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Posts posted by Cobalt

  1. Hello planed bob,

    i have some simple questions for you, which i'm sure will receive many witty remarks and a $%&@ton of flaming but i will persist

    Hello. I'll do my best to answer them.

    Why is it that every day here on bob that an alliances word is taken over a single nations word?

    Its all about accountability. An alliance is held accountable for its entire membership, regardless of their involvement. An individual only has themselves to be concerned about.

    And why is it that it is not as honourable to fight for your own nation on your own then to fight an alliance with hundreds of other members who dont understand why their fighting another alliance?

    Several things:

    1) Individual nations fight all the time, people duel and what not, its not that its not honorable... its that there's no point to it. If you have a good reason to be fighting for your nation's honor, heck go for it, but those times will probably be few and far between. Given the political nature of Plant Bob, its for more likely that you'll be fighting with purpose for your alliance than for yourself.

    2) You're assuming that members of an alliance "don't understand why they're fighting" - this is usually not the case, if members are not active enough to know whats going on day to day or even week to week... generally a short reading of the information provided to them by their alliance will give enough information.

    3) War is fun, especially when it comes to large-scale inter-alliance warfare. Think about it, in terms of having a good time and quality of experience, would you rather participate in a boxing match or a epic clash of armies. I know where my vote lies.

    why is one single nation not expected to succeed, unless of course said nation is a member of an alliance he did not help build?

    The game started 4 years ago, and some of the large nations have been around since then. Without the influx of capitol from other nations, it would take you months or even years to even build up to a noticeable size, especially compared to other nations who elect to join an alliance and have access to their alliance's economic programs.

    Why do alliances send out mass messages to non-AA's promising them protection from raiders, but they raid themselves?

    Most raiding alliances have regulations on who they can raid. If you join an alliance of any size (5-10+ members in an alliance = no raid is a pretty standard rule across the board, and has been for years) you are not going to be subject to raiding in most cases, and if you are you have your alliance to support/defend you. Its just recruitment, and independent of whether that alliance raids or not.

    you may say that alliances are friends that help and protect each other, but then the same person may say it is foolish to sign treaties signifying friendship, isnt that the same thing? isnt an alliance just one big treaty between its members?

    ...What? I don't get your point here. It relies on an individual's belief that inter-alliance treaties are "foolish" - Look at it from this perspective. When it all started, there were individual nations, who them banded together into factions for protection. But as the number of alliances grew, just being in alliance became not enough, because another alliance of equal or greater size could attack your group the same way a nation of equal or greater size could just attack your individual nation. So alliances banded together, for protection. Nations stopped being the base unit a while ago.

    So yes, an alliance actually is just one big treaty between its members. When you join an alliance, you agree to follow its rules and regulations, respect its power structure and to defend your fellow members who in turn are also defending you.

    all this being said, why isnt "cybernations"-"cyberalliances"?

    You still have your individual nation, and if you choose to do so you can go the independent route. This game is in constant beta, and if you read the history you can see that the game as we know it today is not how it was when it was originally created. Alliances are a product of the players, and the players are the nation.

    you may commence flaming, and trying to pick apart my logic with your cruel and witty remarks.....

    The truth is, you've come here into a world that started 4 years ago and is fairly self-directed. We are pretty set in our ways, and as a community are content with the alliance system as we know it. A couple newcomers showing up and telling us they don't like where the last 4 years of game history has brought us is going to be met with some stiff resistance. If you don't like the way we play the game, all I can say is "tough" - this game is here for everyone's enjoyment, not just yours. We're happy playing our way, and we will continue to do so regardless of your displeasure.

    I hope I answered your questions/issues.

  2. Oh, cool so now we killed off another lulz alliance without doing anything?

    Damn we are beasts.

    Enough for chuckle out of me. +1 to you sir.

