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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. When the whole OWF is full of them, then yes, it pisses me off.

    It's not as if there's any real threads of use in the OWF excluding the MDP web and other various statistics. A thread about who are the strongest alliances, a thread about how the GPA is in 25 wars... all really quite useless anyway. Let people have their ego boosts, and if you don't like it, no one is forcing you to click on it unless moderation gets way out of hand.

  2. Ok, i find it funny, i was looking at wars through out the cyberverse and can across a few that i could not help but lauph at, it seems gpa is in more wars than i thought <a href="http://cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?Pa...ection Agency" target="_blank">http://cybernations.net/search_wars.asp?Pa...ection Agency</a>

    i dont mean to cause problems i just had to lol

    25 wars... Well, if they are attacked by 6 or 7 rogues, and they attack those back with three nations each, that's your 25 right there.

    Fascinating the number of wars that NPO is in with 'none', particularly considering that they don't tech raid....

    I know you love to hate the New Pacific Order, but did it ever occur to you that rogues occasionally attack the NPO? Perhaps they have some sort of perma-ZI list that, believe it or not, extends to some unaligned nations?

  3. Will GATO ever learn?

    GATO has to get couped in October not in November.

    This is when someone has to take the red senate!

    Everything's happening weird this year, we already had the red senate attempt.

    Man, Vader sucks. He could at least learn new tricks so he doesn't get caught so easy. Or...you know, actually discover he's not wanted, and to wander off. Maybe unplug his keyboard.

    But what if he has... WIRELESS!?

  4. Is there a timeframe for when this will happen -- and please, no jokes about time warping and LSD! :awesome:

    And, when it does happen, will the tags go up automatically or will we have to go into My Controls and set it up?

    Just curious....

    I believe how it works is that the alliances submit memberlists to the mods, and those members are masked accordingly. I could be wrong though.

    I would imagine the timeframe would depend on how long it takes for alliances to submit images to Moderation.

  5. I would say they have fallen from grace is a bit too harsh, for they are still a strong alliance with a capable leader at the helm.

    I'm judging this merely on the atmosphere surrounding the issue; I know very little of the actual details. So yes, perhaps my words were a bit too harsh.

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