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Posts posted by Moridin

  1. And he didn't get full screenshots he requested (which was essentially a request to out every person involved with helping Farung), he instead got his closest ally admit that they were in fact true. I always thoughts the orders were on a close enough wavelength so as to not have that kind of confusion shown publicly.

    To the extent of my knowledge, the NPO Emperor does not run all his posts by Polaris before making them. At any rate, from what I can tell, the Emperor was showing skepticism until further information. I cannot see any contradiction between Moo's and Random's posts.

  2. 1) So now you're confirming these screenshots to be legit when Emperor Revenge called them nothing but a good photoshop 10 minutes ago?

    Emperor Revenge I believe considered them a photoshop unless further evidence (full screenshots) was presented.

    Seerow, the difficulty with producing evidence is that when you do it, your enemies learn what not to do the next time.

  3. Or BLEU could look at their own evidence and compare dates.

    Given that farung wishes to play Super Sleuth (and I'm damn-near ready to compliment him) he has no real reason to reveal who's involved.

    Except that he and his group apparently feel "pretty bad" about condemning several hundred nations to ZI. I would have thought that if they were truly sympathetic, they would offer up their own nations to save other innocents.

  4. Let's say for a moment that NpO was terribly evil and malicious and had nothing better to do than make up evidence for a war. Then, Farung, how would you feel to have condemned 650 nations to ZI? Would that sate your curious hatred for everything related to the Orders?

  5. ok, 1st off this is not a war between NADC and NpO.

    if it was the NpO would be "enjoying" the fight of their life.

    Are you thinking of the same NpO I'm thinking of?

    we were suprise attacked by BLEU.

    Yes, you were.

    as im sure everyone know that is 7 nations vs 1.

    This is what you reap from spying on a well-connected alliance.

    does anyone really believe the NADC was that power hungray errr stupid?

    The latter, yes.

    i see all this NpO cheerleading from NpO but in reality its just the gang they are in thats mugging us.

    We would enjoy mugging you on our own, but it's even more enjoyable when you can share it with friends!

    NpO your nothing special. your a war monger nation with bleu thugs at your disposal who only want a reason to have that 3rd senate seat.

    If it was just us that wanted a Senate seat, why would we vote equally for other BLEU candidates?

    congrats. you probley bullied your way to it.

    or rather bleu bullied their way to it.


  6. The NADC has been peaceful for so long and have tried to make amends with BLEU.

    To any avail? Apparently not.

    People have just been waiting for war to break out so everyone can get some action. Otherwise, this situation could have been settled peacefully without going to war. Do not assume that I am new to this game. I stand by my words:

    NADC o/

    I was not aware that spying, which is an act of war, is considered being peaceful.

  7. Considering just about every peace treaty in existence requires somebody to pay something to somebody else (sort of like payment for peace), this made me lol. That ship has sailed. You should look for the moral high-ground elsewhere.

    Offers of money amount to little when we can simply take it ourselves.

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