    Also, it makes me happy to find out other people find this guy annoying... I was still under the impression you all still loved and adored him, what with his spelling/grammar challenged history lessons and what not

  3. They are indeed two separate alliances with similar membership and similar names and flags

    ...and government, and structure, and principles, and values, and community...

    Seems to me like you need to think about what constitutes an alliance. Hint: Its a bit more complicated than "name, flag, charter"

  4. or the old VE

    I'd say a VE was brought back to as a close a version of its predecessor as possible. Unlike many "remakes" it included a majority of its former members, government included - that might be partially due to the relatively short time span between the Green Civil War and VE's reformation around the UJP War. However, I would say the feel of the community at the "old" VE is still alive in the "new" VE (I use quotes because, lets be serious... the "new" VE has been around for 2 years... it can lose the "new" tag).

    And I'm not saying this as a current member, but as someone who knew the old VE, and has known the new from a foreign and domestic perspective.

  5. Anyone else enjoy a VE member calling someone out for not having evidence?

    Explain your reasoning as my mind is coming up blank trying to think of an instance where VE took action without evidence. In all honesty, if you can find an example, enlighten me.

  6. Now I don't have screen shots or I would post, but I would bet anything it was planned, follow my thought does it make seance to you?

    Translation: I have no evidence to prove any of this and I'm just gonna start rambling on about things I made up.

    And no, it does not make seance to me... I don't even have an Ouija board


  7. Soldier seemed like an alliance that had its time and place, not to say its disbandment was a good thing or warranted, but I get the feeling its members learned from their experiences there and went on to do good things in other places.

    Even though I am a professional noob now, I can still spell better than you. and make better points.

    -A typo (adding an 'e' to the end of a word) has nothing to do with spelling ability

    -Your claim of making "better points" seems to be directly countered by the inaccuracy of your "points"

    -If you're a re-roll, either embrace your past or separate from it completely; few things discredit a post more in my opinion than an author who claims to have extensive background knowledge but refuses to admit where/how it was gained.

    That is all.

  8. Belmont? Didn't know you were still around...

    It was really to bad about that whole Elite-GUARD thing (Sentinels iirc?)... not only did we lose a whole bunch of good members to that debacle but it also signaled the start of GUARD backwards movement... it wasn't long after that things started imploding.

  9. V - Sleeping it off: We want to tell the world of how glad we are about our awesome.gif new friends, and the values we share. However, if either alliance holds back intel from the other, or if the Spartays become boring or hostile over time, the treaty may be canceled. We'll give each other 72 hours to ditch the party. Due to the nature of it, the canceling alliance needs to give the other notification in private, and any intentional or planned violations of the articles within this treaty result in the treaty being considered immediately void, unless otherwise agreed upon by the leadership of both signatories.


    The immediate cancellation bit is kinda like me telling you "I agree not to punch you, until I punch you - then our agreement's off"

  10. Technically... she's got a point. Treason is a crime, and as such it requires some deliberation, or what in Anglo-American criminal law is called mens rea.

    sure, but whether or not an act is deliberate has nothing to do with state of mind... there's a long list of "traitors" out there who were under the impression that their actions would improve their nation/city/state/kingdom

  11. 3 Admit the error of your ways and earn your tech the old fashion way... work for it..

    2 things.

    1) Tech raiding IS the old fashioned way.

    2) Which is more difficult, requiring more time and energy - managing your forces and coordinating ground assaults to gain tech - OR - sending out 3m, then receiving your tech 10 days later...

  12. There was a time when the interlude between wars was the more fun period, between the forum ****storms and the political maneuverings and the conspiracies and the uncertainty.

    Planet Bob still has a sad case of "Private Channels FTW". It's interesting to watch; we've finally emerged from underground into the beautiful world beyond, yet everyone seems to want back in that cave to watch the fire-shadows on the wall.

    Plato in my CN? Points for the reference.

    Also, the detente between GWII and GWIII was fantastic - how 'bout we all pick teams then start hating each other, the team that has 2nd pick gets first blitz when the time comes.

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