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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. Also, congrats Moridin on your avatar making me do a double take. You have made my night :)


    And because I should probably have some content in the post, I will second the notion that we have too many of these types of threads. This is what happens when we don't have enough drama.

  2. LUE will not be back. The Orders would crush them the instant they popped up, and rightly so. They are on the moon, with no rockets to return home. The same goes for GOONS - they will not be making a comeback either, unless there really is a major power shift (which I do not anticipate).

    FAN will be sanctioned before VE. They have more members, and the members they currently have are insanely dedicated to the alliance. I do expect that someday VE will regain its sanction, however.

    The GPA will not be in a war. The latest drama was the closest they are ever going to get to a war, and even then, diplomacy prevailed.

  3. The government of Arafel expressed pleasure at hearing of Hamel's death. Said the self-styled 'Great Lord Moridin', "About time this happened. Hamels was really beginning to [censored] annoy me."

    Moridin declared a day of celebration in Arafel. "The New Pacific Order has done the Cyberverse a service by eliminating this rogue, this scum. Now if they can just get that Franklin..."

  4. Blame the tech raiders, and the NPO for forcing so many people out of the game, and creating such a dull, and dead community where all that goes on is new treaties and people saying "hail."

    One day though, hopefully we'll see a return to the old CN when we had a thriving community full of different ideals, and people. Now, different means dead.

    Guess we'll just have to wait for that new bloc then, Rebel Virginia?

    How has the NPO been forcing people out of the game? I seem to recall the last time they declared war was just on GOLD for aiding known enemies of the NPO.

  5. Then go play !@#$%*.

    EDIT: Lol, censor.

    Why would I play LW? When did I say that numbers are the only thing I value in a game? I started in LW shortly after it began, found it dull and the community to be vastly less interesting than that of CyberNations.

    I am simply saying that having fewer members in Cybernations might help reduce some of the idiocy that seems to be catching on of late.

  6. Vladimir has summarised my thoughts quite well.

    He does tend to do that.

    I myself despise 'tl;dr', especially in posts that are only a paragraph. There is nothing more maddening than seeing a 100-word announcement and someone asking for a tl;dr beacuse their reading comprehension skills are too low to grasp more than a sentence of text.

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