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Everything posted by o-dog

  1. [quote name='Denial' timestamp='1285767439' post='2468236'] Do you actually know what revisionism is? [/quote] We all look upon our posting history with affection. I'm sure the narratives you weave in your head are particularly beautiful and cognitavely brilliant. [quote] This implies, albeit erroneously, that I once stood for justice but now I stand for injustice. Hence, you attempting to portray me as some form of 'evil oppressor'. [/quote] Rubbish. It means that MK and her cronies now comfortably wallow in the decadance of power. It's not all about 'you'. [quote] You might want to stop using words you don't understand. I will accept pompous, but I much prefer the term smug. And I will not apologise for that. But enlighten us all, how have I been hypocritical or revisionist? I would like a detailed explanation with some analysis, not just a one-liner that does not provide any factual basis. [/quote] Again, it is not all about 'you'; get your pompous ego in check. Your colleagues sweat hypocrisy. Revisionism: See above. [quote] ... Since forever? [/quote] That's just your limited view of what it takes to enjoy life on this planet.
  2. [quote name='Denial' timestamp='1285731379' post='2467604'] I never whined. Every substantial post I made was part of a greater, two-pronged campaign: i) to assist in the downfall of the reigning power structure, transforming the status quo, and ii) to provoke both oppressed and peripheral alliances in relation to the Hegemony to grow a pair and stand up for themselves. What separates my posts of the pre-Karma days (and pre-First Great War, if you want to go back that far) and those made by those such as IRON members today is that my criticism was poignant, consistent, and most importantly, it was [i]attached to real, actual foreign policy strategy[/i] in both the public and private arenas. Comments here in this venue should never just be sporadic and exist outside of a carefully-considered public affairs campaign. Before any significant post is made, a question should be asked: "does this help or hinder my alliance's strategy, and is it congruent with our overall direction?" [/quote] Revisionist justification. [quote] I do not see how expecting the people that take issue with the status quo should develop some strategy beyond impotent and ill-considered propaganda lines is arrogance. I think if you got past your childish attempts to make it appear as if I am some sort of evil oppressor, you would see that I have a point. [/quote] I've not attempted to make you appear as an 'evil oppressor', so drop the silly little insults, please. [quote] If criticism breeds hostility, hostility breeds conflict, conflict breeds political dynamism, and political dynamism breeds entertainment, I think it is thus perfectly acceptable to criticise. If you do not accept this, take my previous advice. Gather up those alliances that similarly do not accept my assertion, develop some meaningful and effective strategy, actually lead your own alliance and maybe even a larger force, and aim to change the status quo. [/quote] I have no issue with SuperComplaints being top of the tree for now. What I object to is your wholesale use of pompous, hypocritical and revisionist posting as a tool to create conflict or buttress your own position. As for the rest of your essay, since when did the de facto role of the player or group of players become the formulator of conflict?
  3. [quote name='kriekfreak' timestamp='1285702014' post='2467077'] Denial is right, the opposing side really is objectively terrible. If you loath MK that much, really, grow a freaking spine and rally support for your cause. The only thing I see this past weeks is constant whining and moaning from people that have less spine than a freaking jelly. Please act upon it or change your tune. This is getting boring. [/quote] What is this 'other side'? Or are you saying that if you are not a member of SuperComplaints, then, by definition, you are the 'other side'? IRON make an announcement and the MucKers come out in their droves to whine. As do a lot of their suck-up mates. That is what I object to and voicing my objection does not require growing or rallying anything; nor is it a 'cause'.
  4. [quote name='potato' timestamp='1285680064' post='2466809'] You must be new around here: MK has always criticized its opponents and Denial has always been like that. [/quote] Long enough to remember Denial from the Vanguard forming days. [quote name='Denial' timestamp='1285680547' post='2466813'] What in the hell does that even have to do with what I just said? [/quote] On the losing side and seeking redress from the NPO, you always used a lot of words to whine about the other side. You now do just the same, but with the added 'come do something about it' arrogance of power. Hence the adaptation of a quote some man made in some other world.
  5. [quote name='Denial' timestamp='1285671692' post='2466772'] Blah blah blah, usual MucKer rubbish. [/quote] We get it, already. You once demanded justice and now you're wearing the crown.
  6. Good choice, if only because it got all the silly MucKer's knickers in a twist. Which is nice.
  7. Neat. Go your own way and don't mind the haters, they be pigeons.
  8. Good to see you progressing. Why does sellotape taste like sherbert?
  9. Great theme to choose. Good luck in the future, be careful of them wastelands!
  10. Good show NPO. Fine alliance achievements, plus I'm glad to see eloquence isn't dead. Yet.
  11. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1283016939' post='2433951'] I bet you are one of those people who laugh to yourself in amusement at how amazing a wordsmith you are. Congrats on that! [/quote] If only.
  12. This places too much emphasis on individual nation wars. As a de facto political simulator, this planet has moved on from that.
  13. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1282922012' post='2432809'] Hi! Have we met before? Did I nuke you in a previous war or something? [/quote] Nope. I've been witness to your asinine posting history. The kind of history that snatches defeat from the jaws of victory. To the matter in hand: material reps are bad for the planet, as is the duplicity of alliance leaders.
  14. [quote name='Steve Buscemi' timestamp='1282854586' post='2431996'] In the past the curbstomping alliance would ask for tons of reps and even wonder destruction, like past NPO curbstomps. I'm glad to see that this new era is different. Sad to see that the this new generosity is so quickly spat upon by how defiant the OP is. NSO's ex-NPO/IRON leadership still hasn't learned their lesson and are still acting like they are the big kids on the playground. In the end only their unaware membership will be hurt by their leader's arrogance. No doubt they'll lose members over this though. [/quote] You are and always will be a tool. An unproportionate war calls for an unproportionate thread. This has delivered.
  15. [quote name='Kalasin' timestamp='1282641573' post='2429269'] Honestly, I hope I never have to surrender to Xiphosis, he seems like a tremendously unpleasant chap. In fact, I can't think of anyone I'd like to surrender to less. [/quote] I think it's a clever act. You know, like someone playing with 'angry short-man' syndrome. [img]http://urlmin.com/images/mini_me.gif[/img] All evil overlords need a Mini-Me.
  16. Beggers belief. So, Swanfield, what's your excuse for making the exact same mistake by boudmouthing MK?
  17. [quote name='TypoNinja' timestamp='1281904785' post='2416934'] When alliance government $%&@s up, they buy trouble not just for themselves but their entire alliance. [/quote] I hope this comes back to haunt you.
  18. [quote name='Thorgrum' timestamp='1281793622' post='2415663'] Still the martyrdom undertone is [i]highly [/i]entertaining [/quote] A subMucKer commenting upon martyr complexes. Irony knows no bounds.
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