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Terry Howard

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Posts posted by Terry Howard

  1. The Vaterland/Fatherland, aside from other Territorial claims, is described as: From Elsass (Alsace) to Memelland (Klaip�—da), and from S�dtirol to Nordjylland, all the historical German Imperial possessions as well as all mainland Germanophone areas.

    This means sod all and plenty of it. I have read this over and over again and to be fair it makes no real sense at all. I think this is getting blown out of all proportions simple through misinterpretation.

  2. Actually, the Moldavi Doctrine doesn't only restrict red alliances from having a senate seat. It forbids all red alliances than except the New Pacific Order itself.

    Thats right so like i said all Doctrines restrict some one in one way. So lets scrap them all.

    Oh and while we are at it MDPs who really uses them lets scrap them as well as it restricts some alliances going to war.

  3. If NoV is to scrap this Doctrine then maybe NPO should do the same with the one they have for red? For this restricts any red alliance having a senate seat does it not? And any other alliance that has one for they all have a control element to them which could be taken as restricting some one some where.

    For what it is worth I think a poll should be done for the members of this community to say if any doctrine should exist at all. A simple yes or no.

    Just my thoughts on the matter.

  4. Man fair play to you for saying sorry.

    However you know deep down you think it was the right thing to do or you would not have acted in such way to start with.

    BUT really fair play man.

  5. HellionV It’s a sorry state your alliance is in right now. But I am not here to say what is right or wrong for it is not my place to judge you or others. I am here to say I know what it feels like to be in a position you are right now and that the quicker you start talks with your opponents the more chance you will have in keeping your alliance alive.

    I was offered terms which could have seen me leading an alliance of 200+ members still but I refused to play ball I now lead an alliance of 11 members. Get terms man and learn from war.

  6. andyt2k i think you need to go look up what troll means as thats all i have seen you do. There is nothing wrong with members talking open about these things.

    So if you have nothing to add dont post. It only looks bad on not only you but your alliance as well.

  7. I think that this is the most meaningful thing in the OP, really. While I do actually like some of the utopian visions you have, they will always remain just that: utopian, and visions. If the unaligned did not 'PM for peace' but instead used their full might to cause damage to their attackers, tech raiding would cease overnight (for a 4500 infra nation, 10 infra damage from cruise missiles costs $1.6m, significantly more than the value of the 10 tech they will raid). But most people will not sacrifice themselves for principles, and for that reason your crusade is indeed a lost cause.

    What you are saying is very true at this moment in time. However the latter part of 2008 you could see the rise of the under dog.

    As Kevanovia said and I quote

    B ) It only takes one

    Just like it takes one tree to make a thousand matches BUT it only takes one of those matches to burn a thousand trees.

    One person will ignite the rise of the under dog. That’s all it takes and if any one it will be Walford I think.

  8. The alliance system is the way it is because it was generally thought to be a good idea. If it wasn't, then it wouldn't see such widespread use and support. People in CN are not the mindless sheep you seem to take them for Walford.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again.

    Walford, you just failed again.

    Alliances are the way they are for it is in mans nature to lead and have power and in a place like Planet Bob it’s no different. The most powerful member in CN right now (as I see it) is the Emperor of the NPO however he is no more powerful then the next leader of any alliance or even a member of any alliance. Or is he?

    Our nations are just vassals that are used to interact on Planet Bob and it is the alliances that are the real addiction we keep coming back for. Look at me I was destroyed and so was my alliance I could have just restarted but I clung on to my wrecked nation and alliance for it the thing that keeps me here day in day out. Why?

    This does not mean that the individual nation should have to suffer tech raiding or multiple attacks for helping a fellow NONE nation. Or does it?

    Every member here is a leader I there own right be it good or bad it matters very little its all about who has your back.

    Walford I do see your point here and it’s a fair one at that. But you have to ask your self will members do this? Members who stand for what they believe in a few and far between.

    But I wish you luck in your Sojourn.

  9. Being helpful does not cost anything. A little help can gain you and your alliance respect and gain you a future allies maybe.

    Also on the note of CN dying it’s far from that really our membership is any where from 30,000 – 31,000 more the top end if not more. I think the reason you do not se us near the 40,000 mark any more is due to the crack down admin did on multi nations way back then. I do remember us being around the 40K mark then dropping massive in numbers due to this.

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