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Terry Howard

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Posts posted by Terry Howard

  1. Well casting my mind back to GWII if i remember right we (Illuminati) went in with NoR and ENA and a few others we went to war with ODS and then LSF. I have to say LSF where the ones who gave the better fight in my view but much respect to them they still stand today and the 3 alliances dont. Just goes to show how things pan out.

    Good times.

  2. I like everyone's ideas that the economic situation that we are facing around the world might increase the number of player's in CN. I remember reading in high school history class about the Great Depression in the U.S. and one of the surprising industries that continued to do well during those hard times was the movie industry. There were a lot of reasons for this but the general idea was that people turned to entertainment to get their minds off their real life worries. I do not know if the same principles apply for a game like CN but it is a nice thought nonetheless within such a grim economic picture. Regarding CN's financial situation, we'll be ok. I'll do everything I can to keep CN running but that really shouldn't be a concern. There are far more important things in this world to worry about.

    I have to agree with this. Being that i have just closed my business down i feel drawn to CN more and more.

  3. Terry, you are a traitor and a coward, I hardly think it's wise for you to lecture other people on morality. The only reason we never engaged you in an even war is because the rest of Bob were intent in destroying you as well. Now this is a respectful thread, so kindly stay out until you have something intelligent to say.

    I must congratulate CCC on being honourable opponents, and for fighting hard until the end. Good luck with the rebuilding.

    Edit: Grammar.

    Mate never a traitor or a coward. That maybe but i have never seen you fight a fair fight. If i where not on Perma then you have my word i would rebuild and fight to the death with you and your alliance.

    But that will not happen. Wishing you guys the best hugs and kisses

  4. Once again, I'm not hiding in hippy...nor have I...unlike the OP who has sent others off to do his fighting for him. After checking, I have more casualties than my 3 attackers combined....what can I say, I enjoy war...and unlike the OP, at least I have the intestinal fortitude to back my convictions instead of cowering on the sidelines and ordering others to pay the price for his words and misdeeds.

    I'm sure the nukes I'll be eating will raise that casualty count even higher! It will be worth it.

    Im sure they will but it all adds tothe enjoyment my good sir

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