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Posts posted by Cobalt

  1. This is the most pathetic attempt at trolling I've ever seen.

    Probably because it wasn't an attempt at trolling ;) . Just getting a clarification my friend- from the wording it seemed unclear to me, so I asked... no ill will towards Soldier involved.

    If you want to make assumptions about my intentions, that's on your time... just remember what happens when you assume.

  2. Cj acted alone, and we as an alliance apologize for his actions.

    If that's the case, why would you say that "[you] had [your] Minister of Growth go into The Dark Evolution's channel"? -- I believe you when you say he acted alone, but the way you phrase it might lead one to think otherwise.

  3. Recently we had our Minister of Growth go into The Dark Evolution's channel and try to recruit their members. Such a thing is unacceptable and we, as an alliance, would like to apology to The Dark Evolution for the actions of Cjschuck. As a result, he will be temporarily stripped of his Minister position.

    Who was this we (plural) - and why is only the he (singular) being punished?

  4. You said yourself it started IC...from where I sit that means the IC situation deteriorated into petty IC comments that are similar to many OOC comments, but still very IC. Blurred line, sure, but the roots are firmly IC personas handling an IC situation poorly.


    No, the UJP collapsed after a purely and indisputably OOC attack was made on a leader of an opposing alliance. There was no blurred line.


    In simple terms: A member of GOONS leadership made some OOC remarks about a GGA government member. GOONS supported this as an alliance, the rest of UJP did not, and refused to continue the fight alongside them. UJP broke apart, GOONS kept fighting for a while.

  5. It's like throwing you into the cóckpit of a plane, and then insulting you when you don't know how to fly it. Ignorance is something everyone starts off with, it's up to us to ensure it doesn't continue.

    By this analogy, the majority of CN's rulers must be natural masters of aviation

  6. The only issues I take with the policy is the diplomacy for some, but not for all approach. Allied nations will get a chance to pay reps or be declared rogue before being sentenced to the ZI. Unalligned nations get the chance to pay reps halfway to ZI. I'm just pointing out that I don't like, nor see it as necessary, differentiating between the treatment you'd give an alligned nation and an unalligned nation.

    I mean really if anything the experienced nation from an alliance is less deserving of diplomacy as the attack is less likely to be born of naivity or ignorance. Each to their own I guess though.

    Eh, the time of "naive new nations" came and went a long time ago. These days you get 20 recruitment messages spammed at you in the first couple hours of your nation's existence. We expect new alliances to secure a protectorate, and we expect new nations who are genuinely interested in the game to find an alliance, or move to red.

    An unaligned nation who attacks VE has assumably ignored recruitment messages, and failed to gather enough information about CN to find out that attacking an alliance is bad. You classify this as "naivety" - I call it either ignorance, poor gamesmanship, stubbornness, or any combination of the three.

    VE has apparently had enough of this particular kind of thing - so a few may die for the previous sins of many.

  7. Yeah, but the post I put into inverted commas seems to contradict it. I don't think that's a direct quote, but it's close enough. i guess that sort of approach only applies to the non-aligned nations where you'll get away with it.

    What exactly are they trying to "get away with"? This entire military doctrine basically boils down to "we're tired of the BS, if you mess up with VE militarily, our military reaction will be ZI" That really isn't unreasonable, nor is it difficult to understand.

    Aside from that, when are people gonna get tired of using the "THINK OF THE NEW NATIONS!!!111one111 THEY MIGHT LEAVE IF YOU DO THIS!!!!" argument. Its getting prevalent enough that I'm starting to insta-translate it to "I am carebear, hear me BAWWWW". Seriously, the number of new, unaligned nations effected by this policy will be so statistically irrelevant that in the time spent posting about it, enough nations probably joined CN to make up for every single one VE will push away.


    o/ VE

    o/ Impero's Glorious E-Peen

    o/ My favorite Halide, for good measure.

  8. sorry to see this curtis, IMD welcomes anyone who needs a new home.


    Well, I'd like to extend an invitation to you and all those from Freedom Fighters who'd like to join. We're similar with reading both charters.
    I am... speechless.

    Good luck I guess.

    MAC welcomes anyone from FF who wishes to join.

    - King601

    MAC Emperor


    No one likes vultures.

    - - -

    Good luck to all former FF members in their search for new homes.

  9. Lots of things to respond to:

    This is a more respectable opinion than "government=alliance" but we aren't looking at the actions of the alliance in this case. We are looking specifically at two people and THEIR motives, specifically Penchuk's motives and NC's motives. The two motives are not the same.

    An excellent example would be MDPs chaining in such a way that you end up getting involved with powers that you originally had no quarrel with. If, say, I despised Gramlins and attack your alliance, that would not mean that I wanted to attack FCC, TOP, Umbrella, and Old Guard as well. That's not my intention: it is only the result of the allegiances that you Citadel chose to hold.

    That is a terrible example. If you hated Gramlins and wanted to attack them, you would be aware that in attacking them you would also be engaging the rest of the citadel. Getting mauled by TOP, FCC, Umbrella, and OG probably wouldn't come as a surprise to you. Sure, you only had beef with Gramlins, but fighting them solo isn't an option in this reality. Likewise, I doubt NC is ignorant enough to assume his war would only be with PS, and that the entire alliance wouldn't get involved.

