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Posts posted by Cobalt

  1. The start of a change appears to be starting with what VE has started, but it will take a lot more than that. At least it's a step in a direction that is worth setting a standard to in CN. One person can't change CN, everyone has to be willing to change.

    I agree completely. Not one person, group, or event is going to change CN, its going to take effort, and its going to take time.

  2. good stuff VE.

    For those who see this as 'letting criminals off the hook' - its not, its letting them off the IC hook. To go with an example refferenced above, if a bunch of TPF nations dropped their AA, went rogue on Van Hoo, then deleted - their re-rolls wouldn't be attaked as per the tennents of this treaty. That does not mean TPF would not be approached and told that [ooc]players[/ooc] who were once in their alliance had left, gone rogue, and were joining up again.

    This treaty merely restricts people from perpetual ingame, in character, punishment. It says nothing about lasting consequences out of game. Under this treaty the GATO surrender terms which included a member never being able to return to government service would still be applicable accross re-rolls, as it is the [ooc]player[/ooc] who talks on forums and IRC, not the IC nation ruler he represents.

    Maybe treaties such as this will bring back some distinction to the IC/OOC line.

  3. MyWorld; I hope something here catches your fancy again, and you decide to stay. You were always one of my favorite foreign officials to deal with. You treated others as people, as opposed to a means to an end - and that sort of talent shouldn't be lost to disinterest. Drop by #ordo sometime for a chat.


  4. \m/. was told they were to remain at ZI and become an alliance wide tech farm,

    I guess Jason8 should stop by here for old times sake and discuss what he was told on IRC.

    \m/'s reincarnate, FPI was attacked by NPO when their protectorate expired. They were again forced to disband. Where is Jason8 these days? He's more than likely left the game, What about \m/'s government. Where are they these days? The \m/embership? Where are most of them?

    Are they being farmed or did they get kicked from the game?

    there's a lot of \m/ still around, including gov members. There was no animosity held towards most former members after the UJP war - heck I only spent 3 days as a POW before I was released to VE. Basically; \m/ is a terrible example for you to use.

  5. ... there's a difference between perma-ZI and not letting someone play the game. Perma ZI lets them have a nation, even though its worthless. Atleast you get a forum account. What you sometimes see is people forcing a nation into bill lock, and they got auto-deleted - if you did that in perpetuity to some one you'd probably be the most hardcore alliance in the game.

    Also, as anyone who's been on a ZI list or has friends who have been on them knows - with good behavior and time, things change. Look at the recently departed starfox for a prime example. As memory servers he was on NPO's Perma-ZI list for quite a while.

  6. CN officially died today.
    Most everything that made CN interesting has died today.
    Damn. Who else is left that makes this game interesting?

    THIS is the problem with CN. Everyone acts as if the 'fun' of the game is contingent of a few players. Maybe if more people started to stand up and state their true opinions people wouldn't perceive the loss of one person, or even a small group of people, as the death of this great game. Its not just a problem in the game, its a problem in the 'real world' as well. Activism is on a decline no matter where you are, people being more content to just fall in with the crowd than stand and potentially suffer the consequence for their beliefs. Especially in CN - its just pixels. Do something. Take a risk. Be different.

    That being said, you shall be missed fox. While my interactions with you often involved me taking issue with your decisions as a leader of Vox Populi, you were always ready to try again and harder - it saddens me to see you've thrown in the towel - keep in touch.


  7. It is detailing his belief of what is behind the stagnation that has enveloped this game for nearly a year.

    so what's behind the stagnation is NPO not being behind the stagnation - prove A by disproving B? There's good stuff in the OP, I just want to hear more on the topic the title dictates.

  8. I did indeed mention NPO. However, reading into it, you can see that while the problem is related to NPO, it isn't NPO itself.

    I think talking about something in all but the first two paragraphs goes a bit beyond 'mention' ;)

    - -

    I'm just having trouble seeing what point you're trying to make - you come in under the title of "Whats really wrong with Cybernations" but you never tell us what you perceive the problem to be. You do a great job of showing that the NPO and others at the top of the power structure aren't to blame - and I agree with most of what you're saying... so great, NPO isn't the problem - in your opinion who/what is?

  9. I still cannot see how the topic title was unrelated to the announcement. The Crimson Brigades acronym is CB, thus putting DefCon CB as the title shows that the announcement is about our two alliances.

    The treaty name itself has "Declaration of Wub" in its title which can thus be shortened to DoW.

    If you honestly believe the title wasn't made with the intent of grabbing attention to this thread by using terminology associated with an alliance declaring war, you're probably too naive to be posting on these boards. If you were trying to be humorous; a little dry ;)

    that being said; fake DoW's are shameless attempts at grabbing attention. Congratulations on your treaty, next time try showing us you take them seriously.

  10. I swear I remember some alliances singing a mutal dislike pact a year or two ago. That would probably be even lower on the trety spectrum.

    I want to say LoSS / NpO, but that may be incorrect.

    >> CN Wiki shows a 'Mutual Tension Pact' between LoSS and GOONS, which I assume is the treaty I'm thinking of

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