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Terry Howard

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Posts posted by Terry Howard

  1. You nailed it, Terry. We did all of this just so we can have your 800 tech divided among eight alliances and have the glory of warring your thirteen remaining nations later.

    Out of the mouths of babes

    and when posting back answers would be nice

  2. Terry Howard-History of being a double dealing and doing things the underhand way.

    Ragnork-Histroy of not doing those things.

    Who am I supposed to beleive again?

    You still bitter much about me putting that sanction on you.

    Also we have been round twice the time they have and lets not forget that a very large amount of this alliance was \m/ say no more.

  3. Nothing in that link showed Hoo telling you to recruit. Assuming he did tell you to regain former member I am quite sure he did not tell you to recruit them if they had already joined alliances and perhaps he thought you would know better than to do so.

    It was your responsibility to do those deals and to find sellers and if Hoo was not responding in that thread you should have found him in IRC and worked it out. I have personally done business with Hoo on IRC and he is very easy to contact and gets things done quickly and reasonably.

    There is no excuse for deleting your viceroy's account on the forums and that in itself could be considered an act of war against the alliances you surrendered to.

    Illumantai dropped the ball on this and no one else.

    Well some of the talks where in IRC but that was when I stayed up till like 1-2am. BUT why should we find the buyers? it was tech farming but as part of the reps pack its down to them to give us targets. When I handed over the 800 tech they where happy to give targets then.

    Well Van Hoo stalled on this you can see that by the posts

    The first terms was that I delete my nation and restart giving them the new nation name BUT then I said I would give them the 800 tech and bang thats all done with and we are hit a week or so later. well maybe that was the plan who knows.

  4. It is Terry Howard's responsibility to keep in touch with me and I created him an IRC channel to assist with that. I sat in it for weeks and saw very little of him due to his supposed inability to understand how IRC works.

    Oddly enough he was able to sign on, enter #RoK (where he had never been before), and send me a query the moment someone posted a thread accusing Terry of threatening their alliance ... funny how he could never grasp that before.

    Well as you very well know I tried to down load it and I could not get it to work then I found the site which it is on. Once in it I can work it for our old forums had it embedded on it so working it is not a problem and by that point you know i had talked to you a few times on there.

    Also you was always away when I logged on so I left a few lines of text then left. I messaged you in game alot and you know this is true as i always felt I was bothering you and your words to me where thats what im here for.

    You know you was away for a week or 2 due to your lose in RL i wont hold that against you but who was there to help us then? It was only when you returned we knew what was going on. (that is not a pop at your RL issues)

  5. Poor, poor schrencki.

    While I can understand you'd love to blame us for the wrongdoings of your alliance, I'm sad to say that you can't. You guys didn't follow the terms. You guys are being destroyed. Complain all you want, it accomplishes nothing.

    well like we said before we are NOT Complaining just pointing out what was said.

    As schrencki rightly said "he was viceroy of Illuminati and was supposed to oversee the daily running of the Alliance under the terms of surrender"

    So say what you will that is the fact of it.

  6. Oh come on Terry.

    1. the tech was not sent

    2. recruitment message to other alliances were sent

    3. You deleted your viceroys account

    What on earth did you expect was going to happen?

    http://z10.invisionfree.com/TNWO_ILLUMINAT...p?showforum=212 link to the only few post Van Hoo made

    1) see the link it was asked about

    2) Should not have done that was advised by Van to regain as many former members as i could.

    3) Its called pruning members who are in active. Yes i should have been careful. BUT it was i who messaged Van Hoo about this or he would never have known and it was i who set him up a new account and mailed him.

    Van Hoo sent me a message asking if i was direct recruiting from other alliance and i sent him a message to him saying what i had done. I had nothing to hide i did every thing i could to be open with him and yes i have a habit of deleting members But then im not saying i never did it.

    Van you are acting like you are 100% right when you know the fault is on both sides I am not saying what i did was right yes i screwed up but you was the Viceory iut was your place to advise us we had threads in the Gov chambers you did read but failed to post in.

    Also dont give it the big one that you saved us Cable77 was the one that got me to the table even when i was being trolled and flamed it was him asking others to keep it down not you. So act like you helped us all you like BUT you know as well as i do that you was only the Viceroy not the man who got the peace.