    I'd also be very upset, and I would indeed view it as an alliance security issue (as Boondock said, the alliance is responsible for defending its members). However, I would also look the source of the problem: the aggresive nation wanted to attack one specific member of my alliance, not the alliance as a whole.

    He did indeed say that GR was scum (actually, IIRC, he didn't say that, just that GR was led by scum. I disagree and quite like GR, but that's not the issue here, so let's leave that aside). That does not constitute a threat, that is an insult. It's certainly not diplomatic, but it is not a threat of military action.

    I don't think anyone believes MCXA is going to attack GR. However, how can you say its "not a threat of military action".. that's precisely what "you're lucky you're not in my range (not exact quote)" means. Here, I can explain it: NC is implying that HAD PS been in his range at the time of posting, he would have declared war. BAM! Military action.

    NC expressed displeasure and threatened a single member.

    Penchuk apparently hates and wants to destroy an entire alliance.

    Read the OP. All Penchuk seems to want right now is MCXA to hold itself to the same standards it holds others... crazy, right? He asks for the expulsion of nc1701, or at a minimum an apology. Given the situation, his minimum request of an apology seems reasonable.

    If it's just one member, then it's just one member.

    What, may I ask you, is the point of an alliance if individuals are forfeit to the will of those stronger than you?

  10. I'm not sure exactly what it's "rising above". Personally, I want to declare war on Penchuk now, but for my own reasons. I mean, I need to give him something for him to follow me around like a kicked puppy.

    By "rising above", I mean "maybe acknowledging that their gov members shouldn't go around spewing threats and insults at other alliances" - also, for the puppy thing, I recommend a swift kick to the ribs. Nothing makes you want to follow someone like a swift kick to the ribs.

  11. nc1701 surveys his options and wonders what type of response such an ultimatum should bring.

    nc1701 pulls out his dice and decides to place his fate on chance, the dice strike the ground and bounce the first on stops showing "K", the second rolls once more before coming to rest against a rock, clearly showing a "P" up.

    All right guys, I hereby resign from the MCXA and am going into peace mode asap, I'm now going to start my own alliance called the ASA (Angry Sam Alliance).

    Oh wait, starting revolutionary alliances is hard work. How about we just fight over this guys? I like fighting...:)


    - - -

    MCXA, you're better than what this guy is making you out to be. If you continue reading the sanction race thread, his threat of declaring war on Penlugue Solaris was only the start.

    So your the leader too...? No matter, scum are the same rather leading or following so it's hard to tell from a distance.

    With leadership like this I must wonder how long Greenland Republic will last in the sanction Race?


    Penguin of NpO nails it on the head with his comment;

    Still I think you're taking this a little over the top, nc1701. After all, you guys didn't appreciate threats made against your alliance earlier yesterday and it only stands to reason that you would follow the same standards in regards to GR.

    So what's the precedent being set here? That its not ok to talk ill of MCXA, but MCXA is free to talk ill of others? Even for my past issues with you guys, I know this is not how you are as an alliance, or how you want the public to perceive you to be. This isn't nc1701 insulting KP, who has a history with you, this is nc1701 threatening a GR gov member, then insulting him and his alliance - all in a public setting.

    A precedent that has been set here on planet Bob is holding government officials to a higher standard than regular members. As it stands, nc1701 is listed as "High Council" on the MCXA wiki - he should know better.

    All this said, the expulsion that KP demands is a little extreme, but maybe an apology is in order. Given the recent one requested of Genesis, they seem to be within MCXA's stylistic comfort zone.

  12. I can't help wondering whether people would be saying these sorts of statements if I wasn't part of MCXA.

    I actually had no idea what alliance you were in... no points for the assumption, sorry. Plus, I had a great talk with Sam a couple weeks ago about about you guys. I've got no beef with MCXA.

    The personal stuff aside... From what I saw in the public domain, KP got on the MCXA bad list for violating some sort of peace term that involved his silence (seriously, correct me if I'm wrong. The more facts/evidence the better). If he was on a ZI list, then yeah, its Genesis's fault for accepting someone on a ZI list. If KP wasn't on a ZI list or anything... then I don't really understand what the problem is, and I think others are a little confused as well. Some sort of official statement/clarification on that detail from MCXA could do worlds of good in this matter.

    And again, applause to Genesis.

  13. Blatant propaganda.

    Edit: typo

    If KP voicing his opinion is "blatant propaganda", I don't even want to think about how you view some of the Vox or NPO announcements... "extremely blatant propaganda" maybe?

    - - -

    Commendations to Genesis on their handling of this matter. In our modern world of "rolling" and "curbstomps" its good to see a sign that class still exists, as in this example of a group of people willing to cut the rope so as to save their allies from being dragged down with them. Additionally, while some (including myself) might question the necessity of the apology, I must commend Genesis again for collectively manning up a doing what had to be done given their circumstances. Well done.

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