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Posts posted by Cobalt

  1. :huh: RUMOR!!!! has it that an outbreak of major wars is going to occur due to this so called "corruption" and is going to involve power-hungry alliances. Again This is a rumor not a scientifically proved fact! I am just wanting to know what you guys think about this and who you think started the rumors.
    Tell Me what you guys think.

    Posting twice to say one thing does not make what you're saying twice as important

    ...it makes it spam.

  2. A few things come to mind:

    -(probably) Should have joined VE in December '06.

    -Should have joined \m/ sooner (3 of the best weeks of my CN Career. Though I do not consider myself a \m/ember, I had more fun with you guys than should be legal - it was a pleasure to fight alongside all of you in the UJP war)

    -Shouldn't have left TOP in November '07

    -Should have removed EmperorCharles much sooner - probably could have prevented the whole NADC/BLEU conflict if not for his executive veto's.

    ... no regrets since Feb. 08... I guess that's good ;)

  3. If she's tempted away from you by someone hitting on her, well.. chances are she was gonna leave you anyway.

    In this case/example, the issue isn't her resolve, but the actions of the other man. No matter how easily tempted she is, it is still wrong of him to try, especially in the eyes of the man whom she is involved with.

  4. Of course it doesn't work. That is the entire point. The idea of "poaching" is a manufactured offense. If a nation has joined your alliance then they have done so for a reason. If they are going to leave they would do so, with or without an invitation from elsewhere.

    The idea that it is somehow more glorified to send countless spam messages to new nations who haven't got a clue instead of messages to established nations that know what is going on and can make reasonable choices for themselves is ridiculous.

    Anyone that claims some moral superiority or self righteous honor because they disagree with the concept that open alliance recruitment is an acceptable practice only fools themselves.

    Right. By your logic a man shouldn't get angry if another man hits on his girlfriend.

  5. That makes sense, thanks. Making a fuss over it (even as a side issue), on the other hand, is beyond pointless.

    I understand the intent. I'm merely saying that the way I read it she said she was against such an intent; I'm assuming here that she wasn't aware of them since the Writ IIRC is older than her nation. So it makes me wonder why you would log dump on an alliance to prove something that doesn't seem to be the issue.

    Then again I really have no idea what's going on so maybe I should have just quoted Tyga :laugh:

    From what I've gathered.... the issue isn't whether or not the writ was written with bad intentions (I think the bad intentions have been proven twice over at this point), its that Themis' still denies the "machinations" that have occured, and is thereby calling Experimentum a liar.

    On top of that, you've got this gem;

    "What ever cute machinactions he may have felt were written into the Writ, I reject any such nefarious intent. I pledge that if in fact there ever was or currently is then I will find myself on the other side of a conflict with the Order."

    Lets break it down:

    "What ever cute machinactions he may have felt were written into the Writ" - Stating that Experimentum believes there was intentional manipulation put into the writ.

    "I reject any such nefarious intent" - Themis denies that there could have been such intentional manipulations, thereby calling Experimentum a liar.

    "I pledge that if in fact there ever was or currently is then I will find myself on the other side of a conflict with the Order." - Themis then goes on to state that if there are or if there were any "cute machinations" in the Writ which were made with "nefarious intent" that she will find herself fighting against the Order. Here in lies Experimentum's second issue, that by saying that she is violating her oath to the OBR.

    Seems pretty cut and dry to me...

  6. I find all of Chron's points to be pretty valid, and though it would have done better to have used quotes from other players instead of just Bob so people wouldn't be constantly saying that this is some type of grudge post it is easier to research one player then many.


    Following your logic;

    If I was writing a paper about the foods people eat around the world, I could just go out and see what people on my block cooked for dinner last night. So much easier than actually doing research that would present the entire picture.

    - - -

    @Chron/OP: I like your points, but using examples from a single player isn't going to get you anywhere. In all honestly, everyone thinks they're unbiased and free of hypocrisy unless they're doing so intentionally. I don't believe you intended this thread to come off the way it did, but it did none the less. Take a step back, take the time to pull enough examples to support your points, then maybe people will really listen.

