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Everything posted by LegendoftheSkies

  1. I love how the nation about to be deleted for inactivity has "Never inactive" in their bio.
  2. This times a million Also, this is awesome. Congrats to Rage Co. and the rest of PWNAGE.
  3. Gotta love FAN's response to the War of the Coalition. Probably not famous, but it's one of my favorites: http://forums.cybernations.net/index.php?s...st&p=823900
  4. Even if you're friends with another alliance you may want to formalize an agreement that specifies what's to be done in specific circumstances. It helps to be prepared. However, few recent treaties are overly specific, including the ones that I've written, so it probably comes down to tradition. People find comfort in the fact that they have a binding agreement with their "friend" so that they know they'll always have their backs. Of course, as you said, this "promise" is becoming less and less viable especially with people starting to sign treaties more for political gain and less to formalize a friendship. So yeah, it's probably mostly that people are set in their ways and a trend is not so easily done away with once it's started, even if there's really no need for it. For me, I think it's nice to formally announce a friendly relationship with another alliance and a treaty is a good venue for doing so. The specific contents or wording of the treaty mean little to me beyond being amusing for whoever is reading it.
  5. Hey now, not everyone can be as awesome as us maroons.
  6. Well said. Your righteous stand against the gray hordes shall not be forgotten. o7
  7. And I daresay it couldn't have come soon enough!
  8. I don't understand the need for you questioning the need for this.
  9. For that matter, why did you let in Masterof9Puppets, WhiteMajik, DLPKhorne, and Ptricky? All these people are butts and should expelled from your alliance.
  10. Grey's had it too good for too long. o/ Systemfailure.
  11. Well, you're the number 1 alliance now. If we really want to stand a chance of beating you, we have to rally support through such propaganda. It took a good while before such a coalition finally rose up to take down NPO. Be patient, we shall all rise up against you in due time, but pointless bickering and raging must happen first.
  12. So no full-scale war then? You should be ashamed for getting our hopes up like that >(
  13. Does this not include the War of the Coalition? Because if memory serves correct NPO held an MDP or higher treaty with STA that was either canceled or not honored during that time. Also, Jack Diorno, you're awesome for doing this. Although I agree that having TDO and GPA on here is a bit silly considering they don't even have any military-level treaties to cancel/not honor.
  14. Well, this made me do a double-take. This should have interesting results whether they be disastrous or miraculous. Good luck.
  15. The fact that they permitted slavery doesn't change what type of government they had. America permitted slavery until the mid/late 1800s and it was still considered a representative Democracy even when they had slaves who didn't have the right to vote. In any democracy you have restrictions on who can vote. Sure, not letting slaves vote hardly seems ethical, but you can't deny that Athens was one of the first to act on the idea of a normal citizen getting a direct say in what laws their country would enact and is one of the most well-known examples of such an idea in action. Of course it's not a perfect democracy when viewed from our current perspective, but back then slaves were considered property, not citizens. That's just how it was. Judging the ethics of people who lived thousands of years ago by the standards of today is ridiculous. They had a totally different mindset. Though, that has little to do with my original point which was that few people today would consider a direct democracy an ideal government for a real world nation. I tend to believe that representative democracy was derived from the direct system as an improvement.
  16. Actually if you're talking a true direct democracy, the only real-world example I can think of would be ancient Athens. Today, most if not all democracies are representative. I don't think anyone believes direct democracy is the ideal real world government either.
  17. TYR's a democracy and we have yet to run into any of those problems. Though perhaps we might when we get bigger and there are more candidates to choose from.
  18. Anyone want to start a betting pool for the next big war? I promise I won't bet everything on Maroon v. Purple and then provoke a war with Poseidon. Promise. B)
  19. Some conspiracy against CSN is amiss in this here sanction race
  20. He won't be doing it singlehandedly if I have anything to say about it.
  21. So what are you smoking and why aren't you sharing with the rest of us?
  22. I would just like to add that the ODP portion of our Protectorate pact with Angelite will remain in effect for 24 hours after which we'll still have an ODP with them through the Maroon Economic Pact so it really doesn't even matter at all really. So yeah. o/ TYR o/ CSN o/ violence and radioactivity EDIT: Oh and o/ redundancy
  23. Absolutely deplorable GOD. You mean to tell me you never went through with forcing them to disband? Pitiful. You're hopeless and should merge into us.
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