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Posts posted by Cobalt

  1. Guide for finding an alliance's IRC channel

    1. Type /j [The alliance's acronym]. For example, when looking for FCO, type /j FCO

    2. If step 1 fails, ask someone on IRC.

    3. If step 2 fails, check the thread Poobah linked.

    4. Don't make an OWF thread.

    Seriously, #FCO isn't that hard to find.

    1. Act like its a big deal

    2. Enforce the "rules" of the OWF

    3. ???

    4. Profit

    ... question asked, question answered, IRC/Forum Combo-list supplied... this thread was over well before you showed up.

  2. The last month or so has seen a massive influx of micro alliance drama. From random wars, spying, apologies, incoherent announcements... you name it, they've got it (except for size and experience). While at first I found the announcements/drama annoying, I've come to realize that it fills a role in our society: the same roll occupied by reality TV.

    What they do to each other has, for the most part, absolutely no effect on the CN Majority, yet its all played out on center stage in the OWF/AP forums for us all to see. We sit by, watch them fight and squabble, all the while knowing that its relevance in our lives lasts only for as long as we let it. We laugh, we facepalm, and usually laugh some more - all the while rooting for our favorites in their struggles. Then, in the end, just as you can turn off the TV you can close the thread and their effect on your life has been effectively closed down, and it is wonderful.

    Their drama gives us a break from treaty signings, government changes, and Vox vs. all argument threads, all without any risk to our own or our alliances well being.

    For all this I thank you, the inexperienced leaders of the micro alliances. Without you, CN would just be that much more boring.

  3. You have stronger ties to an alliance that was JUST created than to the alliance you signed an NAP with some time ago?

    Or is your word and signature about as useful as an olive pit?

    Their NAP has a 10 minute cancellation clause, which makes it a little less useful than an olive pit.

  4. Whoever is still confused after this post is a idiot.

    I'm still very confused, but now I have the urge to launch ground attacks. Interesting.

    That and unmoral and general slander.

    "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. " -Inigo Montoya

    I believe the word you're looking for is Libel [/pet peeve]

  5. So because I do not approve of them they must be too complicated for me to understand? I won't bother arguing your logic or even take time to respond to you in a clever or classy manner: piss off.

    reading comprehension ftw. "Boohoohoo I don't understand (or approve of current state of)" Sol is saying you either don't understand, or you just don't approve of the "current state of interalliance relations mechanics" - which appears to be true given that you made a topic complaining about how its too complex/complicated. He's not saying that your disapproval means they're too complicated for you, its more of an either or.

    Your avatar looks more like a swastika than the SS runes I had in my avatar before it was removed. ;)

    ... I think SS runes will always be closer linked to the swastika than patters found in ancient Celtic rock engravings.

  6. I respectfully disagree. Honor always has a place in CN. It's just sometimes more trendy than others.

    Some of us find honorable game play part and parcel to game play in general.

    It had a place, until people decided they could instantly cancel treaties, regardless of their cancellation clauses (not necessarily the first instance of that occurring, just the farthest back example that came to mind) - and ODPs became popular. Now "Honor" is is just that thing we claim to have when we actually do what we say we'll do.

  7. If I take your point as the truth then isn't the real problem in CN a lack of honor rather than to many treaties? Sure signing treaties with the thought that they can be ditched is less than honorable.

    Maybe the membership should begin to hold their leadership accountable when they sign treaties that may bring their honor into question.

    Honor hasn't had a place in Cybernations for a long time, and as such it should be disregarded. The closest you can come at this point is following through with as many of your promises as possible, and following your treaties to the letter, even in cancellation.

  8. hmm.... seems your military is weird. I would suggest having well-rounded nations period. having only some specialized in aircraft, means that your others are going to get wrecked by enemy aircraft. just like having a nation solely based on CMs, is ridiculous.

    i would work on your military section.

    my thoughts exactly. The army your charter puts forth will get dismantled quite quickly in a full scale alliance war situation.

  9. I commend you for taking this up, but is it worth it anymore?

    Back in the day, when the web was smaller, it was a useful tool for seeing who was connected to who. At this point, its such a mess that you're better off just using the wiki. I feel like the web has reached a point where it isn't being maintained for its utility, but for its tradition of existence.

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