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Everything posted by Senes

  1. Congratulations on another awesome gun porn. o/ FAN edit: oh, and cool election.
  2. You know, if you had arrived a little sooner then your reflexive knee-jerk might have meant something. It's also funny you should mention MK, considering that I said over and over that I was still at war with them. In fact I traded a few nukes and naval exchanges with Archon just last week, any day now I should have a full photo album prepared to look back and laugh with. But I am afraid you are too late, because the thread has already run its full course. For more information, scroll up instead of hitting the reply button. And for that same reason, I am now requesting lock or at least a lack of continued bumping.
  3. Wow, I really wish I could have further contributed to that. Oh well, it's the thought that counts. However, I have decided to hold CTB's request above all others and set my AA back to TPF. Nothing much changes, MK can just keep on going as usual and it is unlikely that I will be able to declare offensive wars until the greater conflict is over anyway. It was fun times putting a naval blockade on Archon, but the only interest I have left in Planet Bob lies in a few private issues between private parties.
  4. I entered this thread thinking I could stand amongst its greatness. I looked at my message box, and now I leave. I leave knowing better.
  5. So I went to look back at the forums and this is still on "latest." Good jorb guys! At the request of CTB I will be switching my AA back and continue associating myself just as I had previously been. The results will likely be identical, even in the short term, but I am perfectly willing to do as requested. Can't declare any new wars because of nuclear charlie foxtrot, but I will continue to eat their ammo for as long as they continue feeding it to me.
  6. Sorry, I didn't mean that at anyone in particular. But the various Crohl-alikes running around in this thread and others are something I most definately saw coming. I haven't been involved in politics, so it's hard to see things coming. Once the alarm goes off for the general public to hear, that would be what I would consider the worst of all times to leave someone hanging.Because of the complexities involved, there is no simple way to go about this. So I shot my payload at onset, and once the first week is over I simply go solo. My alliance is set to Nuclear Rogue and I will be at war with anyone who really wants it. Long story short I am still serving TPF as needed, and will only be transitioning slowly over time at whatever pace that involved parties can agree with me on.
  7. I see whut u did thar. The only people I see myself fighting are in Mushroom Kingdom, and that will only go on for as long as they decide to continue investing ammo into me. Other than that, this is not a Hegemony-Karma issue but a more private one between a closed group of people, concerning events of the past. As mentioned I was not involved in said events, and so all I can really do is look for ways to make the future more neat and orderly than the present. o/ instant inflamed replies
  8. To be honest, I don't. I haven't truly been serious about things since well before many of these issues began, but the reason I'm still here today was so that I could eventually throw the things I had made thus far into some theoretical major problem for TF/TPF that might arise one day. The events going on at the time of writing seem like they're just the thing to fit that description, so I decided I might well just go for it. edit: To clarify; I have every intention of serving what I feel are my old friends' best interests, it just happens that these people are evenly divided between both sides of a heated conflict and so there is no single simple way to approach this.
  9. I hereby announce my resignation from TPF, effective immediately and publicly shared with anyone interested in knowing. My primary intention is to retire, but at least for now I may decide to linger a while just to sit back and watch. My reasons for doing this are not directly because of the Karma war, but the fighting has indeed served as a good occasion to come back out of the long term idleness that I have had over the past year or so. At some point shortly after GWIII, I guess I had a little too much fun and the whole world just became a blur. I wake up, and all of a sudden everything is different. FAN isn't with the Initiative any more and those Legion guys seem to have been with them at some point. If you think that's a hoot, I just found out that half my old comrades are now on the other side somehow. Assuming that I am in fact conscious; it would appear that there might still be plenty left to see in Planet Bob. I guess I should just go for a walk and start finding some of this stuff. Before disappearing from Planet Bob altogether, my final goal is to look deeply into TPF-PC issues and try to help normalize pan-TotalFark relations even if it just means lessening the hostilities before the next war breaks out. Pursuant to that goal what I wish to do is join with my old comrades in Poison Clan, contribute to their growth and stability, and help seek out new meaning and significance in the world beyond old wounds that have recently reopened. I would be willing to lend myself to any pursuits other than the conflicts of past and present. --- To The Phoenix Federation: I have no regrets about the time I spent with you, and I will continue contributing my strength for as long as enemies see it fit to include me in their wars. Beyond that point I do not intend to pursue any hostilities towards TPF, but rather I am just seeking a change of scenery. There is really not much deeper meaning to it than this, and those who know remember me from the old days should be able to see that. tl;dr going to hang out with old beer buddies. To Poison Clan: as you may be aware, in the past there have been a few heated incidents inside TPF which resulted in a few people landing in PC. I was not personally involved in these events, and so I feel the most honorable thing would be to leave myself out issues that came from them. I would be interested in defecting from one side to another as soon as I feel that things have calmed down a little. I do not share anybody's grudges, but as long as there is more to PC than its connections with TPF then I would say I have plenty to contribute. To Mushroom Kingdom: I consider hostilities between myself and your alliance to be unchanged, meaning that I'll be fine with standing alongside TPF in your eyes. For now I'll just absorb bullets and eat my sandvich, if anyone wishes to stop then they can simply cease targeting me. From my side; I give my word to not launch any aggressive wars against MK and will only be fighting defensively until you folks get bored. That is all, Senes of TF! (1st)
  10. I've already made plans of my own for post-war, but if you survive a while longer than that I will most certainly include TF! in my long term to-do list.
