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Terry Howard

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Posts posted by Terry Howard

  1. Um no and no. Do try and do some research before you post such baseless crap. I am all for thinking for yourself but, you have to think first and not base your opinions on figments of your imagination.

    Well if you like ill give you the links then you can refresh you jaded memory.

    Think for your self HA pull the other one mate. You are like a hormonal women your mood changes from day to day depending on the mood of CN. So don’t give me all for thinking of your self. You think what your alliance tells you to think to better your relations.

    NpO good luck in your reform.

  2. Atrophis, they'd probably move the straws down to a lower shelf if it wasn't borderline entertaining watching you grasp for them.

    Maybe its better to grasp them straws. An old saying comes to mind "If a man has not found something worth dying for then he is not worthy of his life".

    Every member of NpO knew what ES was doing and stood by and let him. Most of the alliances that put out a DoS for NPO backed ES when he tried to take the throne of NPO. Come on guys grow some balls and get your own opinions.

    You all are like sheep following the flock for fear of losing what you have built up BUT by the time you have opened them eyes of yours its too late for you have already lost what you surpressed your views too keep safe.

    Now come on bring on the personal attacks and the digs for my eyes have been opened and i no longer follow the flock. I have views and i think for my self (Not always right).

    NpO or NPO now it matters little they like always are one in the same.

    Question for each of you.

    Is your alliance and members not worth fighting for?

  3. I believe Terry Howard succeeded in bringing harm to you alliance, several times.

    I have never had any thing to do with this alliance. The only connection we have is that they 80% of the former Illuminati Goverment that is all the connection we have. They are good members of CN let them be and grow in peace.

    Roflcopter as above never had dealings with them. I donot know where you get your info from maybe the same place as Slayer.

  4. That's the problem, Terry. You'd rather see Illuminati die with you at the helm than see it live without you. And so it died.


    Well this is how some things pan out my good sir. You have to take them to a different level.

    You do not need a collective name to be a brotherhood you cover more ground in smaller groups.

    Illuminati will live on in Trilateral Commission and you will never know which one i am ;)

  5. You see many of you have to lower your selfs i was due for deletion today but you make me want to stay longer lol

    At the end of the day i hold no ill feeling to any of you. I have little time to play CN due to RL and i will miss it good and bad times.

    I started the illuminati and i finished it. It was never going to be passed on.

  6. Every time you post, any sympathy/pity that has gathered up inside of me for the Illuminati suddenly vanishes.

    I wonder why :rolleyes:


    Maybe forlike me you have to hide in peace mode and it eats you up inside so much that you feel trying to follow the pack will get you on better terms.

  7. The Illuminati Soldier

    If the Illuminati should die, think only this of us:

    That there's some corners of foreign fields

    That are for ever Illuminati. There shall be

    In that rich earth a richer dust concealed;

    A dust whom the Illuminati bore, shaped, made aware,

    Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,

    A body of the Illuminati's, breathing Illumanist air,

    Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.

    And think, this heart, all evil shed away,

    A pulse in the eternal mind, no less

    Gives somewhere back the thoughts by Illumianti given;

    Her sights and sounds; dreams happy as her day;

    And laughter, learnt of friends; and gentleness,

    In hearts at peace, under an Illuminati heaven.

  8. Sorry, for not surrendering when attacked

    Sorry, for not rolling over when faced with death

    Sorry, for not accepting dictorship

    Sorry, for not being willing to give up my freedom

    Sorry, for not being a willing victim

    To arms I cry, to arms I plea. My men, my family we shall fight. :jihad:

    Keep fighting man your worth 10 of your attackers

  9. x Tela x Fair play to you on this i mean that.

    And to the rest of you asking questions does not make you a troll if you think it does then you should think about your own posts.

    Thinking out side the box must be trolling as well.

  10. popsumpot you really do not know what you talked of. If we back stabbed FEAR we would have not CXD the agreement we had. Know the situation first hand and not through the CN grape vine.

    Barakady we need members like you.

    To spy is only ok if you are on the side of the orders.

  11. We aren't an alliance though. We are somewhat like a mixture of the Borg and Vulcans.

    The needs of the many outwiegh the needs of the few.

    We are like a collective mind. We just aren't robots that like to assimilate people and we don't force people to do anything. We just take care of our own and do what is best for ALL of us, not what is best for ONE of us.

    LOL i was not talking about you guys.I think what you are doing is fine.

    Its the alliances that worry due to the fact tech raiding has a penalty now.

  12. Perhaps, but he has never been a part of a fighting force that was 1/20th of his enemy's size before, voluntarily.

    LoFN is completely volunteer. In most wars, we have an option to fight or not. In most wars, the alliances that we fight outnumber us by an extreme margin, yet we do it anyways, even when we have a choice. We don't do ANYTHING because we are ordered to. We do things of our own free will. We ARE a direct democracy. When someone does something by a choice, there is something that sets that person apart mentally from someone who is forced to do something, wheather they are doing something that they like to do, or if it is something against their will.

    With NPO vs GATO and friends it was roughly 5 to 1

    With FOK vs Dirty Dozen it was 20 to 1

    We are volunteers.

    Alliances like these can only fight a heavy out numberd war.

  13. I think you're right Terry, STA totally dropped the ball here. The correct response would have been to plot a sneak attack on one of their MDP partners. This would have led to an invariably larger war, therefore that must be the correct political move, because larger wars always equate to better politics.

    And you just show my point my good sir

  14. Funny you should say that, sweetie, considering that you've been doing it all night.

    Not at all and I even said as much to you that it was not a direct attack at you or your alliance. But you felt the need to take a shot at me with out taking in the whole post for what i said.

    Then thats down to you. Put that with the fact this was in no way a political as such was it? It is more what i would call a DoG (Declaration of Gangbang).

    Not saying that its not right in what you are doing.

  15. Now as for Terry Howard, he is a borderline troll and quickly on his way to becoming the new walford.

    Yes I would have to be a troll for I can think for my self and say what I feel like saying based upon the situation at hand. That in return will get me comments like Grammar, Troll and things like that or even if im lucky I will get things like look at your alliance which has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

    You see there is an increasing level of my dad is bigger then your dad going on in planet bob these days. Gone are the times of a good political based discussion as when one even starts to resemble one you have the bigger powers in CN flaming and trolling to derail the topic.

  16. I heard a wise saying once "When you are in a hole, stop digging".

    For the sake of Planet Bob's core integrity, please stop digging.

    Planet Bob has no integrity left. The powers that be striped this once beautiful place of any thing worth fighting for.

  17. Your comment about attacking a nine man alliance was to draw a parallel to your 13 man alliance getting attacked.

    Some of us common folk understand the complex craftiness of one Terry Howard.

    Not just us but the others that happen all the time. But you would know that only too well.

    You see Van why do you need to come to a different thread and start a debate with me? for when in IRC you do not want one. Is it the PR you are going for trying to get me to post out of anger and make you look like the good guy? Your a nice guy ill give you that but your a leader of one of the biggest alliances and im sure acting like this to some one like me is far below you.

    I would put IC and OOC but i see little point as some members have crossed that line in the past making it pointless.

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