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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. OOC: I didn't say there is anything wrong with RolePlay. In fact, I commended the announcement. Are you suggesting this announcement was not roll-play? EmperorCharles may not have described the floral patterns on the plates of this imaginary press room in great detail, but that does not mean it wasn't RP.

    OOC: When did I say EmperorCharles' announcement was not roleplay? I am merely saying that roleplaying someone actually giving a speech shouldn't be considered "crap".

    IC: I just realized I never gave proper congratulations yet! So, congratulations to the Ministers and Deputy Ministers!

  2. I'm not too worried about Polar's position at the "Contiuum table ." As far as Browncoats being invited to a Continuum meeting... They accepted Valhalla, so the standard of admission must not be too strict.

    I could not agree more.

    While I cannot agree with your choice of leader, Browncoats, or really your alliance in general, you are a sovereign alliance and thus have the right to dig your own grave.

  3. Well if you want to get nit-picky like that then I can say that the charters only make spying a violation not joining with the intent to spy. So my guys, upon committing the forbidden act shall confess and be expelled. But really, so far I have not needed to use infiltration I am just leaving the option open and being up front about it.

    Not always, to use MHA as an example:

    Part I MHA members must never commit or conspire to commit espionage either within the MHA or against another alliance. Espionage will result in the expulsion and destruction of the offending member.

    I trust you will then only join alliances who do not prohibit spying against them.

  4. The people who I have right now all joined their alliances per the criteria given to them. In any future attempt we would not lie in our applications. So I guess if part of the criteria includes the question "Are you working for Project Open Dialogue" then we're screwed. Otherwise I see no need to lie in order to accomplish my goal.

    You would be lying indeed. In the vast majority of cases, joining an alliance means accepting that alliance's Charter. Many of those alliances have clauses against espionage.

    To take a few quick examples from the Player-Created Alliances forum:


    Part I MHA members must never commit or conspire to commit espionage either within the MHA or against another alliance. Espionage will result in the expulsion and destruction of the offending member.

    New Workers Front

    Members of NWF are: [...]

    - forbidden to transfer any internal NWF information to any nation not a part of NWF without permission from the Government or the Congress

    Thus, joining any alliance with a charter prohibiting espionage or spying would be lying indeed.

  5. Yes. Though as I pointed above right now I haven't had to infiltrate anyone as members of the alliances have volunteered. But I am being absolutely honest and have told the world I will use infiltration if needed. How am I being dishonest?

    You are only being honest if when you or your friends infiltrate an alliance you tell them openly who you are. If you attempt to hide your identity, it is being dishonest.

  6. I answered this before. Because by far the most common and blatant hypocrisy on CN happens when it comes to The Orders. Sure I could make it broad and try to find out, for example, who is friendly to Valhalla in public when in private they bash them or any other alliance, but I'd rather focus on where the bulk of the hypocrisy is.

    Perhaps someday I'll have so much free time or so many volunteers I can broaden my project. Sadly I can't right now.

    And so you are using spying and espionage to encourage honesty? I'm afraid I know of a worse hypocrite than anyone who dislikes the Orders.

  7. I think your confusion arises from the fact that my goal is not to expose anti-Order behavior perse, but rather the hypocritical act of claiming to be pro-Orders (Or at least apathetic towards the Orders) in public while at the same time being anti-Order in private. It's an issue of discourse not of entrapment. I have no doubts The Orders full well know who their enemies and potential enemies are, my goal is not to assist in any gathering of evidence against said enemies as I am not an officer of The Orders in any capacity plus I doubt I could be of much assistance in this regard.

    My goal is simply to expose the hypocrites and hopefully bring honesty back into discourse. I also understand many are uneasy about my methods, but it should be noted the people who are so far willing to provide me with help are legally-accepted members of their respective alliances (They met all criteria to enter the alliances) and are providing me the evidence out of their own free will. I set up a forum where other people can be whistleblowers. I believe it's accepted as proper to accept evidence in this manner, correct?

    Now I will come clean and say that for a few select cases yes, there will be infiltration but once all relevant data has been acquired I will not hide the infiltration and will take any punishment those alliance want to give me.

    And so why are you focusing solely on those who are "hypocrites" in regards to their opinions on the Orders? Why are you not trying to root out hypocrites in general?

    I, for example, on these forums will show courtesy to alliances that many close to me know I despise. Am I a hypocrite that deserves to be kicked from my alliance for not bringing honesty into the "discourse"? Does the New Polar Order need to be infiltrated by you and your friends in the name of honest discussion on the public forums?

  8. Sorry, but this is made of fail. I'll tell you why.

    You want a list of every alliance that has anti-order sentiments in their ranks? Here's what ya do.

    • Make a list of all alliances the orders have stomped over the years and are still alive.
    • Make a list of all alliances that have taken in a large number of refugees from the alliances that disbanded. (Hi, GPA!)

    There ya go. I did it without making anonymous forums.

    So every alliance other than the Orders? :awesome:

    I kid, I kid.

  9. Good People

    On a serious note pedantic and slavish infatuation posts are amusing but somewhat vexing. I worry that this most recent thread has the disturbing taint of McCarthyism. With or without the vulgar nature of the rhetoric ,we need be very careful of this type of discourse. Rationalism dictates a certain degree of respect for all view points even those that we fervently oppose. Lets attempt to maintain our respect for all manner of thought it is when ideas and sentiments become the currency of destruction that we all lose the essence of our humanity.


    Page Hime Themis

    The clear difference between this situation and McCarthyism is that Senator McCarthy actually had some degree of influence and power. The Scholar is nothing more than a complete joke, shunned by the entire Cyberverse; Order members and not.

  10. How can I "purge" them? I merely will show people the truth of what goes on. My advice was to get rid of anti-Order elements because I think that's what's best for any alliance but I have no way of enforcing this.

    Like I said I am doing this without the support of any alliance and the few people who're working with me will remain anonymous so we won't be launching a "purge" of any sorts. This is all about watching and about truth. Nothing more, nothing less.

    You are not launching it, but still encouraging it. See the above quote from your initial post.

    And so: Since you clearly want alliances purged of anti-Order sentiment, what do you hope will be accomplished? Do you think those people would not join new alliances, or form their own?

  11. People might begin showing some intellectual honesty around these parts other than hiding their true feelings and agendas behind close doors and putting on a happy face on these forums.

    My only interest is in showing the truth. Anyone who opposes the truth... well they probably have bigger issues to concern themselves with.

    I honestly have no idea what you are trying to do. You either are trying to make the Orders looks bad, or you are insane and overzealous. Purging alliances of "anti-Order sentiment" accomplishes nothing at all.

    Now, I'm not The Scholar, so I may not be 100% on this, but I think he is trying to show the orders how many people don't like them and then the public will become more open about not liking them. Discontent stirs yatta yatta yatta orders are gone.

    Not gunna happen though. :mellow:

    He said:

    My humble advice to alliances is that if you have any anti-Order elements you should kick them out of your alliance now.

    I think he's just insane.

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