a wooden support. From his vantage point he could see all the way back to the main gates he had entered from to the Palace and then further past to where more exits lay. Satisified that the layout of the city was now known the Hashkeh spotted a over packed cart of hay and judged the distance before leaping off and diving from the tower down into the cart. The impact was still enough to knock the wind from his chest for a few short breaths but he quickly recovered and leapt out of the cart and once again disappeared into the side streets, his destination the Caliph's palace.
  16. In the middle of a moonless night off the coast of the nation known to the world as Furon a simple and unassuming cargo ship belonging to a now non-existant Helzan merchant company made its made to the detailed launch point for the mission. The vessel looked like any normal cargo ship you would find sailing the seas around the world but this one had a difference, it had been heavily modified for special operations by the Helzan military and whilst Helzan was now gone it had been reassigned to the 1st Ghost Spec Ops division. It was now on its first official mission and the crew were both slightly nervous and excited though they continued to operate in a proffessional manner. The vessel's modifications meant that a pair of mini submersibles could be launched and recovered from the vessel allowing a team of up to eight special operations soldiers to carry out their mission before returning to a base of safety. Currently with the vessel stopped off the shore of Furon, the two submersibles were slowly and silently making their way in towards the beaches of Furon. Their landing zone had been given a short look over by viewing equipment by the crew of the mother vessel and with the knowledge that it was most likely empty of life it had been chosen as the landing site for the teams of soldiers. The soldiers themselves were carrying only the basic equipment required for their mission which consisted of a silenced AK rifle per a man obtained from the black market, a side arm and in two cases a small amount of C4 explosives. The soldiers orders were to recon the political state of Furon in regards to the violent riots that were occuring and make sure that one side didn't get the upper hand over the other. Sure they weren't the main cause of Helzan's destruction but they were the easiest one to attack. So with their objective in mind the two teams let go of the submersibles are swam up to the beach, gently spreading out with their weapons ready for immediate combat. They wouldn't encounter anything but a few civilians on the beach but if need be they would kill them to preserve their element of surprise. Moving up to the beach the two team leaders pulled out a map of the region and began to plan their route whilst the rest of the soldiers formed a defensive formation.
  17. OOC: Sorry for the delay. IC: The Ghosts sat huddled togather shaking from the cold and from the sight of strangers in their land. They didn't try to stop the Northanic soldiers and they accepted the offered cloaks with smiles and many thanks. The adults immediatly ensured that the children were wrapped up warmly before using the remaining cloaks to keep themselves warm. Other than that they didn't communicate much though one of the older men did say that the government was located a short distance away and that they could reach them by vehicle in roughly two hours as long as they avoided the wrecked motor vehicles strung across the Highways.
  18. I would like a GM to roll for a spy attack against Furon (Bio Hazard) please I have 90% odds but dont know how to post a screen shot without giving important info away.
  19. OOC: For those wanting a Navy here is what you do. Build your transport ships and then place a ram on its front and there you have it a warship. We are allowed transport ships after all and all naval combat would be is ships with rams and boarding platforms.
  20. The area of Egypt should be called egypt on the map.
  21. Naval vessels are likwise strictly counted by your IG nation. Just want to bring up an issue with this part of the rules/guidelines. To me this rule shouldn't be included in here because whilst Naval combat did occur it didn't have such a massive effect as it does in real life. Also most transport ships of that time would double as war ships so telling some one that they can't have any war ships because they don't have an ingame navy is a bit silly. So maybe everyone should be allowed a naval fleet considering the time period in my opinion.
  22. Two days later "My Pharaoh it is an honour to be in your presence and to serve you" spoke the kneeling man, his voice hiding the contempt and anger that he felt for his so called lord. "I understand I was summoned here for a certain task?" he enquired without raising his head or tone of voice. "Ah yes Acuu you have served me faithfully for many years now, keeping a steady flow of income... until now. Don't answer I know all about your dealings with the European Traders and now you will pay for your betrayal" and with a flick of his hand he sent the signal to the waiting assassin. Leaping out from the shadows the Hashkeh assassin flicked out his hidden blade and plunged it into the neck of Acuu, stepping back as blood flowed from the wound onto the floor of the Pharaoh's throne room. "Well done my Hashkeh now I have another duty for you. I command you to go to the land of the Caliphate and watch over their ruler. Ensure that no harm comes to him from friend, foe or anyone else but do not be found and do not harm him. If you are caught I know you will not talk but you must end your life as quickly as possible. Now go!!". With a simple silent nod of his head the Hashkeh left the throne room heading out to his waiting camel for which he would need for the long journey. Meanwhile in the throne room slaves were brought in to remove the body of the corrupt dockmaster and to clean the stains from the floor. To rest from the day's events the Pharaoh decided to bathe with one of his many concubines whilst the throne room was cleaned. The family of Acuu were banished from Egypt and made to leave with few supplies and no camels. They never made the journey, without water or food any no fast means of travel the children died within weeks and the wife was attacked by bandits and made into a slave. The Hashkeh meanwhile slowly made his way to the border of the Caliphate.
  23. OOC: 23% that quickly sorry but not going to happen its construction will take you many many months if not a few years. This isn't CNRP things here take a long time to build.
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