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Blog Comments posted by Iotupa

  1. After reading more I'm only convinced that you're massively out of touch.

    It started in the title and cascaded into the post and general responses that followed.

    We don't need your banner now, nor did we in the past.

    The real battles aren't won on the sidelines.

    I think you're discounting the impact that Vox had in the past far too much here. Without Vox, the tide likely never would have turned completely against NPO and co. in the past.

    However, I agree with you fully that too many of the "Vox banner wo/men" are content to sit on the sidelines and do absolutely nothing to stop the injustice of the present, reveling in the glory of their past work and believing (incorrectly) that past accomplishments make their lengthy speeches and lack of real action now worth anything at all.

    Vox was not just flowery speeches in the past, and if that is all they are willing to put forth now, they should put down the banner and stop pretending they have any real intentions to stop what is happening.

  2. Rubbish. The era of good guys and bad guys is long over.. stop trying to fit a completely new political dynamic into an old framework.

    What? Where in anything that I said there did I put anything into a good guys/bad guys model or try to force it into the old framework?

    The OOC attacks are being perpetrated by both "sides."

    And, for what it's worth, just because most people are "bad guys," doesn't mean there aren't any "good guys" left.

  3. Vox was at best the mouthpiece of MK/Karma

    I'm going to read through the rest of this, but as this was at the very end as I scrolled down, I'll respond to it first.

    This is absurd.

    And yes, those alliances have made some serious crimes against other alliances, but nothing like the hegemony of old.

    This is one point that I have strongly disagreed with many of my former comrades on. The OOC attacks being perpetrated today (with absolutely no community backlash, I might add) are as bad, if not worse, than the crimes of the old hegemony.

  4. Please refresh my memory...How was it exactly that I "betrayed" you? Also let me apologize now for anything you felt I had done to wrong you in the past. That being said, It was 2 years ago Jonathan. You need to let it go... It's a game kiddo.

    You say you want to come back to CN. But it seems to me that all you want to do is cause more problems for yourself. You need to be surrounded by drama at all times...Its like you feed off of it. And I dont understand it. You dont need to continue to stir the pot to get people to pay attention to you Jonathan.

    What was it you intended to accomplish with this log novel of yours? I see no point in all of this log dumping... Everyone already knows how you feel about Pacifica and your theories about the way things are. And I'm so very tired of hearing about it. Everything that happened to you was your own fault. No one forced you to do anything...So stop blaming everyone else for your problems.

    I'm going to call BS on this one. You might be able to convince people that dont know you, that you didnt intend to log dump. I for one know differently. While reading the logs it was perfectly clear to me that you were doing some serious fishing with both ironchef and Iamthey. I am disappointed that ironchef couldnt see that it was a setup...She should have known better than to think that you had honest intentions with your interests in what was going on. Also I've read thru the logs you've posted here and I've also read thru the logs that ironchef has on her PC... And there are a number of differences. Things added, things removed...You flat out lied when you said that these logs are "unaltered".

    The sooner you figure out that doing crap like this isnt going to get you back in the buddy club, the better. You say that you dont understand why youre still on any Pzi lists and others arent...Its because of stuff like this. Why would anyone want to make the effort to let someone come back to the game when said person feels the need to cause so many problems and spew lies and slander...and all of this is being done while not playing the game. Ever think that we all see what you are capable of doing when you dont have a nation or alliance. And letting you come back just seems like a bad bad idea.

    Now on a lighter note....Jonathan you know I've always liked you as a person. RL you are a great guy and I've always enjoyed our interactions...CN related or not. But IC you are a little trouble making !@#$. You need to let go of the past, and forget about all your plans for revenge. Otherwise youre never actually going to enjoy playing the game again...and I doubt youre going to get a chance to play again until you pull your head out of your butt.

    I'll handle this piece by piece.

    According to ironchef, you turned over logs and claimed I tried to recruit you. So either she's lying or you're lying. I'm well aware it's a game, that's the whole point of this post. I want to play the game of CN, but IRON and NPO are not allowing me to.

    I am not after drama, I just want freedom. The drama comes about because they refuse to give me freedom.

    "No one forced you to do anything..." What exactly was it I did again? No one seems to be able to answer that all important question.

    Call BS all you want, these conversations were not going to be dumped until ironchef betrayed the GGA and Finster told me he wished I would die. It was at that point that I decided the world needed to know what was happening.

    These logs are unaltered in any way other than to remove conversational pieces that had outside information or information not relevant to the CN conversation. They come from the two or three days prior to ironchef being recalled to the GGA at the NPO's behest.

    Yes, I admitted to removing things prior to the logs in the post. Would you have preferred I left the stuff about your RL relationship in the logs? I have not added anything to them, nor have I removed anything relevant to the conversation. The screenshots of the conversation have been turned over to the relevant parties and ironchef has admitted to the validity of the logs, so trying to say I made up part of the logs just shows you can't be trusted to speak the truth. You're ruining your own position here.

    I don't want to be in the "buddy" club. I've been there, and it let me to where I am now. I don't want to be any of the hegemony member's friend. I just want to be free. I was gone from CN for 7 months and they decided that not only was that not long enough to get off, despite letting other longer members from Vox free in the meantime, that all I warranted was rude conversations and death wishes.

