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Everything posted by maxnmike

  1. 1) NPO looks out for NPO above all other things, no matter what. If TORN didn't know that by now they were stupid. 2) Torn willingly attacked another small alliance with their good friends NPO. 3) Refer to #1. 4) TORN wakes up to the fact that they have stepped into a big steaming pile of cow flop and starts the damage control. Does that about cover it?
  2. TORN was fine with playing NPO's bully boys as long as they had the numbers. The first time the numbers and public opinion went against them they baled and dropped their treaty. They were more than happy to fight through several beat down wars when they were doing the beating. They are nothing more than thugs and cowards and the fact that most of you are letting them off the hook that they so eagerly impaled themselves on is nothing short of disgusting.
  3. You guys always forget Golden Sabres. Just because we were small and wanted to be left alone and to have stability on the Yellow sphere. I guess that wasn't good enough for TORN and NPO. May they get what they so justly deserve.
  4. Actually, they got old around a year ago aimed at FAN.
  5. The problem is that this whole FAN, NPO subject has been discussed ad nauseam. So if you are going to throw out a statement like Maximus Augustus did, you need to be relatively close to the facts and he was not anywhere near to it. His first two points were grossly inaccurate and the third is open to interpretation. That has been discussed ad nauseam as well and there is no need to rehash it here and now.
  6. That part? And they remained in peace mode while they were under surrender terms as well? No, I don't think so.
  7. You said peace mode. It's been around a year. Do try to keep up.
  8. If you are going to present an argument, please at least try to get the facts right. It's been around a year, not two. They never tried to coup NPO.
  9. It's a war game. Without the war aspect of the game what are you going to do, shun people to death?
  10. Perhaps GOONS should have let FAN know why they were attacking before they attacked? You know, allies and all that. It really doesn't matter anyway, it was just a setup to get a reason for WUT to attack FAN.
  11. Ah hell SirSqueeboo, they are just pissed because you guys are smarter than they are, that's all. :lol:
  12. You know RV, I really don't like you. I think you are pretty much an arse and I know for a fact that you have acted the very same way that you accusing these other alliances of acting. However you are also correct in what you are saying. I can not believe that I actually agree with you on this.
  13. Good idea, sign me up. maxnmike of Isle of Chance
  14. Perhaps, but you would think that if an alliance had an aid program running, they would want to keep a record of what went where for just this very reason. It's really not that hard to do. And yes, the people receiving the aid should keep a record as well, but the alliance even more so.
  15. It's nothing personal at all. He simply continues to make the same kind of mistakes and people do notice.
  16. LOL, I don't hate Au or anybody associated with them. In fact, it took me a couple of days to even remember the name after this thread was started. That's how much I think about them or you. BTW, no one on yellow was afraid of Au. Then as now, very few have the balls to stick it out on yellow. We weren't worried at all.
  17. Au perhaps has nothing to do with it, but Outworld and his prior actions most certainly does.
  18. I am at a loss as to what you are talking about as to anything between GS and Au, please enlighten me.
  19. I must be missing something here. What AU/golden sabres war/affair thing? Also, no, I had nothing to do with them getting rolled. I wasn't aware that Au had been rolled. Unless of course you are talking about Golden Sabres getting rolled. In that case, yes, if you mean keeping our word. Perhaps if someone threatens your alliance, especially someone much smaller than you, you might talk to them first before going to their IRC channel and threatening them. After all, you have the upper hand. There is no need to be crude, but that is a fact that is lost on a great many on planet bob. Also, I'm not derailing the thread, merely pointing out that your leaders have acted poorly before and it seems that they continue to do so.
  20. The problem with that is that I have this long and interesting IRC log of Outworld (while he was the leader of Au) threatening to sanction a government member of another alliance, and then the whole alliance. Simply because he didn't like something that the other alliances government member had posted in a thread in the OWF. It doesn't seem as though much has changed.
  21. Well, some of these guys are the former leaders of Au. It's kind of hard to expect much from them.
  22. Damon resigned as Triumvirate and as a member of RDD over two weeks ago. He has chosen to follow a different path.
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