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Everything posted by Chad

  1. Ummm...no. Now please stop doing what you're doing. You know exactly what those cartoons mean and these silly responses are sinking to GOONS level immaturity.
  2. No. 8 pages ago it was Disequilibrium allowing their lower tiers to perish while the upper tiers hid behind (or in CN mechanics, above) them in relative protection. They are essentially using the lower tiers as meat shield to protect their nations and/or pride. In the most recent cartoon, Disequilibrium's strategy is to have the upper tiers carry the weight of winning the war. Mind you, the lower tiers are still being ravaged but dQ leaders seem not to care, as the determining factor for a win/loss for the dQ coalition seems to rest with the success or failure of the top tiers.
  3. Except he is not mocking people who speak English as a second language. Instead of enjoying a new and refreshing RP, he is finding offense in something that is not overtly offensive. If anything, Ubuntu shows us that those who speak english as a second language have some very admirable qualities that many English speakers do not have. Ubuntu is honorable, brave, and very witty (as seen with his quick quips and comebacks) and, despite the language barrier, his character is able to participate in our community much to the delight of most of our members. It is, in fact, KenoCore who should be ashamed. He made the comparison between Ubuntu and a cartoon baboon (as per Wikipedia's description: a dimwitted, ugly, and ridiculed baboon characterized by his intense stupidity and hunger for attention). That statement is more offensive to ESL speakers than anything said by Ubuntu. I also trust he has never seen Forrest Gump, Terminal Man, Inglorious Bastards, or other movies which portray characters with accents in somewhat stereotypical ways, right? And do you mean to tell me that you find offense in my avatar and caption? Sorry but no dice. I am actually Japanese and I do not take offense to it in the least.
  4. Actually, you chose to insult him and his accent by making the comparison between him and a cartoon baboon (Exhibit A). In addition, assuming the accent is a parody, it is an obvious parody of an African accent (if I had to guess, perhaps a native South African one) not an Indonesian one. Everyone here finds it amusing because it is all part of Ubuntu's persona. It is different and, honestly, quite refreshing. He does not represent his accent as being a negative characteristic and portrays quite an honorable character. I have lived in Hawaii all my life, arguably one of the most multi-cultural places on the planet, and no one here would take offense to anything said here. We have learned to laugh at ourselves and our differences, and racial jokes are actually a very big part of our culture. Please stop attempting to be holy by being the great defender of the playground. It most definitely does preclude him from being offended. Ubuntu's portrayal is not overly racist nor offensive. His entire basis of the argument is that some of our international members feel they are seen as inferior because of their accents (and other members' reactions to it). Unless he is part of this group, it really has nothing to do with him. He does not personally have an accent and Ubuntu is not portraying an Indonesian accent (far from it). Why would you be offended by something that is not overtly offensive that really has nothing to do with you personally? And as for my avatar (which someone was so kind as to report to the mods and was not warned for) is of an asian boy and the a Japanese pronunciation of "Me Likey." "Me Likey," in Japanese katakana (ミー・レイキー) converted to romaji, would be "Mi Raiki." It is not anymore offensive than if I posted a picture of Ronald McDonald with the caption, "Makudonarudo" (Japanese pronounciation of McDonald's). Exhibit A
  5. Do you personally take offence to his accent? You do not speak with the accent which Ubuntu is speaking with and therefore you have no basis to be offended by it. No one here in the community has stepped forward claiming they speak in the same dialect as Ubuntu and is therefore offended. So please cut the crap. You have a very backwards view of intellectual safety and you need to stop speaking for others that could be offended ("others" which I'll go so far as to say do not exist in this community). And the fact that you are unable to laugh and enjoy his RPing is really quite sad and it is amazing people like you are able to find any joy in this world. I can only imagine you would have a hernia if you watched a single episode of Family Guy. Please grow a sense of humor.
  6. Of course by that you mean; "these charts are going to continue to look like garbage until they start showing Disequilibrium is winning."
  7. ((OOC: So am I gonna get an idea of what you're sending or are you going to magically teleport a bunch ships when the time comes?))
  8. I agree with the navy point. Subtracting from your army should be sufficient enough. Because a nation like mine, which requires a navy to move anywhere, would be at a huge disadvantage. Allowing me to sacrifice by army strength for naval strength would allow me to continue playing.
  9. The crew of the merchant ship Sorakkom loaded the final burlap sacks into the ships holds as it departed the Port of Fayhill. The journey, although not long, would be a first for the crew. The Sorakkom was a 450 ton merchant vessel operating under the Austrican flag. She was bound for a short voyage to the Icelandic Commonwealth, her hull filled with a shipment of potatoes.
  10. Alarms rang aboard the Wurk. A ship of unknown origin was spotted in the distance by one of the deckhands and the captain was quickly notified. It wasn't Dark Markian...it was Scottish. But what was a Scottish ship doing in the Austrican Sea (Irish Sea)? Some of the deckhands had heard only rumors of a Scottish invasion of Dark Mark, but were the rumors true? The captain of the Wurk soon came from his quarters. A whistle sounded above the men, and echoed across the fleet. "Pravora kur rema uk bossra!" the captain barked at his men. Sailors on the other ships also began bustling and flying high above the Drosum was a bright red flag, signalling the fleet to prepare a line of battle.