    I have no plans for revenge, as I have told Moo for a long time. I just want freedom. That's all it comes down to.

  5. You know Jonathan looking at the logs its clear to anyone reading them that rather than truly trying to remedy your situation your true intention is to elicit responses that you can use to cast IRON in a negative light on the forum when you dump the logs. And this is not the first time you have posted such logs where its clear that your intent is not further your stated goal in the IRC conversation but rather to simply play a game of IRC gotcha. Perhaps you would be best served being a little bit more honest and a little less underhanded in your methods. Because for starters your little IRC games are plainly obvious to whom ever you are attempting to con into making a damning statement. Its no surprise to me in the least that those whom you have played these little games with absolutely despise you.

    I had no intention at all to dump these logs while talking to the people contained, so your assumption is false. Neither this time nor the last time I posted logs were my intentions to dump them while talking to the people contained within.

    That basically makes the rest of your comment irrelevant and unintelligent sounding.

  6. Even if it wasn't about your particular character, even if he was saying that he wanted any future characters of ours dead... You guys were still talking about CN, right? I still don't see how you got RL from that... I guess I can see how you might have taken it that way at the moment. I mean, we all flip out and say things sometimes, but after you calmed down, I don't know how you looked back and didn't at least consider that he didn't mean it that way. You accused him of being a very sick man... Of wanting a fellow human being dead over a video game. I still believe you were wrong to make that accusation on that one quote. But having heard your side of the story, I don't think you actively lied about this to make Finster look bad. But again, what you accused him of is not an accusation to be made lightly. And I think you made it all too lightly.


    EDIT: I assume you meant "characters of yours," so the rest of this is written in response to that assumption. We were talking about my ability to play the game, "my" meaning Jonathan Brookbank the player, not the character, as there was no existing character of mine in game.

    Considering the history of the game, and the things I have heard said, you saying I made it too lightly is something I still don't understand. I HAVE heard people wish for other people to die before, I HAVE heard people bring up real life illnesses of players and spread them among the player base, I HAVE heard other real life information spread for nefarious reasons. One of the major points of my piece is that I thought this kind of behavior was removed from the game, and how it is unfortunate that those whom pushed certain alliances out are now the ones guilty of the same such actions and words. As I said, it is possible it was a misunderstanding, but given the circumstances, I don't really see how I could have taken it any other way.

    Also, the piece was written not long after this conversation took place, so there was a lot of emotion put into it as a whole, but I did think about my accusations before I made them. I am not one to just say something without putting thought into it, at least when it comes to writing.

  7. I would truly like to hear your reasoning for taking Finster's comment as an RL death wish. Jonathan, this is a game that involves war. Soldiers. Tanks. Nukes. I'm not a hardcore gamer, but I've played a few games. People say things like "I want you dead" all the time in games that involve war/killing. I've never seen anyone -- not one single person -- other than you even claim to take such a comment as an RL death wish except when there's some sort of RL context. And if there was some context, why didn't you post it? If it's too personal to post, at least say "The conversation's context was about RL" or something.

    I won't claim to know you extremely well. But I know you're not a moron. You know that this type of thing is said here and in every other war-related game out there, in an ingame context. That's why I'm forced to conclude that you deliberately tried to make it look like Finster wanted you dead in real life. Which disgusts me. If I'm wrong, please make your case. But I see no logical way that you could have taken that comment as an RL death wish.


    I have no problem responding to this here, I would have responded in your thread, but I'm not able to due to lack of nation. There are actually a number of things from your thread I would like to respond to, but I won't clutter my response to you with those.

    The reason why I took it as such is because I have been contacting the leadership of these alliances as a player, not as a character. There is no one by the name of "Jonathan Brookbank" in the game of Cyber Nations that he could have been referring to wanting dead. Therefore, logically, in my opinion, I assumed him to be talking about me, the player, as that was who was talking to him. If I had a nation at the time and had been coming to him as a character in the game, I wouldn't have thought twice about any possible RL connotations, because I've heard things like that before, sure. You can ask any number of people, I was extremely upset at the comment and didn't even think of it as having in game connotations with regards to that particular conversation. I was on the verge of just shutting down and uninstalling IRC and deleting my TE nation and any contacts from CN so that I could forget about what this game has become. Mrcalkin has already attested to this, and I could give you a list of other people whom would also confirm it. I've not one who typically is hated by many people, so to have someone come at me with a comment like that was a bit shocking, considering I still have absolutely no idea what I've done to harm IRON, as they refuse to tell me.

    If, in the end, it was a misunderstanding, I suppose that's all it was. But in the context of the situation, I honestly don't see how I could have interpreted it any other way. This wasn't just me twisting it for some sort of political gain, it was legitimate concern that an attitude like that could be in CN, or any game, for that matter. The absolutely crass behavior and way of speaking some of IRON/NPO have had towards me is, quite frankly, ridiculous in a web browser game, whether it's IC or OOC, especially considering I have still yet to be informed of my crimes.

    Sorry about going off on a bit of a tangent, but I hope that you at least get out of this what I'm trying to say about why I took it the way I did.

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