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Posts posted by Cobalt

  1. I usually don't like to go all grammar-nazi on people, but seeing as this is a charter... I find it necessary.

    "He is spiritual"

    "each diplomat is on reporting in"

    "their will be a councilor"

    Make sure what you have typed actually means what you think it means. Remember that your charter is the fundemental principles, laws, and guidelines of your alliance; precision of language is really a must. Also, please lay off the commas.

    - - -

    Beyond that stuff, its not a bad charter idea-wise. Put some more lovin' into it, and I think you'll be off to a good start.

  2. 1022:55… 10 Empress_Shurukian[TGE]: You don't have the senate's support.

    22:55… 10 VladDracula[TGE]: I'll give you 30 minutes to post your resignation and then I'm going to demask you.

    22:55… 10 VladDracula[TGE]: Sure I do. Do you really think they will oppose Fred when I announce that he has returned?

    22:56… 10 VladDracula[TGE]: They will line up to vote for him.

    that caught my eye.

    - - -

    What's with the argument over who gets to be Emperor when it seems the person holding all the power is Vlad?

  3. if you're still taking questions/prompts:

    I'd love it if you'd comment on the influx of single person issues we seem to be seeing as of late - while generally the OWF is full on inter-alliance drama, as of late threads seem to be focusing on the plight of the individual. As kind of a tag on to that, the number of OWF 'pity plea' threads are on the rise, for both individuals and alliances in duress

    - any opinions on those issues?

  4. Our Agreement

    Upon entering into any contract with this company, you agree to fight its cause. If a client fails to meet his/her end of the bargain then all other members will be notified such that they should defend the bank's purpose. Whatever means necessary are at your disposal. Similarly, the bank will keep an updated list of members to ensure your protection. If, in any way we shall fail to meet your expectations, then you are able to notify all other members in hopes of withdrawal of funds and/or ruin of reputation. Please, do not slander the bank, you may need us someday.

    I'm not sure that's gonna work. Not sure any alliances are gonna be happy about their nations entering into military defense contracts independently of the alliance as a whole... that leads to bad situations. Probably violates most alliance's "you can only be in one alliance" rule to a degree as well...

  5. the game mechanics aren't mercenary friendly;

    -groups are linked via AA

    --> If you're not linked via AA, you can be linked through coordination

    -the aid screens will give away who hired your little group

    -once your merc group attacks one target (be it a player or alliance), you are then known as such, and will be persecuted by the allies of your target

    -the nature of your existence makes you untrustworthy to other alliances, you will have no recognizable allies

    --> as a friendless group; if an alliance decides you're a threat (which by nature, you are) you have no safeguards against being curbstomped by them and their buddies.

  6. Rule #76: No excuses, play like a champion

    Rule #91: Never dance to "What I Like About You." It's long past time to let that song go. Someone will request it at every wedding. Don't dance to it.

    Rule #115: Never walk away from a fellow crasher wearing a funny jacket

  7. Why does it keep coming back to NADC...

    While the initial war was BS, I must commend polar on their treatment of NADC nations post surrender, they were quite classy.

    Not provided to the public but there was

    I'm calling shenanigans. If by 'not provided to the public' you mean 'not provided to anyone' then sure. No NADC gov ever saw the proof, you'd think there would've been a check with the opposition at some point to make sure things were legitimate... sweet diplomacy btw.

    I've asked to see the proof several times, and have been denied several times... you'd think that after 8 months they could come out with it.

    - - -

    Good luck with the rebuilding efforts polar, atleast the destruction part of the war is over.

  8. A crime is a crime is a crime.

    Just wow. Lets just ignore some of the basic pillars of civilization, and pretend everything is categorically equal. If "a crime is a crime is a crime" we should, to pick extremes, be giving out the same punishment for premeditated murder as speeding. So its either capital punishment all around or minor fines. Pick your poison.

    If you want in in game example; someone gets nuked, they get angry - they send a message containing heavy profanity, insults regarding the sexual promiscuity of the attacker's family, maybe some tough-guy "come to jersey and i'll knock you out" comments. Those are inherently OOC, they're going after the player behind the screen, not the ruler of Fantasy Nation. When this happens, no one really cares. They might post it in the OWF, everyone has a laugh at "how angry that one dude got over the game" - and we continue on. Under your "crime is a crime" statute; he/she should receive a lifetime ban from the game. Something doesn't compute.

    The rest of us not living inside your head will now continue recognizing varying degrees of guilt and violation.

  9. [ooc]learn some history. The death of Julius Caesar allowed for the transition from the Roman Republic, to the Roman Empire, which spread across the entire known world. While his death was unfortunate, the Roman Empire is generally regarded by as a good thing - Maybe not the best metaphor for you to pick.[/ooc]

    If you're trying to rally support for Polar, I don't think this is going to do it for you.

  10. I'll tell you what I don't want to see.

    Alliances having to disband.

    Alliances having to accept Viceroys.

    Alliances having to pay massive or even large reps.

    Lets blow each other up and then shake hands afterwards. I want to see an end to the era of horrible surrender terms.

    I'm with you on that Feanor

  11. How do you keep getting the logs from our private channel?

    Seriously, we knew there would be some members of Orange that would not approve of the action. But, we entered into a treaty in good faith and said treaty did not have a clause allowing us to hide because of color issues. So, we did what we believed the right thing was. Sadly, our honor has made us the victim of a rather lopsided attack. Yet, through it all we will hold our heads high, because we did as we believed we should do. If this means massive amounts of infra and tech will disappear, then that is the price we pay for being able to look at ourselves in the mirror.


    CN Wiki lists your allies as:


    MDP: UCN, NpO

    PIAT: TTK, Element, BDC

    >>> Explain to me which one of those TORN Declared on, then you can talk about honor and doing the right thing all you want.

  12. think he's compensating for his RL one?

    Bad drunk Dani! Be nice.

    Thank god you came to this thread to post that, that way everyone knows the truth.

    Thank god you came to this thread...

    *Tungsten looks at the last page or two...

    ... to complain about the CB and tell us what we should do. Its appreciated, really.

    GR, wreck them please.

    I thought you were leaving or something? And if you're gunning for our destruction, MK would probably be your best bet.

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