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Everything posted by Bellisus

  1. Hate to be a boner about this, but could you perhaps put commas in? Otherwise nice work. Looks like Hedge got more than even you expected in the other thread.
  2. One could never find more amazing allies.
  3. I see your scuba men and raise you sharks with frickin lasers attached to their frickin heads.
  4. We knew what we were getting into when we signed with GR. We knew what we were getting into when we signed with NV. We knew what we were getting into when we attacked NPO. If we get rolled, we get rolled. We knew the risks inherent in siding with who we did. We look forward to the fight. Be it from NPO or TPF, we were ready for an attack. Nobody from Avalanche has complained of the attack. The Phoenix will find we leave a most poisonous aftertaste.
  5. They shall find us more than an appetizer. The snow gathers....
  6. Two things. An alliance should be more than aid, support, and protection. It should be a group of relationships above all. As for the second thing, I'll spit your words back at you. "like any alliance will want you after seeing you act like this? who takes on an alliance that jumps ship at the first sign of trouble and then decides to try and insult them just for the sake of doing so in public?
  7. That is correct. If Avalanche didn't roll out with her allies, what would she be? We are forever indebted to GR, and will always fight with them. Always. Reasoning for loyalty: In the NoCB war, we were told by GR to cancel our protectorate treaty, though every government member would have thrown our 200k alliance down the drain as cannon fodder. But they decided to protect us, and told us to cancel. The moment they could, we signed an MDoAP with them. Now we're around 800k, and have upgraded to an MDoAP. Circumstances are different. But when things looked bleakest for Karma, when this was going to be the biggest war the world had seen, we contacted GR and our new allies in NV, and offered our services. Sorry, had nothing to do with the OP. But I cannot stand fair weather friends. Grow a sack, CoC.
  8. Ummm.... here's your own numbers, back atcha. Karma 100% (By your estimation): 271,252,158 NS: 47,043 nukes Karma 50%: 135,626,079: 23,521.5 nukes Hegemony MAX With Coalition of Cowardice (CoC): 79,971,536: 13,197 nukes I sincerely doubt Karma would ever have reached that 100% mark, but they would not be as low as the 50% (which you labeled MAX on your spreadsheet in the final analysis). Also, the nukes will likely be more than halfway between the two numbers, as micro-alliances wouldn't have access to them. I'll give you the average NS point, but that is all. Even with 50% strength, Karma would almost double the nukes of the Hegemony. With only 15 million more overall NS, Karma would double Hegemony in that category as well. And 15 million is small potatoes when you're talking the entire game. The CoC is aptly named. EDIT: Spelling
  9. Well good luck to you then sir. Although I will point out that many alliances do not recognize yours, and that many may also attack you as a raid, without a CB.
  10. Should probably be locked soon. Sounds like one guy. Good luck with ZI. EDIT: Nice flag though.
  11. One more for April 16th if you're going that far back. Avalanche - NV MDoAP
  12. I like this idea. Timing could be better.
  13. There's another thread for this. I think we'll see war sooner rather than later.
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