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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. What did we do again?

    People keep bringing the Orders into conversations, but yet always addressing just 1 of us.

    Soviet Sindorin if you've got an issue with either of us, just come and visit. We all would be happy to give you the Imperial grand tour of CN.

    Travel through the ruins of LUE, NAAC, and others, before coming to your final destination: ZI Town! The only town in the world without roads or buildings.

  2. The problem is that you have been hated, reviled, etc etc BECAUSE of your actions. You can't play the victim card. If you do something stupid or betray someone, they'll hold negative opinions of you. You have a long history of attacking your allies for questionable reasons. Backstabbers are going to be hated. You say you show respect for your allies but history shows on numerous occasions you've quickly broken ties and attacked them.

    The NPO is hated because they are dominant, nothing more. Some people, such as yourself, hate them for their policy of protecting and controlling the Red Sphere. Others hate the NPO because they ended up on the wrong side of them.

    When has the NPO betrayed someone? Remember, simply following a treaty is not betrayal.

    I myself find them all the more honorable by sticking to their word that they would not attack anyone they had held a treaty with prior the Unjust War.

    I think you'll find down the line that when you get into a war that you can't win (as foreign a concept as that may feel like), your allies will fall by the wayside almost instantly. Most are allied with you because they think you are the strongest power. When that changes you'll find you aren't too different from FAN, \m/, GOONS, etc. Arrogance has never been good for an alliance's prosperity. And by the way, your level of arrogance is far worse than FAN/m/GOONS was combined.

    The Orders have already experienced this war you speak of, and it is by no means a foreign concept to the older members.

    It may have been a war the Orders could not win, but it was also one the Orders did not lose.

  3. I hardly see how this equals "commies are falling apart". Also, maybe SS should request this forum be locked, seeing as I have noticed 2nd grade-level flames from atrophis and Monkey. By the way, that is a huge compliment to Monkey.

    This isn't hypocrisy at all.

  4. Think of that all by yourself? Hopefully it made you feel superior, then again your indoctrination normally is meant to do that, no? Is that's all people in the orders can do nowadays then fine, but good job on hijacking someone else's thread.

    Thank you. I am honored to be deserving of an opinion from the esteemed WarriorConcept.

  5. I see why you would suspect this, but it is simply not the case. We were in possession of the logs way before Valhalla declared war on BAPS. We also had already made the decision to cancel the reparation agreement, and take this to the next level (the "next level" being the release we haven't made yet, not this release).

    Are you intending to give this next release before the war is over?

  6. Comrade Grub is entirely right. I cannot imagine how, as a Polaris member, I would feel if my alliance failed to protect those we pledged to, simply because we were delayed by making revisions to the actual announcement. Actions speak so much louder than words, and you have abandoned action in favor of words.

  7. Also, as for recruitment, apathy and stagnation, I again point to the fact that neither the Pacific or Polaris orders are autocratic, and thus still retain the ability to change out leadership, through direct election ( from the Body Republic, if I am correct ). The alliance's referred to in the original post, are those in which the Supreme Leaders pick out those who are to fill government positions, and elections neither exist, nor does the leadership have to bend to any popular consensus. So as you can see, the references in my post do not reflect the way in which the Orders operate at all, by any stretch.

    Then what would you say is an autocracy in the Cyberverse?

    In fact, both Orders have aspects of both systems you described. The New Pacific Order has Imperial Officers, who are appointed by the Emperor, as well as the Council, which is elected by the Body Republic. I do not know the details on which ranks above the other, if they even do in such a fashion, though I am inclined to think Imperial Officers are more "powerful", so to speak. The New Polar has our four Ministers appointed, while the four respective Deputy Ministers are elected by the Body Republic. Of course, each Order has an Emperor, and appointed Regent, and a third appointee (Liaison for the Polar Order, Standartenfuhrer for the Pacific Order).

  8. Kastumi is entirely right. There are examples from either Order, which are generally considered to be autocratic alliances, of nations arising to leadership positions (not Emperor per se, but higher councils) in a matter of a few months. Autocratic alliances in fact reward dedicated members even more so than the democratic ones, in which it is simply more popular and well-liked members who are rewarded by the voting masses. An autocratic alliance, on the other hand, has leadership that can coldly look at a situation, or a new member, and make the right decision without fear of losing popularity.

    You also allege that autocratic alliances have apathetic membership and have failed to recruit effectively. Yet look at the greatest alliances in Planet Bob, those with the most member states. There is more than one autocratic alliance that has several hundred member states. The membership of such alliances is not apathetic, either. During difficult wars, and in the face of utter devastation, monarchial and autocratic alliances have historically experienced a lower desertion rate than democratic alliances.

  9. Without aircrafts and nukes, the forum misbehaving (the pre-IF forum), you were still allowed to have more than one nation,

    warslotfilling hadn't been outlawed yet, fewer color teams, etc etc etc... I believe we didn't have cruise missiles yet either.

    Great job ruining a nice thought I had :((

  10. Bye Seerow.

    Is kind of sad to see all these congrats from so many people and then have NPO come in and start trolling. I mean, I thought you were quite nice in what you said of them. They then repay you by attacking you. What, they were too scared to attack you while you were in MK, but when you go unaligned then they get 3 nations to attack? So they troll and attack after you say some pretty positive things about them.

    Good show NPO. (insert sarcasm here)

    If you're going to pretend you're in the New Polar Order, you could at least act like it.

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