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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. I NEVER raid people who copy paste the number of their inactive days in the bio.

    19 and 20 day inactive nations should be able to be raided before deletion imho.

    That's like stealing someone's wallet when they're dying on the sidewalk, or graverobbing.

  2. @RV: Is it really that hard to understand that I already understand that? Maybe I haven't been clear. But I was trying to say that effectively I'm not allowed to attack Red unaligneds. Or maybe you would understand it better if I said that I am no longer allowed to attack red unaligneds without consequences.

    So the fact that you cannot steal from one out of every ten unaligned nations is a threat to your sovereignty?

  3. GRL does not affect everyone equally. The environmental penalty translates into happiness which translates into income per day. That income is subject to percentage changes, so someone with a lot of percentage modifiers will be hurt more than someone without them.

    That being said, that line is drawn only in number of improvements and resources, so there is only a general trend of higher NS nations being hurt.

  4. Wow, you attack two outspoken individuals. I guess Big Brother aka NPO,

    You love Big Brother.

    Destroy my nation at will. I'll rebuild a new one. I won't be silenced. So enjoy.

    I am sure the NPO will thank you for being an eternal training ground for their new nations.

    OOC: lol, Highbuzz.

  5. It's a sad state of affairs when an alliance has to announce this twice over the course of six months.

    I'm sorry Bilrow, but I have to disagree with you. I love it when inactive Spartans get tech raided. We demand 150% reps or ZI. So we either come out on top or I get to kill something. Win-win in my book. So anyone who really needed this message please feel free to disregard it and tech raid me immediately.

    One of the issues here is that many GGA nations seem inactive only because they are saving up to fund large rebuilding efforts from the recent war, and are not actually dying off.

  6. It makes perfect sense for the New Pacific Order to want the Red Sphere to be an attractive and stable team for trading. If I were unaligned, I would have already made the move to Red.

    Of course, it will take time for everyone to figure out they aren't allowed to tech raid Red nations. So, a number of pirates will find the Pacifican war machine chewing them up after an attempted raid.

  7. Good riddance scumbag, and NAAC will always remain the greater alliance when compared to NpO, mr. vanquisher of naac... more like leader of the jumping of NAAC...

    And congrats assington, i know you will make a much better leader than ES

    If I recall correctly, it was the NAAC's choice to join the war.

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