  11. I thought about it for a moment, and something occurred to me. If Karma reaches what amounts to complete success with its war goals, then a light and friendly peace agreement may be a suitable way to cap it all off. NPO will remain, it will stay strong, it will probably grow back, and with all likelihood it will enter into the next major war as a top-tier player in world events. However, the following things will be caused: 1: There will be no power vacuum, but rather a comprehensive redefinition of what the power is. This, to me, seems most in line with any philosophical motivation behind Karma. 2: The way the global political scene stands, at the time of writing, I'd say Karma is already in a good position to realize a "post-jackboot" world that many have been clamoring for. As time goes on, continuing to pursue this goal will shift to being a matter of politics instead of a matter of nuke-trading. 3: As things currently stand, what I see is the lynch mob to end all lynch mobs. A large group of people banded together to destroy the large group of people who banded together to destroy other large groups. For this reason, if things continue as-is then I would foresee the next global conflict as just being another lynching as usual. 4: Assuming that Karma is indeed successful, then NPO would not constitute an immediate threat for the very reason that Karma is successful. 5: Karma's respective members will be able to capitalize on NPO allies' treaty cancellations to the fullest extent, thus furthering their long-term interests. In war the division of one's enemies is a favorable thing, and allowing the Hegemony to retire peacefully could prove to be more effective than forcing any group of alliances into the same position with each other.
  12. Nukes are like the Che Guevara of Planet Bob. Everyone wants to have the latest nuke-print shirts, because they saw someone else with one and decided it was the new way to look edgy.
  13. I'm not sure what we all did to spark so much anger in so many people, but it must have been Super Effective!
  14. The history, as well as I recall it: 1: Approximately 806 Days ago from the time of writing, Fark greenlit a CN link and large numbers of farkers showed up. 2: Right around the same time, Slayer99 began messaging large number of new nations in Farkistan and began asking them to join into the then-newly-formed splinter alliance TF! to avoid war with GOONS. 3: NPO gave start-up aid to TF!, which was very helpful at the time and was a great start to the good relations that have existed since then. 4: When TF! was still fairly young, GW3 broke out. LUE spawned several splinter alliances of its own, which we attacked in defense of Genmay. 5: In the peace that followed, TF! merged with COLD to form a first rate trolling organization which has reached levels of infamy and drama all across Planet Bob which continues reaching new heights to this day. 6: Unjust War. Numerous former-TF! (and possibly COLD as well) nations exit TPF, and currently exist in high ranking positions in PC. ...so for that reason, if TotalFarkistan actually did reform I do not see why Poison Clan would be inherently hostile to it, but that's for them to decide.
  15. Doesn't deserve? He does work awfully hard for it, I have to give him that. Plus I got addicted. When the war first broke out I said I wasn't going to fight for NPO. The reaction was like narcotic candy to me, and now I am hooked. It's like watching the best show of the season, drama and comedy rolled into one.
  16. Got it past 700, but mostly just from waiting in sniper position.
  17. Who are you trying to convince, and of what? If you're going to preach about honor then I challenge you to set an example that your opponents will see for themselves. You look as if you are carrying the war into every last part of your being, if you are confident and satisfied with this conflict then you should show it.
  18. Look who's talking. I know who you are for one reason and one reason alone, the grudge you've been pursuing all this time. When you attack, I have a good feeling that many of your targets will know you for only the same reason. With the power you've saved up for this thundering show-of-angst you could just as easily do good for any of the alliances you've been in, by amounts that would rival entire wars worth of damage done. Instead you are becoming exactly what your hate is directed to. You're leaving allies in a time of great need, and taking deliberate actions that could severely worsen the outcome of a major war for them.
  19. I felt kinda indecisive so I just checked them all. If the war ends early, I'll just set my AA to LUE POW and idle a while.
  20. I think my own personal streak is 4 thwarts in a row before the 5th hit, but that pales in comparison to my offensive good fortune: I nuked Archon on the first try, when he was not previously in anarchy.
  21. Don't worry, next week there will be hundreds of people at that level with nukes.
  22. Oh leave Crohl alone, he's trying to make a serious point about courage and honor.
  23. Comedy at its finest: berserk nuclear rage at your allies during a war because you felt betrayed. Way to show Hegemony where the real honor is.
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