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Posts posted by Cobalt

  1. er. no. AP classes and tests are NOT why high schools are failing, and AP classes are designed TO teach to the test. Maybe since you are 8 years removed from high school (I'm 3 years removed) and since wide availability of AP classes are relatively new, i'll fill you in. AP stands for Advanced Placement, which means that in most schools that offer AP courses, AP courses are the highest level of achievement, and generally by taking these courses, you would get more knowledge than in any other non-AP course by the same name. The goal is to take a test at the end of the year (my tests were $52 an exam) and, based on what you got on the test (1-5, 1+2 failing, 3 sometimes being accepted, and 4+5 usually accepted), you would get college level credit. As for myself, I took 7 AP courses in high school (took 6 tests, as the Physics AP class wasn't serious nor taught to the test), and as a result, I got 22 credits, which has probably saved me 15k-25k depending on including the opportunity costs, which is great considering I only spent $312 on the exams themselves. Fundamentally, AP courses are designed so the students gain enough knowledge to pass the AP exam, to serve as an acceptable substitute for a college course by the same or similar name.

    You're lucky. Unfortunately, in the eyes of my university AP Calc AB =/= Business Calc, AP Stats =/= Business stats, and you try and find the business school equivalents of Art History, US History and Euro :( .

    5 tests at $80ish a piece = ~$400 down the drain.

  2. At my high school, we had four periods of 85 minutes each, and two semesters per year.

    your school sounds atypical, and this is coming from someone who went to boarding school. Beyond that, the OP is idealistic to a point, puts far to much emphasis on APs, and, sounds a lot like your economic theory. Lets also not forget your whole student-government idea, which completely ignores the existing structures which keep schools together, which are run by staffs of paid administrators. I don't know about you, but I would not want to send my child to a school that's run by minors.

    I took 5 of those tests, never got below a 4, and they have not and will not do me any good in college. Waste of time, waste of money. Not to mention, judging learning or intelligence based on test scores is like trying to judge morality via a swimming race. All tests measure is how good you are at studying, long term retention be damned.

    - - -

    Additionally, how is this OWF material?

  3. correct me if I'm wrong, but wouldn't the fastest way to get a question for a single person answered be to contact the person directly? All you're going to get out of this topic is the opinion of others, with only a possibility of getting the one of the person in question.

  4. I don't know what Kronos mean, care to enlighten me? ( I really don't know >_< )

    As I understand it, we're operating under several meanings for the word, depending on how you want to look at it:

    -In mythological terms, Kronos was the father of the Olympian gods (Zeus, Ares, Hera, etc.)

    -Sorta related to time

    -The name of a quartet of string musicians, but I don't think that has anything to do with the naming of the alliance.

  5. NADC>\m/>VE>TOP>NADC>VE>OR>OV>Kronos

    I hold nothing against people who've been in a lot of alliances. Sometimes events force you to change, sometimes its personal... I guess it all really depends on the reasons for leaving.

    For me, 9 months in NADC, then I knew UJP was coming and what side I wanted to be on, so I joined up with \m/ 2 weeks before the war, went to VE after the war, then to TOP (my stay there was one of my favorite periods of time in my CN Career) before being called back to NADC to take a gov spot, after the whole NADC/BLEU debacle I went to VE, then founded OR with Chief and Impero, which then became OV, then I left for a while, came back and joined Kronos. Its all in the reasoning.

  6. One time BnT disbanded an alliance simply by posting a reply in its thread.

    One time BnT formed a sanctioned alliance simply by typing random letters on his keyboard

    two can play at this game.

  7. This is highly disappointing. I disapprove of all IRON's ill-gotten gains. I wonder which superpower IRON will leach onto next?


    "All of your ill-gotten gains

    That you have whipped up to a rich, foamy lather, girl

    Nameless gnaw of my pains

    Like three hundred trumpets, and just one is out of tune"


    - - -

    Personally, I'd love to see a new IRON that remembers what the "I" stands for - maybe not as drastic as the pre-IRON/MCXA MADP days, but not exactly the tC/1V days either.

  8. We all know the lines well. They've been all over just about every thread and IRC since the current conflict started;

    "You'll be just as bad as we were"

    "You're doing the same things we did"

    "Karma is a bunch of hypocrites, they won't change anything"

    After pondering this argument, I'm left with a simple question; What exactly is it they're complaining about?

    If Karma is "just as bad" as they were; then we'll still have their beloved status quo. If Karma is doing the same things they did; then we've still got that good ol' status quo. And, if anyone hasn't noticed, CN's been infested with hypocrisy for a long, long time. I don't see that changing anytime soon, Karma or no Karma.

    Remember the NPO war signatures during the initial phases of the FAN conflict? "If you crave war, why do you squeal when we bring it to you?" (or something to that effect). If in your minds Karma is just bringing more of the same... why are you squealing?

  9. I do not think that Duckroll has any defensive measures in it. Atleast that was the line told when questions were brought up as to why there wasn't much military aid given between those alliances.

    You're correct.

    from the treaty;

    The signatory alliances will participate in cooperative military planning and joint operations through the same. Methods may include central forums and/or IRC channels, guide/resource sharing, limited shared private forum access, and/or other agreed upon cooperative initiatives. Any such cooperation will involve all signatories as equals.
    In times of war, military operations of the signatories will be centralized, with the signatories most efficiently sharing war duties with each other in order to maximize damage given. This is not required by this document, it is simply what we do.

    Its not so much a bloc as it is a "If we're all at war we roll as one massive fighting unit" deal, or at least that's how woody described it to me back when I made the logo

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