  11. On IRC, we kind of agreed on a 3% of population cap for soldiers, 1.5% of population cap on cavalry, and a 15% of soldiers cap on artillery. The numbers seem to work well. Navies will use the soldier and artillery counters to limit them (which allows nations to decide between a vast navy or vast army).
  12. The Austrican king read the memo from his counter part in Dark Mark. He could only manage a smirk. If the Dark Markians thought Austrica's help extended beyond destroying the Scottish threat, they were sadly mistaken. He through trash bin next to him.
  13. O yes. Because setting up the story for the Dark Mark and my own nation (both pretty comparable in strength) to act as mortal enemies competing for control of the Irish Sea is bad RP? Especially on the level of a million man invasion taking place in 1700 right? Horrible RP, and I should be ashamed.
  14. From the Austrican Monarch: Arsruisr es voemk ka su kvorruv kae vreda omd oddrakk o kvurm amakae uk kae vauvra, es ovvaork o cukkum srraos rok cuka su om ossrakkeqa axeksamca ivum uir ekromdk. Trek srraos ek sra kura raokum I ok cumsocsems aeui omd es ek su busr uir moseumk bamakes kur aeui su rakvumd occurdemsrae. Tra Umesad Kemsduk uk Aiksreco ek emsaraksad em kurkems o sakvurorae orreomca vesr sra Dark Mark imser srek srraos ek kas omd daksruaead, os vrecr seka uir ressra soka com rakika. Although it pains me to swallow my pride and address a sworn enemy of my people, it appears a common threat has come to an aggressive existence upon our islands. This threat is the sole reason I am contacting you and it is to both our nations' benefit for you to respond accordingly. The United Kingdom of Austrica is interested in forming a temporary alliance with the Dark Mark until this threat is met and destroyed, at which time our little game can resume.
  15. I honestly posted my attack before I realized it was his territory (hence why it states, "Whoever [the inhabitants] are"). Hence also why I only sent 3 ships and 700 soldiers, something which in hindsight Dark Mark is able to very easily defend. But it honestly didn't even occur to me that the Isle of Man was under his control until after I posted it. And I decided not to retract it because it is something he is able to defend quite easily. The Scottish invasion, however, is a different matter entirely and has nothing to do with me.
  16. ((OOC: Gonna speed this up a bit if you don't mind.)) Port Fayhill, Austrica Aboard the 105 gun Brezzord, Captain Fidelis Arden stood in bewilderment at the ship sailing into the mouth of the harbor. "Wros sra kicd ora sraae duems?" he whispered to himself, "What the fuck are they doing?" Never before had a Dark Mark ship sailed into Port Fayhill and it was a shame Arden's ship was docked for repairs after a storm nearly tore the ship apart the week prior. He would have loved to sink this pathetic excuse for a boat. The Dark Mark ship continued on its course, seemingly unconcerned for its own safety. Captain Arden continued to watch the ship, ever curious as to its intention. There was something different about it. In his long and decorated naval career, Arden fought battles against the Dark Mark for more than half his life and not once had he seen a ship like this. At a full sprint, he left his ship to notify the admiral. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Cukkudura Laocoon," Captain Arden could barely catch his breath as he burst into Commodore Balen Laocoon's office, "I have spotted an unidentified vessel sailing into the port. I am almost sure it is not a Dark Mark ship, sir. It doesn't have the usual..." "So this is how you greet a commanding officer, Covsoem?" the Commodore interrupted. "My apologies, sir," the Captain immediately saluted his superior. He snapped his right hand so his index finger touched the tip of his brow, facing his palm slightly out toward the Commodore. The Commodore returned the salute. "Now about this ship. I want the Cumpiarar and Vomsrar to escort it in. And when it reaches the dock, I expect a full company waiting to greet them. Understand?" "Yes, sir," Arden turned to leave. "Covsoem," Laocoon called to Arden just before he closed the door, "If anyone decides to leave the ship, I want them arrested. If they resist, shoot them."
  17. The Drosum rocked back and forth in the rough Austrican Sea. The 1,000 ton, 64 gun ship of the line was one of four ships making their way to what the Austricans called "Errom Vommem," or the Isle of Man. The other ships in the fleet, Wurk, Sarvams, and Fursiseda were all tightly packed and bristling with 700 armed soldiers of the Kingdom of Austrica. The inhabitants of the island, whoever they were, were not expected to put up a fight. And even if they did, the Kingdom's naval buffer against the Dark Mark would not be delayed.
  18. No. Germany is already claimed. Yup. You guys start posting your factbooks and what not.
  19. Are we going to be seeing an updated map today?
  20. No. Not only does this not fit in your SoI (your claims in America alone barely fit), I've thought it a good idea to not have any pre-claimed overseas territories. Being that it is a colonial RP, all colonies (and gaining of said colonies) should be RPed out. Yes, sir. Sure. Approved save for Cuba. I don't think we should be pre-claiming any overseas territories. Being that this is a colonial RP, all colonies should be RP out.
  21. No. Your SoI is only about the size of England. Sure thing.
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