  7. Here's a tl;dr

    "We thought NPO was going to do the dishonorable thing and screw us, so we decided to be clever and pre-empted their dishonor with our own cowardice, and in the process screwed over all our allies and got their nations blown to hell in a war we started."


    ...what pedestal of courage are you on that gives you the right to call TORN cowards?

    I was in those war room chats during the WoTC. OR and TORN were the first to hit GR after they counter DOW'd on Valhalla+GGA. We knew we were gonna hit almost immediately by NpO and/or MK, and we didn't know about the MCXA/TOP/Grämlins/Umbrella/FOK/RnR/FARK DoW that happened two days later. TORN made the call to go in anyways as their allies needed help, and as we had discussed during our inception, OR followed.

    It was a tough war. We got hit back hard. It went full nuclear with MK. Our side won.

    Then we declared white peace.

    TORN took a beating for its allies. Their counter-blitz on GR occured less than five minutes after GR's own. They fought a full, tough war, then asked for nothing in return. Calling them cowards or implying that they are in any way dishonorable is just a display of ignorance.

  8. What part of Karma do you not understand? Karma is an exclusively inward looking concept i.e. you are responsible for your own actions and no one elses actions. Karma is some guy who gets away with murder getting killed by a random passing car or sleepwalking off a cliff etc. If the victim's brother goes and shoots the murderer that is not Karma, that is pure revenge. Karma was an extremely poor choice of names considering its only application in this scenario is that eventually something bad will happen to those administering the terms. By the same token if NPO is the one delivering that "something bad" it will not remotely qualify as Karma.

    From some academic discussions about karma as a concept:

    "We ourselves are responsible for our own happiness and misery. We create our own Heaven. We create our own Hell. We are the architects of our own fate. "

    "It is this doctrine of Karma that the mother teaches her child when she says "Be good and you will be happy and we will love you; but if you are bad, you will be unhappy and we will not love you." In short, Karma is the law of cause and effect in the ethical realm."

    - - -

    We all create our own hells, the most anyone can hope for is the that they will have the strength to live in theirs.

  9. meh. I read 10 pages then gave up.

    my $0.02:

    "Karma are hypocrites... blah blah blah I don't understand what the word karma means"

    If we added up the amount of reps, tech reps, cost of destroyed infra, amount of time nations have been under PZI/EZI, etc of the NPO's history, then subtracted how much they've lost in this war, it would still be more they they could possibly ever pay. "Karma" as an idea, is about receiving back what you've caused, no more no less.

    To think that Karma wouldn't offer extremely harsh terms is to mis-interpret the meaning of the word its based around. As I see it, Karma isn't about setting a new example so much is it is ballancing the books.

    See it as you will, but I don't think any ruler with a shred of kindness in their souls could ask NPO for the kinda reps that would cancel out the debits planet bob has seen in the assets of the Pacific Order. Be happy Karma isn't living up to its name in entirety.

  10. 2. You are now distancing yourself from the Karma Coalition due to it proving a less-than-unified front with the war winding down

    Note the bolded portion, and how this makes sense given that Karma is/was a loose coalition established for a specific war. As that war ends, so does Karma.

  11. Real Abstinthe contains Thujone which acts on GABA and 5-HT3 receptors in the brain and exhibits slight psychoactive response, although in some countries they've banned Thujone containing Absinthe or highly restricted their Thujone content, so they only sell "thujone-free" versions. (Wikipedia: Thujone)

    Congrats to the Green Team on choosing such an interesting beverage. :)

    [ooc]This. "Real" Absinthe in brewed with Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium), which contains the Thujone iirc. At low levels, thujone is psychoactive, in high doses its lethal. In the middle ages, the English used to coat their arrows in wormwood extract, hoping its neurotoxic effects would finish off any wounded... and then apparently they started to drink it[/ooc]

    Anyways, green unity centered around booze is still green unity. Congrats and everything.

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