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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. We at the PoC apologize to the Siberian Tiger Alliance. A the time of our post we were unable to access war information (OOC: login to the game), and it was done under the assumption that he was free of wars or not in any enemy list.

    We would not accept him unless the above condition were met.

    King Vitauts, sorry for the unintended slight.

    Protectorate of Curland

    There is no need to apologize to the STA, as this situation is none of our alliance's business. I was merely voicing my own concern over the situation, which has been to some degree mollified by responses I have seen since.

  2. If I'm not mistaken wasn't activity measured by performing an action in CN not too long ago? It had nothing to do with when you collected your taxes.

    Activity has always, or at least for a VERY long time, been determined by tax collections.

  3. Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't this just a poorly executed flamebait?

    And furthermore, Sponge, even if the GOONS have done some rather egregious trolling, that's certainly no justification to respond in turn. Breaking the rules is breaking the rules. Just because you're not breaking them as badly doesn't make it okay.

    Propaganda is now flamebait?
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