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Posts posted by Cobalt

  1. Little confusion regarding Section III.B of the Mobius Accords;

    B – An attack on one signatory shall be considered an attack on all signatories and will be met in defense by all other signatories with all means of assistance available. This assistance is mandatory and may not be overridden or mitigated by any means, including but not limited to conflicting agreements.

    The part in question is in bold.

    Section III.B states that Military assistance must be given no matter the circumstances, and no treaty conflicts or anything can override that. Essentially, its a superiority clause, making the bloc's binds the most important in every signatory alliance. The confusion mounts when things such as the following are posted:

    5. All of Valhalla's treaties with multilateral military obligations(meaning MDPs, MDoAPs, and MADPs) are hereafter suspended.

    Clauses dealing with bloc treaties:

    5a. In PEACE's case, Valhalla will not be able to partake in any actions pertaining to Articles IV and V of Posideon.(PEACE)

    5b. For the Möbius Accords, Valhalla will not be able to participate in any actions covered by Article III. (Möbius)

    Again, section in question in bold.

    As I see it, you have the Mobius Accords saying that the defense clause cannot be overridden by anything... then a set of surrender terms overriding it. What course of action is being taken here, and whether Valhalla plans on keeping by their senior treaty (Mobius Accords) or breaking their signed commitment by allowing their surrender terms to override that which they agreed to never be overridden?

    This strikes me as an important turning point in the way treaties are written/honored - if superiority is agreed upon, to what point is it acceptable to ignore the clause yet maintain signatory status?

  2. Go ahead and start raiding red unaligneds. I'll be sure to try and find someone to deal with you after this war is over.
    You're a cowardly oppurtunist.
    A couple of more nukes and ill be in range.

    Just because you act like the NPO doesn't mean your alliance gets to run things when they're gone. Congratulations on the chest beating though, I hope it made you feel strong/powerful/important/needed/insert-your-insecurities-here.

    - - -

    Personally, I'd like to see NPO still enforce the Revenge Doctrine after the war - protecting a sphere from tech raids isn't a bad thing. I'll be happy to see the Moldavi Doctrine fall... open up the red sphere for the first time in years.

  3. Stern Talking to War is not a joke name. <_<

    Pepsi and Coke taste different, damnit! Those sigs are complete failures, much like all the other hegemony propaganda. Do something that is supposed to taste the same like Coke and Diet Coke.



    - - -

    Its already the Karma War, whether you like it or not.

  4. Well, yes. Obviously it breaks down when a faction rises to dominance. That doesn't mean we shouldn't look forward to and enjoy the political atmosphere until that happens.

    And it astonishes me that your side is really crying that ours side seems as bad as yours, or that if we win nothing will change. How can you rally around that, even if it were credible?

    My thoughts exactly. It seems the NPO Tune has changed from "we're not evil" to "you'll be just as evil as we are!" - an admission of guilt if I ever saw one.

  5. Two years ago, when Viridia had left WUT and applied to GUARD and was getting rolled, NADC downthumbed any defense of Viridia and allowed it to die.

    You should not talk about things of which you do not know. This is coming from the NADC diplomat at the time who spent several sleepless nights talking Egore into joining GUARD.

    The GUARD admissions vote didn't get a chance to finish before the war started, and NADC had no treaties with Viridia. Come find me if you want more details.

  6. Neutral alliance? Sure. Reading about make believe politics?Short answer, no.

    Bow down before "-Wolverine-", the man who has risen above us less folk and our make believe politics.

    - - -

    By the way, you should probably check out the loyalty oath you signed to get into the GGA. I'll bold the fun parts:

    "I _________________ wish to join the GGA and am willing to follow the code of conduct of this alliance fully. I will loyally stand by my brother nations in both peace and in war, to the end. I fully understand that breaking of this oath will result in expulsion from the GGA and/or any other means of action deemed fit from the members in the alliance."

  7. Last night the GGA canceled the Round table Accords with the NPO. We sat back and watched as we were mocked and called spineless cowards by the roving peanut gallery CN has to offer, (most of whom wouldn't have attacked the NPO alone and thus waited until there were 7 other DoW's up, which sort of presents a bit of an hypocrisy). What the GGA didn't do was cancel 1V. :jihad:

    So... you canceled one treaty, only to do the exact same thing that treaty would have required of you anyways via another treaty.

    You sly dog?

  8. Since when was going into peace mode a preparation for peace being declared?

    Anyway, I'm not even sure NPO wanted to accept all terms whatever they might have been. They were stalls so they could prepare for war and hence were being conducted in bad faith. Rightly or wrongly, Archon extended peace terms, however draconian, and as a representative of an independent actor should have no obligations not to cancel the peace talks if he feels they are a sham.

    Bingo. Everyone acts like terms were a requirement before this began... The long and short of it is; NPO Declared war on Ordo Verde, Ordo Verde's Allies responded.

    In case everyone forgot, situations like this are exactly why you sign military treaties. You don't sign them so you can have a fun time jumping on other alliances when they mess up, you sign them so you will have help and protection when you are endangered by your own actions.

    OV Screwed up, to an extent - NPO Declared war - OV's allies had the kindness to offer NPO a safe way out, that didn't go as smoothly as they'd hoped, so they went back to plan A :jihad:

  9. I didn't call for white peace, I called for surrender terms. I make that pretty clear in the OP. If the NPO has already been humbled (and it has), there is relatively little to be gained in an all out war other than to humiliate them further.

    One could argue that the NPO has been humbled before, and accepted terms before... and yet still came back and dominated the game.

    Maybe this a "taste of your own medicine" situation, or maybe its a "I don't want to do this but I feel I have to"... I guess it differs person to person.

  10. NADC is the equivalent of GUARD. Go away.

    Unnecessary post is unnecessary. Go away.

    - - -

    The above silliness aside... whats good Belmont, I miss the old days with you, DoomKid, DavidleClair et all... it was truly saddening when you guys left, though your intentions were noble. I never approved of what happened. "Atlantic Sentinels" or something - was supposed to be a military fast-response wing of NADC iirc.

  11. The people. Lets be honest... the game itself is only interesting at a small level, the real fun lies in the politics. Once that gets old, all you've got is the people themselves. Not going to speak for the world here, but that's more than enough to keep me coming back day after day.

    The people of CN, I salute you.

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