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Everything posted by Senes

  1. Peace. Not an easy thing to have. o/ SNAFU
  2. To the 3 Mushroom Kingdom nations stronger than myself, who decided to fight me and me alone: Have fun, I'll just be kicking back on the lake watching your nukes fly by. The fish are biting too good today for me to worry about putting up too much of a fight, once I hit my quota I'll look into you after I help finish off PC.
  3. It's possible, but not to be expected. The world war slowdowns are like a parking lot getting jam packed on the place's busiest event of the year. The jams could be eased with a bigger parking lot, but that is easier said than done and 99.9% of the time there is plenty of room anyway.
  4. Busy screen has been here longer than I have, well over 2 years.
  5. http://www.cybernations.net/search_wars.as...range%20Nations This may not be on the same scale as other alliance wars thus far, and it could also be argued that each and every one of these attacks was done independently without authorization from superiors. But IRON is still being attacked. Even if IRON came straight out that they are unwilling to declare war, those who bring the battle to them will have to face their strength.
  6. IRON is already being attacked by karma. Therefore, IRON is in this war. Therefore, Hegemony has won.
  7. I haven't been paying much attention since we were all in TF! together, so I have to ask... What was PC's beef with TPF in the first place?
  8. As a TPF fighter already engaged with PC, I would like to extend my deepest thanks for your support. o/ Zenith
  9. So be it. I am already fighting, and things don't look too well for PC. I just got a flurry of new messages coming in.... poison clan attacks, waves of bombers pouring over, dozens of enemy fighters shot down, no enemy bombers reached their targets, and so on. I never really understood what PC's beef was in the first place, but I have no intention of going easy on an alliance that attacks us in this manner.
  10. You may have caught us, but it is too late. NPO has already selected its 20-ish viceroys to assist in Karma's postwar recovery and help steer them to a better path.
  11. Can't be fully sure, but I think much of the canceled NPO allies may still technically be at war with FAN. Therefore, this is redundant.
  12. TPF's UJP "allies" committed serious offenses that most definitely warranted that withdrawal. But I think that event is a great parallel, to what is going on right now, because all this NPO bitterness is only further eroding former allies' willingness to defend your actions. Personally I don't want NPO to make itself look like GOONS or FAN. Any support I have for NPO is now in the form of wishing this to be prevented, but siding with you here would only contribute to it. The way things are going now seem like little more than history repeating itself, but now it is NPO's turn to be angry and bitter at their sudden loss of support. So be it. Don't wish harm upon any of you, but I will not sacrifice myself to lessen the problems you have brought upon yourselves.
  13. Weapons grade wharrgarbl. NPO has been good to me for all the 799 days I have been here. My first major alliance received startup funding from them, and shortly after that we entered GWIII on their side and had great success. To them I feel nothing but gratitude, and I have much to be grateful for. But this is not my fight and nothing good would come from me joining it. Maybe if luck were on my side, I could knock off a good 20~50k NS off of Karma. But what would that do? If not for the treaty cancellation it would be Continuum vs. Karma, and the result could just be another triumphant march of the NPO jackboots that everyone has been whining about. Let's also look at FAN. Back in GWIII, I was in their IRC and forums all the time and I would have probably joined them if I weren't so strongly attached to the alliance I already had. But that didn't inspire me into joining their banzai charge that left them unable to fight until now. But FAN is still here today, and NPO will still be here tomorrow. Many people had their laughs when TPF abandoned GOONS, but none can make a convincing argument that we had the duty to die for their sake after what they did to make us leave. -Senes of TPF, spending the war with a beer in one hand and a fishing rod in the other. tl;dr To karma: be thankful that NPO's now-canceled treaties didn't come to their defense in this. To NPO: it's not that we have all turned hostile, we just aren't willing to fall on our swords over your policies.
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