    Cable was the best guy in them talks and maybe thats why he is sitting in the top 12 and you have fallen short.

  7. schrencki man i would not even respond to members like agnews they are sheep and follow what they are told. See member like us are not wanted for we think for our selfs thats not what the cuntinuum and co want.

    Epik High i posted that already so go back and read the threads you have been posting in.

  8. Terry was never instructed to recruit more members from other alliances. He stated that he knew some people who wanted to join that would help with tech deals. He has been in the game a long time and knows it's never okay to send recruitment messages to members of alliances.

    And no, it's not odd. It's not recruiting when someone applies to join your alliance after their previous leadership fails them.

    I certainly hope you got a plaque when you passed Terry Howard's course on failed spin.

    Your words to me was try and regain as many of the former members you can. thats what i was doing.

    Van at the end of the day you beat us hands down but i will sit here knowing in this situation i have been open and honest. Which is far more then can be said for you looks like you can take the man out of \m/ but you cant take \m/ out of the man.

  9. I don't remember you ever being on top of the world. Though there is some truth to this statement in general, your public statements over the time you've been here are enough to see you're a horrible leader. Whether people had the guts to say it before or not is another issue.

    This is true im not saying i was the best leader but what counts is my members felt i did a good job we got over many issue but sadly not this. But then i see many leaders who are in power that if every one told the truth should not be there. its all about having the alliance backing. IMO i think that the leader of the NPO is not the best they have had but thats MO but the main thing is that his alliance backs him.

    OOC: Maybe that is because you don't know OOC from IC. If someone calls you an asshat in one of the RP forums, that doesn't make it an OOC attack. It is possible to not like someone while still staying in character.

    Well i would say you are wrong there i very much know OOC to IC which is why here i can sound of but you talk to me on IRC or MSN ill talk with you ill hold no ill feeling its a game. If you insulted me due to RL then i would be like dont talk to me. I only know 10 or so members in RL on this game some of which i met through this game so they would be the only ones i could insult in RL as i know them. I would never insult some one OOC like i see many do on this game all the time as if i dont know them how can i insult them from a few lines of words.

    I hold no ill feeling to any one here its RP and thats all there is about it.

  10. Well like my fellow member here says. But then i did pass the 800 tech i had to in the first place they had no worries in getting the targets then and they fact Van Hoo had 2 lots of that.

    Van at the end of the day im disappointed i did every thing you advised me to do but we still end up here.

    I know my time has come and thats the way it goes but dignity as Hoo says has no place here for dignity you need respect and i can only see a handful of members who i could respect.

    And many say im the worst leader if i had a £ for every time i heard that over the past year and half i would be loaded.

    Necromancer V4L Im from the UK my good sir so its not that much to us our min wage is like £5.65 i think which is like around $11 so for me to donate is not that hard core really. You kinda missed the point i was making all this ZIing is forcing members from the game and most of the members my be the ones helping support it.

    For me i would pay for this game over and over again its worth every penny i put into it and Admin has done a grate job in making this game as such. The down side is the politics of the game but then really thats what keeps us coming back.

    I have had a good run and you will note that its only this year things turned bad for illuminati that may be the fact that some of our lifes have changed. I do not even spend half the time i used to when i first started playing. Take away the insults in threads like this and you have a very good community here its a shame most will bandwagon but thats the way it is.

    Long and short of it Keep it going guys im sure the summer will be one to remember.

  11. Well i did post at 2 am in the morning and my comp has a sticky space bar (we wont go into that) But spelling has nothing to do with the thread so say what you will.

    schrencki its like it the whole CN over you can be on top of the world one day and the next your getting insulted and most who have a say have never evan had a dealing with you they are just brown nosing to keep in.

    But i could not care what they have to say about me for its only a person i play here they should be talking of.

    Mind you i love the way i get 2 warnings in one day and they always happen when im at war with you guys.

  12. I am not going to sit and debate with you because a. there is nothing to debate and b. you're not good at it.

    Again Terry, I made a mistake in fighting for your survival in the first place and now I am rectifying it.

    I only asked you to back up what i said as the truth thats all.

