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Markus Wilding

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Status Updates posted by Markus Wilding

  1. I do believe I have the Dead Ringer, thus I have cloaked and will return to stab you in the back at some point.

  2. Your avatar...it mesmerizes me...


  3. You do know your sig is broken, right Keshav? :P

  4. Dangit, now when I rad your posts, I hear Buzz Lightyear. Darn you!!

  5. Good to see another NCIS fan on here.

  6. Very nice avatar, Jerry. Good luck with your new CNRP nation, by the way!

  7. I can't decide if you're brilliant or just plain crazy. Either way, it's fun reading your posts!

  8. Dude, your avatar...it's freaking trippy!

  9. You are my new favorite mod. :)

  10. But why is the rum gone?

  11. Yeah no. I don't think so. Tough break, Sarggy. :D

  12. i'm 14...and a GUY. Plus I already have a girl I like. That isn't you. :P

  13. uhm...........i don't know what to say to that, sargun.

  14. that was absolutely the last thing i needed to see, sargun. thanks, now your shirtlessness will invade my dreams for months to come.

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