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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. ...question is how secure is his position in the senate because that's where he can sting ya.

    Not at all secure, I would imagine. He no longer has a group of nations that will vote for him (Legion),so the next reset, he will likely lose senator status.

  2. No clue. A lot of the stuff in the forums were outdate. A lot of people were to busy getting internal things going in the alliance to notice probably. We still vote on treaties and everything just the LoN was abolished.

    So... if you're still behaving as if it wasn't abolished, then why did you abolish it in the first place?

  3. Dude shut up. Legion were great pals on the \m/ front during GWIV-UJW and nothing is going to erase that from history. Yes they had their share of scandals, but you can't blame the faults of government on the populace as a whole because Legion as a whole have been quite awesome the last few months.

    My bad, I thought Legion had democratically elected officials.

  4. OOC: I go watch a South Park episode and a sanctioned alliance disbands. That'll teach me to keep my eyes off the forum for more than 30 seconds <_<

    IC: There were a couple of you guys I liked, but as an alliance, all I can say is that it's about time. The Legion's fall has been happening since the Third Great War; this is simply completing it.

    Edit: Also, my personal thoughts, not my alliance's.

  5. Nation strength. Except in the most extreme circumstances; where all the strength is concentrated in a few nations, such as with the Old Guard, or dispersed throughout hundreds of very weak nations, nation strength will always be a better indicator.

    Though that is just out of the given options. As Starfox said, IRC-using members are worth ten times more than those who don't, and as OPArsenal said, average strength, as it really is the best indicator out of the given stats.

  6. Are you actually serious here? It's actually funny how very many people bring in honor and morals about making a few clicks in a game. You can't compare a situation from real life to me pressing a few buttons, period. I like to grow my nation, that's why i play the game. War is (and should be) a great way to grow it very fast, since war (unlike tech deals and pressing the collect button) brings on a number of risks, like being fought back and losing what you won. If you manage to win defensive GA's too, even better. I usually take on the risk of someone fighting back and peace even if he does so (unless he first strike nukes :P )

    And even if you did want to compare raiding to stealing a wallet (lol) you couldn't, because i don't think IRL wallets and people disappear after not uhm going to work for 20 days. ;)

    Since this is really all clicking buttons, you wouldn't mind at all if someone unloaded 20 nukes on you?

  7. When you fight an army, you sometimes find equipment on the battlefield, equipment that can later be reverse engineered so as you can reproduce it for yourself... AKA technology. Also, think battle plans.

    That would realistically only happen when your opponent has superior technology to yourself, which certainly does not always happen in CN.

  8. Let's approach this from a different angle.

    So, why do you think you receive technology in ground attacks? It obviously doesn't make sense in terms of how war works... the only explanation I can think of (and Admin is free to correct me if my guess is incorrect) is that technology acts as a reward for a war well-fought. When you are at war with someone who doesn't fight back, are you really deserving of that reward?

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