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Posts posted by Cobalt

  1. Someone did SoE last year, it did not go well for them.


    i'm hoping that by not adding the "Senior Staff" Member title, or putting "CN Staff" as my AA I'll be a little bit more safe. Also, old school avatar + sig ftw... back when SoE used to lay the smackdown in the OWF on a daily basis.

  2. As you all know, multiple forum accounts is a big no-no around here and has dire consequences for those who abuse that rule.

    As according to CN policy, we will now announce the identity of "npo spy" aka "spy assasin dude" (we caught the latter before he got past the validation stage).

    Islamic Rep Pakistan ruled by zindabad is the guilty party.

    If any additional accounts pop up please PM your nearest mod and CC me.

    Happy Hunting.

  3. typed by me 4 days ago, liked how you did not included the last bit in your declaration hmm

    now i see that instead of waiting 10 days for booze repaying you back, you guys chose to try and crush a smaller alliance. I am still talking to Booze and i have more then once told him to send peace offers (to which he says that it gets rejected) and i told him to repay back. If he doesnt within the 2 weeks (now 10 days of this post) then i will personally get rid of him myself. I got a threat from one of you guys that i will get "bounced upon" even tho all i done was try and get my member to repay you back. This war is unnesscery.

    you say prather that i basically said to you " responded with ill get back to you in a week or maybe two; you guys would just hold" no what i meant was the repayment would be given in a week or two at most.

    "Viva la TUF! We know much of this issue and have attempted to aid in solving it without accomplishment" No offence but i dont rember you trying to resolve it.

    So anyways this thing is getting out of hand and needs to be resolved without the need for a pointless war, in summary i told booze to send peace offers and repay back now instead of waiting till 23rd the United front preferred to declare war on the entire alliance and according to one member i am doomed.

    Agree to end the war wait 10 days and if you dont get repaid i will sack booze from my alliance and i will do my best to repay your members of 300 tech you required (will take a while as 300 tech is of course expensive and i may not get 300 in the required time, as i got about $1million), this i think everyone will agree with this is somewhat reasonable.

    here's a little advice: If one of your members goes on an opportunistic offensive against the gov members of another alliance, your first move should be to get him to stop the attacks (from what TUF has said, attacks did not stop). If they don't stop attacks, they're not obeying their commanding officers, and you should probably expel them from the alliance. All this "end the war and see if he pays" nonsense doesn't get you much of anywhere - especially if the damage caused is more than your alliance can afford (your $1m isn't gonna get you more than 50 tech, if you're lucky). I can see your heart is in the right place here, but you seem to have developed a victim complex in all this, when your member was in fact the aggressor.

    At the same time TUF could probably be a bit more patient in the matter, but as a sovereign alliance they do have the right to declare war should they see the need.

  4. Well well well, what have we here............ :popcorn:

    Kaduuk is my buddy. We fought many wars together and raided many nations.

    I kow Kaduuk as a loyal comrade and one who is determined in his actions.

    Therefore I state that some people are paranoid in thinking that he has nothing with the word "loyalty".

    I also will state that if someone will harm my buddy I will stand by him, no matter what will happen. I never leave my buddies alone.

    Kaduuk, soldier up man and don't worry :jihad:

    to be quite honest; past tendencies are a quiet whisper compared to the yell of present actions. From the looks of this; you're 'buddy' hasn't been such a good boy as of late - egging them on and hiding behind his alliances screams of cowardice no matter how 'loyal' you think he is.

  5. how would a reset change anything? The people would still exist, just NS would equalize.

    Unless you theorize that with a reset, the advantage would simply go to those alliances with greater numbers, and smaller 'high-strength' alliances would lose their advantage and crumble.

  6. Considering these forums have been used at least as long as the old ones before they were closed, it begs the question:

    Not really.

    These forums are what, a year old? (sept 2007 -> sept 2008)

    The old ones were from (iirc) Jan 2006 though Sept 2007 -> over a year and a half

    ---> Could be wrong though.

  7. Ha! GUARD was a joke. Internally, the bloc was a nightmare. No one ever spoke to one another, and when they did, they couldn't agree on anything. EC of NADC continually acted as if he owned the thing and annoyed everyone else. It was awful. Looking back, for me, GUARD is what you get if you take my current bloc and make every aspect of it exactly opposite. There was nothing good there.

    I was kidding about the GUARD thing... I was there for that disaster.

    and EC was terrible with it. When everyone left in august, I had 5 MDPs lined up within 24 hours.... he vetoed every one of them, I left after that. When I came back in December to be MoFA, he shut down every treaty opportunity we opened - and slowly planned to build GUARD 2.0.... it was pathetic.

  8. If we had a UN, then all the alliances would get along and be allied to each other. Then nothing would happen but boring curbstomps and the game would stagnate and grow inactive. What a horrible idea!

    Oh... Wait.


    - - -

    just to recap:

    last CN:UN discussion; "no>blah blah blah idealism> continuum is like un>blah blah no blah"

    discussion before that; "no>blah blah blah idealism> continuum is like un>blah blah no blah"

    any previous, or future CN:UN discussion: "no>blah blah blah idealism> *insert largest/strongest bloc here* is like un>blah blah no blah"

    moral of the story? Use the search function.

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