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Terry Howard

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Posts posted by Terry Howard

  1. That may be, I wasn't around. But you can be sure they did it with the assurance of a healthy amount of MDP's to fall back on.

    Well thats what every one does. I mean would you go to war with an alliance Knowing you had no back up?

    I feel a very active Summer ahead of us lol

  2. Considering that until recently FEAR was one of Norden Verein's friends, seeing you declare on the other side of the war when you are clearly not needed leaves a rather bitter taste in the mouth. Either you care little for friendships once the piece of paper has been shredded, or you are trying to curry favour with TPF. Neither explanation casts you in a good light. I would have thought you could have found a way to stay neutral in this one.

    Edit: It's a bit of a derail but unless the Illuminati MDP had a clause in it allowing you not to defend them in such circumstances, you should have defended them. Once you get into shades of grey over when you might or might not defend an MDP partner, it means your word cannot be trusted.

    Come on lets be fair FEAR are not the only ones who do this (I did not want them to defend my alliance) Its CN all over. It looks good to sign an agreement but they aint worth anything any more look at NAPs do you ever see them now? MDPs and MADPs are not used much now they are all MAoDPs and MoDPs so you dont have to back them up.

    I think its the same with the Multi Blocs as well whats the point you next will be you can be in more then one alliance.

    just my thoughts on the matter.

  3. This is amusing considering all NoR/NoV ever did was riding on the backs of much superior alliances. :awesome:

    From memory witch im sorry if im wrong Nor went in first on alot of there attacks with alliances from the Left.

    Feel free to correct me if im wrong (i could be)

  4. I have hated you since you threw away the Allies of War from forever ago. That is a grudge that will never be gone until you are.

    o/ Kinky Gorgi

    Well when i took over that alllaince it had split into 2 alliance Allies of War and Allies of Peace i united them back together and built them to around 20 members but it was not able to grow i placed a few different members in charge of it but still it never grew and was inactive.

    So we voted and agreed to merge it into the Illuminati and lets not forget you sent me the message saying you wanted nothing to do with it. It was dead when i got there i tried to bring it back but it was over sadly. I would have liked nothing more then to get it back to its former self BUT CN only has so many members with drive that can help.

  5. To sum up: LOL Terry Howard.

    Why is that i have done nothing im just minding my own now. I have wrongedmany pointed fingers and was wrong in doing so.

    But lets be fair some times you come to a fork in the road and its very easy to take the wrong one i paid the price for that. Slayer you know this also you are one of the top leaders in CN yet you too have taken the wrong road before it happens.

    P.S good luck with your liqudation process.

  6. Grim good call using my works IP address on here well done so lets get this right that IP belongs to Richard Kaye Estate Agents feel free tolook it up any one who knows how. So you tell me that this all happend 9.30 pm my time i never work after 6.30pm

    Now that just the tip i can not use IRC at work nor can i use most things i can only log on to CN cos i begged my boss to allow it for luch brakes only. See some of use have jobs you know.

    Also i talked to Woodrow from Work today as its a sat i get more time when the boss is playing Golf so i sent him my IP from work he even sent me a site to help find it out (http://whatismyip.com/) and as soon as i got hom this eve around 7 ish my time Ask him i even looked for him on IRC as i only use it at home and Van Hoo can tell you not often and i only got it cos he told me it was better to use.

    So Tool or what ever you want to be called i have no issue with you till now i evenmessaged you when i was informed you had been attacked i came to your boards talked to Magicalbricks there and he informed me that the never attacked.

    So i can account for your false claims.

    You know im not liked in CN after my actions but this is low you say one thing to me and message my members anouther. I may be th scum of CN right now but i always belived in Brotherhood thats why i never gave up.

  7. As a member of the CIS and a diplomat to TriCom I will be speaking with them as soon as I can catch them on this matter.

    I would also like to take the time to remind the members of CN that TriCom is a protectorate of the CIS.

    I hope for a peaceful resolution between all the parties and will work towards that goal.

    Well i hope this can be resolved but accusations of this type can not just go away they need to be dealt with. But I have no intention of letting this get blown out of proportion.

  8. Also posted this in the Consul after mass messaging

    Oh my (Terry is) God Terry! I think i'm going to be ZIed again! Someone posed as my identity. I spent like 40 bucks in bulding that nation! :-O

    I've had it! My wife and I have conntacted our lawyer. John Evans(our lawyer) has contacted the authorities in the green Bay area to conduct a complete IP search. They have recieved a lead in that it is comming from the UK.

    My wife and i have contacted the Cybernations Staff and informed them of our potential law suit. They said that they will automaticly bann any members involved in this Identity Theft.

  9. It has come to me that the Leader of TriCom has been pointing the finger at me for some issue that has been happening of late and the following is what one of my members received from him

    From: TOOLL 5/10/2008 1:31:16 AM Subject: Hello

    Your Leader Terry Howard posed as myself in over 20 different alliances, and assulted every one of them. Throught Ip addresses, My assistant and myself have proved that the perpretrator is in fact terry howard.

    Terry Howard has proved himself to be Dangerous to these alliances that he has contacted. These Acts of sabbatoge WILL be presented to superfriends and the rest of the alliances concerned with the previous illuminati war.

    We will work on revoking the Surrender terms of the illuminati if his actions do not scease.

    Now I know I am not the most favored member in the CN community right now and maybe Ill never will be. But I am disgusted that a former member and trusted member at that can accuse me of such actions.

    I have done things in the past that I am not proud of I ducted and dived for along time giving out threats to them I see as a threat to me and my alliance and look what happened after that. I saw my alliance hit a peak of 470 members that fall to 9 members.

    This may seem funny to some but for me I was gutted I worked on keeping my place in the alliance I built and although I handled the negotiations badly to start with I took stock and went back to the table and restarted talks to get it resolved and we did. I paid reps and we are still under terms.

    I have no reason to put myself or my alliance in this situation again and to be accused of such is out of order. I feel this is sour grapes as TriCom and Illuminati was meant to be close as TriCom is made up of ex Illuminati members.

    I look forward to seeing this so called proof and have no issue of my IP being posted in screen shoots on this open forum.

    Terry Howard

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