    You stalled on the tech farming you even used the reason of well you know what (RL thing) and i dont even think it was true now.

    You are having your strings pulled thats your call BUT you know what i put in thi thread about what i said to you. well you you know this as true as do the members you are attacking thy can all read.

    But you know what Van i thought you was an OK guy but your no differnt then me. you will sell your granny to get ahead as would i its the nature of the beast my good sir.

    At the end of the day i will be happy sitting as a bottom feeder watching and waiting for you to fall as every one will one day.

  13. Master-Debater you would not be so funny if i posted the covo i had with one of your top guys now would you.

    All ill say on the matter it was to do with NPO attacking a few of your members for past actions and your member saying how Sparta and MCXA are growing tired of NPO message me ill give you a pre view.

    SpacingOutMan Im doing it my way and to $%*& with any one who has any thing tosay on it.

    atrophis i was compaired to a lesser then you today it was an honor.

    Smallfrog go look up the illuminati war and read the reason then post.

    Could go on but blow me as im not going to.

  14. OOC: Actually traffic to the site is up from where is was in mid-February and the overall trend for page views is up since last September when it hit bottom for the current period (3 month trend is up 10%, btw). The number of nations is down from its peak last year, but is hovering between 30k and 32k.

    While I'm sure Kevin likes the donations to keep the servers running and what not, your personal donations aren't going to make or break him.

    BTW, sour grapes are sour.

    You kind of miss the point im not just talking of my own there are many others that donate that get forced out well i have states for the last 6 months and they tell different from what you are saying but im talking on daily views here. But any way that matters little really.

    Just remember i can restart under a new name and no one will ever know who i am so mind out for new members.

  15. A: You don't have to keep marking things as OOC. Once is enough.

    B: What does the amount you donate have to do with anything?

    5: Admin doesn't use donations to pay for improvements to the game. That costs spare time, not money. DOnations go to paying server costs. The two have nothing to do with each other.

    IX: The player base has been fluctuating within 1-2k of thirty thousand for a very, very long time. It isn't going up or down.

    Im on about logging in amount an views not the membership count that is very good for a game like this.

  16. OOC you can prune your membership and cos he was inactive his went with th rest mistake it was but i messaged him right away about it.

    So what more can you do.

    OOC But really this is only a game yes its sad it ended like this but lets look at a few facts.

    I donate up to $80 per month for me and other members OK i agree this may not be as much as others but still its now $80 this game will not b getting and how many others have been forced out who even donated $10 its still cash thats used by Admin to support the game. So maybe this could be why most of the improvments are slow coming?

    There is a site where you can put domain names in and see the worth of them. Cn has aprox 180,000 views a day on ave and is woth around $400,000 this has drop over the months as the first time i looked at it the figs show a 20% drop in value and around a 10% drop in views.

    No real point for this last bit just thought i would share it with you all also we are mantaining around the same amount of players but it would be interesting to se if inactivity has droped or has there been a rise?

  17. I love the way TH has spent the whole thread battling one lone guy with more diplomatic influence than he has ever had, despite having an alliance waaay smaller than illuminati at its peak :P

    lol what ever ill see you in a few weeks when your getting stomped lol

  18. LOL, Terry. Nice try lumping yourself with NoV and GATO. You made your own bed when you refused to cooperate with the peace terms that Cable and Hoo graciously set up for you. If it was solely NATO's call, we would have ZIed you until you disbanded. You got a reprieve, but instead of making something of it, you sat on your hands and did nothing. In fact, you did worse than nothing. Either intentionally or through your great incompetence, you actually made things worse than they would have been if you had simply done nothing to comply with the peace terms. Deleting the viceroy's mask?! Are you kidding me?

    God you are boring me to sleep.

    The Pansy that whole post was not directed at you sorry for that. I run a pub in RL so you will know the times run late into the night and i have to sleep sadly lol

  19. So, the loyalty that I have in my allies is misplaced? I don't sign treaties with alliances whom I do not have a friendship with and see as actual allies. Hence the reason why we have only three MDPs or greater.

    And ill bet money thy will never back you in times of war.

    Delta1212 im a push over. Wellim still here i may let the alliance go as there is no point in letting others keep getting hit. Come on once a target here always a target here you know this as true.

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